
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantasi
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46 Chs


Her mouth dropped.

"But... but... you look human."

"I am human also."

"But how?" she said turning my head, over and over and inspecting my face. "you are human. there's no way you are an alien."

i chuckled at her face. she definitely was making my day.

"well, humans are half monkey half alien, so..." i let it sink in on her as she touched my face. wondering if she was going to brush it aside or not. she stopped and looked at me, blinking.

"what?" she asked as she heard my words. "men are... what does that mean."

"you will know, let me continue my story, please."


"Okay, now, during the..." she touched my face again making me pause and then hers. "during the explosion, the radiation emitted killed and mutated a lot of animals. including the likes of the iguanodontidae dinosaurs. of the iguanodon, a new species of animal form. A humanoid was born within a few million years."

"humans?" she asked.

"no, argathians. snake people, according to the greek. Jinn to a few, Atum to the Egyptians. humans evolved from mammals as you know and mammals were modified millions of years before the Argathians. but within sixty-three million years, the Argathians were more intelligent than humans, and humans then were just monkeys."

"wait, you mean two million years ago there was a humanoid species smarter than humans now? two million years ago?" she asked looking at me on the face.

"yes." i said and got up. i think she might be hungry about now.

"what happened? did they die?"

"the gods happened, and almost five thousand years ago, they were almost erased." i walked to the wall and the wall hiding the kitchen slowly turned into white powder that fell and collected into the small crevice on the floor.

she got up as the wall vanished and looked at it. then at me.

Thoth had made the burgers and had placed then on a tray with juices, french fries and cups of fruit salads. i searched for him and saw four relief stature like things curved onto the the wall of the kitchen right next to the fridge.

so this is what happens when you give an AI access to a material that allows it to make instant robots, it makes multiple.

"so wanna eat here or should i bring them over there?" i asked her as she looked around. i should have given her the tour of the house.

"I'll eat here. but what did you mean by the gods happened?" she asked tracing the edges of the stand. i looked at Thoth and gave him a we need to talk look. i saw white xirang slowly go up the wall and form a clump on the corner. i shouldnt have given Thoth access to my nanotech. not at all. he was now playing with it.

"the gods came to earth and they started their project man to help conqure the universe." i took the tray and the ketchup from the fridge and took them to her. "they didnt even consider what the owners of the planet wanted, same way their creators did in Nebu. I mean Procyon."

"gods where created?"


"by who?"

"the titans. thats all i know of them, the procyon library doesnt have a lot any info on them."

i sat the plates on the mushroom in the center of the cluster and it spread into a solid coffee table. she looked at it as she moved back a little.

"wow, i thought this was a mushroom." she said pointing to the table and i told her it was shaped like a mashroom but it wasnt. it was made from Xirang. which was made from salvaged pieces of Cognac from the procyon ships thousand years ago. i even broke off a piece and showed her while the table repaired itself.

"you really are an alien." she said moments later after i showed her the three rooms i used, not that the house was three roomed. it had way more than i could count. i had shown her where i stored black Xirang, the one Thoth was using.

black Xirang was for military purposes at guardian corp. white one, was basically for infrastructure but was as tough as the black one.

i showed her the Xirang coding room, and how to make Xirang take shape of anything. she asked me why i called it Xirang, and not any cool name. i told her it was chinese for growing soil. it looked soil so during the age of the deluge when it was actually used in large quantities by guardians around the globe, the chinese called it Xirang. we didnt have a name for it yet except a long procyon name, and it stuck. translatable in any human language.

we walked into the first bedroom and she froze at the door. her cheeks turning tomato red. i peeked inside. Okay! lets move on! i said and we moved on to the next room.

the previous room, somebody had touched it. but i was alone in this cottage. i lived alone. no one came here except Thoth. But he didnt have access to my sleeping quarters i was particular with them. but who?

who the fuck did this? there were flower petals all over the bed.

lets moove on.

i showed her the other two rooms. one had the Code of the Guardians hardcopy in the middle of the room with the paintings of all my family members from the memories i could remember and that was it. the other had games i used to play as a kid. but i didnt toucb them anymore. i was way too busy to relax here.

we went to the balcony and she saw the observatory i kept star maps all over it and model ships on the desks around the wall.

"I'm half." i said as she looled up at the sky. i looked too and saw the full starry skg I've long seen eons ago.

"is everything beautiful here?" she asked. she held the railings as cold Antarctic breeze blew over the observatory glass.

"no, this side yes, the rest, probably contain a whole lotta monsters that'll wanna kill."

"so, what happened two million years ago?" she asked after we stared at the milky way for a moment. i sighted and told her.

"two million years ago, the Gods came and created men while half the guardians were asleep. probably thought it were peaceful visit. But a few hundred years later, the opened the stargate, releasing a few beings from the other side and well, the human circle began."

"what is the human circle?"

"you know a bit about the greek gods right?"


"you know how it goes right? Cronus finds a sickle on earth, kills Uranus, His kids find the other three weapons of the guardians and use them to dispose of Cronus. and men refuse to bow to the gods, they wipe them out. make them again, destroy them later. concept that ran for two million years, six times."

"Aint that just a myth?"

i chuckled at her oblivious thinking. "all of it happened."

"but... what... how is it all possible? i mean if the gods are real then..." i hugged her from behind. Was she really about to crack? did i overdo it? her ass felt soft and squeezy on me. her whole body felt soft and it was nice to hold her this close to my body though my member grew hard.

"dont worry, most guardians are awake. so it wont happen in a long while."

"but... how is it that we never discovered that the gods came from heaven and any trace from the previous humans or anything?"

"fact is that you already know. everywhere and every religion said the same thing over and over again. the gods came from space. even Christianity. it may not be a detailed as the Norse or greek pantheon or the sumerian but it is detailed. Even ATR is."

She turned and looked at me. Her lips..."ATR?"


"African tradition religion?"

"yeah, but they are more into guardian myths. actually. probably 'cause we once ruled them?"

"You lying?"


"What about him?"

"Bunker made for the deluge."

"you kidding."

"I'm not. Tsodilo hills. even the tales are of guardians and guardian corp."

"get out of here!"

she softly hit my chest and i laughed at her, locking eyes with her. i saw her eyes gleam and heard my heart drum in ears. This is growing dangerous.

i wanna kiss her.

i put a brave face on and perked her forehead before i let her go and tried to walk towards the exit. i should have just landed it on the lips. i thought. i might have ended up missing the opportunity like I did with Kiara.

she pulled my hand slightly and i turned, pullying her closer and landed a kiss on her lips. Everything stopped as my lips felt the moist, sweet, warm and soft and...i felt fireworks explode in my head.