
Code: White 000

White 000, or Collin Scotts, is a student at Silver Meadow Academy, a school for gifted children. He is a not-so-average student who is the secret bodyguard of the crown prince, against his will. But as much as Collin would like to complain about his life, he is satisfied with it. Kind of. Soon Collin's past and future begin to catch up to him faster than he'd like them to, but he knows that he has to face them one day.

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14 Chs

Chapter 14

"What do you want?" Collin asked Austin, looking at him blankly.

Austin walked close to Collin and held his chin up. "Why does it seem like you aren't happy to see me?" he asked.

"Is it that obvious?" Collin replies, slapping Austin's hand away from his face.

Austin grins and says, "You are so cute."

Collin, who was getting ready to discharge himself, gave Austin a "stop that" look.

Austin raised his hands in defense, and Collin discharged himself and left the hospital room with Austin behind him. "What do you want?" he asks again, repeating his previous question.

"I want to make a bet," he said.

"What?" Collin said so in confusion.

"I want to make a bet," Austin repeated.

"No," Collin responded.

"What are you afraid of losing?" Austin said smugly.

"There's no way Collin would refuse now," Nathan said. Everyone knew that Collin had a thirst for competition.

"I'm not," Collin says flatly, looking at Austin with bored eyes. "I'm just bored with your cheap tricks; they are no longer original," he said. "Also, I just left the hospital room, and I've been asleep for twenty-four hours," he said. "Do you know what that means?" he asked.

Before Austin could reply, Collin answered. "It means I'm hungry, and dinner won't be on for another five hours since I slept past lunch, I'm sure you don't know what this means either, especially with the strange fact that I cannot die; this means I can eat whatever I want without any consequences."

Collin looked very happy until Austin spoke. "You'll be punished again, and you forget that even if you can't die, you will still end up back where you came from, idiot."

Austin flicked Collin's forehead, making it turn red. Collin rubbed the spot a bit and sighed. He took out a mirror from his pocket to check out the red spot. "I look like a monk with a red dot tattoo."

Soon, a loud rumble was heard. Collin turned around in embarrassment; his ears were a bit red as well.

"How about this—I sneak you into the kitchen, and you listen to my bet," Austin said.

"Fire out Collin's number-two weakness," Fiona said.

"Food is Collin's number two weakness?" Nathan said in surprise. "What is his number one?"

Fiona smiled sweetly at Nathan and put her finger on his lips. "Not saying," she said. This made Nathan blush and Jake shiver at the sight.

Austin snuck Collin into the kitchen, and Collin's eyes widened in excitement. He opens the refrigerator and sees nothing but ingredients inside. "There is no food," he says.

"Yes, there is," Austin replies. "You just have to cook it."

Collin glared coldly at him, but Austin looked calm. "I have a recipe for you to use," he said, handing Collin a piece of paper. "If you are truly hungry, make something for yourself."

Collin takes the paper. "If I am allowed to kill you, I will," he growled at him.

He read the recipe and felt his head ache. "I never thought making a sandwich could be this difficult," he said.

When Fiona saw the recipe, she couldn't help but frown. "Isn't that a recipe to make a dip sandwich?" she said.

"This recipe has the ingredients to make the bread, the meat, and the dip," Beth said.

Collin made everything according to the instructions with a determined and angry heart.

Just an hour before the cooks came in, Collin was done. "Done," he said. He did a great job, and the sandwich looks good. Good thing he knows how to follow instructions.

He was just about to start eating when Austin came in. "Wow, it smells good in here," he said. He saw two half sandwiches on the plate and reached out to take one.

Collin didn't hesitate to use the knife in his hand to stab Austin's hand.

Nathan, Jake, and Beth flinched when they saw the knife sticking out of Austin's hand. This was very cruel. "Wasn't that a bit too far?" they heard Austin say.

"Be happy, this is all you'll get," Collin says, eating his food.

Austin's face was pale because of how much pain he was in. He struggles to remove the knife from his hand since it was deeply connected to the table as well, and Collin watches him do just that.

His hand healed immediately after removing the knife. "It seems the new medicine works well," he said.

Austin, or White 001, is currently one of the most powerful people in Grade with a rare and unknown ability to manipulate darkness. He healed himself with this ability.

"You're very stingy," he said.

"Go to hell," Collin said.

"I gave you that recipe, shouldn't I at least get something back?"

"True," Collin thought. Then he took the bloody knife and cut the uneaten half in half before handing it to him.

"It has blood on it," Austin said in disgust.

"Take it or leave it," Collin said.

"I think I'll leave it."

Collin smirked and took his sandwich away. "You are going to eat it like that?"

"Well, it took almost five hours, so why shouldn't I?"

When Collin ate all of his sandwiches, everyone was disgusted.

"You're a sick person," Austin said.

"Well, I've always been a bit bloodthirsty." Collin replied, leaving the kitchen.

"Little Collin is a sick person," Jake said.

"He is even sicker now, he just keeps it very low," Fiona says.

Now this just made them wonder about a few things. "You seem to know a lot about Collin."

"Do I?" After a brief moment of thought, Fiona replied absentmindedly. "No, I don't think I do," she said.


Collin was summoned the next day. Standing in front of him were Evalyne and a few other people he didn't recognize. "You went to the kitchen yesterday," a person wearing a cloak said, the voice was very deep and masculine.

"That voice is fake," Collin thought.

"Yes," he replies.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" the cloaked person said.

"I fed myself," Collin replies.

"No," Evalyne responded. "You skipped your other lessons after waking up."

"No, I didn't; I did every lesson from yesterday, three days ago," Collin says. Then he takes out a booklet and throws it to the cloaked person. "You guys are very bad at hiding stuff and also keeping important secrets in a book," he said, smiling sweetly at them.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll do what you want me to do."

Evalyne suddenly pinched her brows and began to laugh. Her laughter became manic. "You are very interesting," she said.

"When did Collin get that book?" Fiona asked. They clearly didn't see Collin getting that book or when he was reading it. "Master Collin must have thought of a way to block telepaths," she said. "Remember when there was a glitch?"

A few memories before, or about five days ago, every night, Collin's mind glitched, almost pushing them out of his mind.

"Make sure you complete the mission," the cloaked person said. "Or you'll train twice as hard."

Collin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I never said I wouldn't. I just have a little request."

Collin's mind glitched again, and they felt themselves being forcefully pushed. Fortunately, Beth was able to keep them from being pushed out.

"I wonder what Collin's request is."


When they were allowed back into Collin's mind, Collin was all dressed up in an all-black outfit: a black hoodie, black trousers, and a pair of black boots. He was also watching from the top of a building.

"The target would be leaving the autumn gala in ten minutes," a female's voice said in his head.

"Really, how many bodyguards are with him?" he asked.

"About 15. One of them is an ability user."

"Strength levels?" he asked.

"The bodyguards are S-class fighters." She said, "The ability user is also an S-class."



Collin grins. "Bye."

"What is he doing?" Nathan asks.

"This was his first mission," Fiona replies.

"First mission?" Nathan was about to ask.

But Fiona shut him up. "I want to see the legend at work," she said.

"What great thing is Collin going to do?" Nathan grumbled.

A 40-year-old man came out of the gala and fell to his knees, violently coughing and gasping for air. Soon he coughed out blood, and he was rushed inside the limousine.

Just as the limousine was leaving and entering the street, it blew up. "Boom," Collin said.

Nathan and Jake looked at the scene in horror. Beth and Fiona didn't look surprised. For his first kill, Collin was a bit creative. This was Fiona's opinion.

"Did you guys kill in Grade?"

Fiona nodded. "You have to do whatever it takes to live," she explained.


In the real world...

Jake's body began to shake in fear, while the hair on Nathan's body stood.

David couldn't help but wonder what exactly they were seeing there.

He remembers when he first learned about Collin's past; at first, he felt pity. That was until Collin smacked the pity out of him, calling him stupid.

Collin would probably kill him now for what he did, but it is going to be worth it.