
Code: White 000

White 000, or Collin Scotts, is a student at Silver Meadow Academy, a school for gifted children. He is a not-so-average student who is the secret bodyguard of the crown prince, against his will. But as much as Collin would like to complain about his life, he is satisfied with it. Kind of. Soon Collin's past and future begin to catch up to him faster than he'd like them to, but he knows that he has to face them one day.

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14 Chs

Chapter 10

David looked very worried when the lock on Collin's choker cracked. "This wasn't supposed to happen yet," he said. "Nathan, Jake, you two set up tents; Fiona, I need your help studying the maps," he said. They all nodded and went ahead to do their duties.

Once the tent was set up, Collin was set up in the tent. Fiona sets up a holographic map of the Mirror Realm. "Where do you need me to find?" she asked, ready to find whatever location she needed to. Collin's temperature is increasing fast, and the cracks on the lock are getting bigger as well.

Collin's aura was visible to the naked eye as well, with his entire body looking like it was shrouded in a thin layer of darkness with red spots. Everyone was surprised when they saw Collin's aura. Neither of them has ever seen it. David looks at his aura and sighs; he seems to be thinking of something.

Seeing his behavior, Nathan couldn't help but wonder what would happen in the future, so he asked. "What happens in the future?"

David smiles helplessly. "It depends on when you're asking," he said.

"The future before you were transported to the present," Jake explained. He, too, is curious about what will happen in the future.

"That future," David said, looking at them with sad eyes. "I would have loved to tell you about what happens in the future, but I can't; I don't know what the future might bring; the future might be better or worse, and Collin is waking up," he said.

Collin sat up; his face was incredibly pale. "David," he said, and then he signaled for him to come closer. David got closer to him, and what happened next was unexpected. Collin headbutted David. Hard.

"Ow!" they both said at the same time.

Then Collin angrily shouted. "Why are you saying ow?"

"You headbutted me," David shouted.

Collin felt his headache even more. "You are an idiot. Disrupting everything that is mentally weak," he scolded David, punching him.

David flinched and apologized, "I'm sorry."

He then coughed. "We need to get out of here," David said. "Collin, can you transport us out of here?"

"No," he said. "I brought us here to train, and I'm not going to let us leave without gaining experience."

Vines tied Collin up, and he was brought to Fiona's angry, teary face. She tightened the vines around Collin and said, "If you don't transport us out of here so we can help you, I'll make sure I destroy all of your collection for what happened to Jake."

Collin was about to ask what collection he had when he remembered his collection of women's clothing, wigs, makeup, and shoes. He tries to glare at her with his sick face. "You wouldn't dare," he said.

Fiona's pale green eyes were cold. "Try me," she said.

Collin wanted to refuse, then David whispered something in his ear. Collin nodded. "You're right, that could work," he said.

Nathan glares at David; what did he say now?

Collin had an evil smirk. "Okay, we'll return to the city, but you guys are going to help treat me," he said. "I didn't want to do this, but you gave me no choice. David said there's still a way for me to be treated and for you to get stronger," he said seriously.

"How can you still say that while being sick?" Jake scolded him. He wanted to hit Collin badly, but he might end up passing out, and they may never be able to get home.

Collin stuck out his tongue at him and said, "Everyone gather around me if you want to go home."

Everyone gathered around him, and they disappeared from the spot.

They all landed in an expensive-looking apartment.

"Where did you take us to now?" Nathan asked angrily.

Collin, however, was unable to respond because he had passed out.

A brunette woman in her mid-twenties and a boy around nineteen years old both came out with guns in their hands. "Hands up," the woman said.

Fiona was so stunned that she mistakenly dropped Collin. The woman saw Collin, and she lowered her stance. "Master Scotts?" she said. "Are you friends of Master Scotts?" she asked, her voice immediately becoming calm.

Fiona and Jake were stunned. "Why are y--"

David interrupted Nathan. "Yes, we are, and there's something wrong with him," he said, carrying Collin to meet her.

"I was worried because Collin didn't come to meet me for his monthly session," she said, signaling David to put Collin on the chair. "Oh, is that his aura?"

"Monthly sessions?" Fiona said it in surprise. "Are you a doctor?"

"Doctor?" the woman said in surprise. "No, I'm more of his unlicensed telepathist," she said.

"An unlicensed telepathist. Why would Collin need a telepathist?" Nathan asked.

The woman looks at Nathan confusedly. "You guys don't know his mental health is on the verge of permanently breaking down, that's another reason why he has the lock around his neck."

"The lock is meant for people who have numerous powers but can't control them because of their unstable mental health. As a result, the lock absorbs the excess power and allows them to use the amount of power their mental energy allows them to have; that's why it is difficult to have so much power," she explained to them.

"But why does he have an unlicensed telepathist?" Fiona asked. emphasis on the unlicensed.

The woman sighed. "It's a long story," she said.

David whispered something in her ear, and she looked a bit surprised. "Are you sure he wants that; it's not safe, and..." said the woman, concerned.

David waved his hands. "Don't worry about it," he said. Then he turned to Nathan, "Nathan, tell your dad what happened to Collin."

Nathan showed confusion on his face. "Why would I need to call my dad?" he said.

David shrugged. "Just trust me."

Nathan went to call his father. "Why did you ask Nathan to call the Emperor?" Fiona asked.

The woman, who was examining Collin, turned her neck so fast that a crack was heard. "Ow," she said in pain.

"Are you okay?" Jake said it sweetly. He knows why she turned so fast.

"That person is the crown prince?" she asked.

"Yes," Fiona answered honestly.

"Don't tell her that," Jake said.

The woman laughed. "Don't worry; I don't have any intentions," she said. "I was just surprised that Master Scotts became friends with someone from the royal family, especially since he deeply hated the higher class."

Nobody said anything for a while until Nathan came back. "Okay, I already told him," he said.

"Great," David said, and then he nodded at the woman.

"Okay, everyone, sit in a place you are most comfortable with," she said, her voice becoming extraordinarily calm, and Nathan, Fiona, and Jake did as she said, David however did not. "You are not going?" she asked.

"No," David replied.

The woman nodded then said, "Alright, now I need you to close your eyes."

They all couldn't help but comply like they were under a spell. "And now you are going to sleep in three, two, one."

They heard her snapping her fingers, and they all lost consciousness.

They all opened their eyes to find themselves in a very dark place. A little light appeared, and it shows the woman holding a little lamp in her hands. "Where are we?" Fiona asks. This place is so dark.

"The entrance to Master Scott's mind," she replies.

"Wow." No one could imagine Collin's mind being so dark.

"I always thought the entrance to Collin's mind would be colorful, like a rainbow," Jake said, and Nathan nodded in agreement.

"I never thought that it would be a rainbow," Fiona said. "I always assumed it'd be black with a hint of other colors," she said. "Why are we here?" she asks.

"Well Master David informed me that Master Scotts had training plans for you and is unable to carry them out because of his condition, so once I'm done with what I'm supposed to do here, I'll be sending you to the most dangerous parts of Master Scotts' mind to train," she said

Fiona gulped. That is even more dangerous than the mirror realm.

"Everyone, please be quiet," the woman said. Around the age of three, a little boy came out of the darkness.

The boy hugged the woman. "Bethy," he said excitedly in a cute voice.

"Aww," Nathan, Jake, and Fiona said at the same time.

The woman smiled. "Nice to meet you again, Master Scotts," she said.

Nathan and Jake were shaken. "That's Collin?" they said.

Fiona went closer to meet him. "Aw, aren't you cute?" she said. She reached out to touch him, but he hugged her even harder.

The woman smiled at him and said, "Don't worry, she's a friend."

"Hello," young Collin said shyly.

Fiona felt an arrow hit her heart. So cute. "Hi, how are you?"

"I'm fine," he replied with a smile. Then, unexpectedly, he said, "You are pretty."

Nathan became angry. "Hey, that's my girlfriend!" he said. This Collin might still be a child, but Collin is still Collin.

The blank look young Collin gave him was annoying as well. He looks at Fiona. "Really?" he said blankly.

Fiona blushed in embarrassment and nodded.

"You should leave him; he seems yucky," he advised Fiona, and Jake laughed.

"I like tiny Collin," Jake said, still laughing.

The little boy turned to the woman, Beth, and tugged on her clothes. "Bethy, aren't you and your friends going to come in?" he asked.

Beth nodded. "We're coming," she smiled.
