
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 81

By the way, I will just rant something...

being big does not mean being strong!

Damn it!

When we were doing the tiles, I was relegated to some heavy lifting cause I am big

This people thought that I should be strong because I am big but the truth is I am just a fatty!

it's mostly fat! only a little muscle!

What the heck is wrong with them?

now, I am sore all over sigh...

Specially my thighs and arms.

if this was a few years ago, then I would still be fine and dandy even if I did more, but right now, I have become a fatty.

I really neglected myself for quite a long while after that thing

Anyways, back to the chapter!


On Marianne's side, just before they were spotted by the enemy.

"Hey Flora, is this fastest we can go?" Marianne asked solemnly as she was looking through the binoculars.

"Yeah!" Flora answered positively as she concentrated of driving the boat. "Why?"

"I just saw the enemy. They should have also seen us because of the search lights we are using to light the way." Marianne said seriously with a frown as she inspected the guns again to make sure that all of it are operable.

"Should I replace Flora as the driver? I really can't help in a gun fight." Eunalia said softly with slight sadness for feeling useless.

"Nah, you don't need to do that. And Flora! Just concentrate on driving the boat at the fastest speed!

We will be encountering the enemy as we go forward but we also can't move back because that would just make us go to a detour and encounter more enemies.

Our boat should be faster than theirs so we should be able to get away quickly and just have to pass through them safely." Marianne explained and planned out their next move as she looked at the enemies again through the binoculars.

"Roger that!" Flora answered with determination.

"Eunalia, you and little Lia should remember to drop down when the time comes." Marianne said to the mother and daughter.

"What about your wounds?! You might start bleeding again if you do anything to strain your thigh!" Eunalia said loudly with worry.

"Don't worry! I can just seat here while firing the gun. I won't have to use my whole lower body as support if I just seat, right?

I should be fine." Marianne said with a slight smile then started going into a comfortable position of firing a heavy machine gun while seating. "See?"

"Fine! Just remember to not use the one with the wound as a weight support so that it won't be strained too much and start bleeding again." Eunalia said in acceptance as she already knows about Marianne's stubborn personality.

Eunalia then put her daughter in a secure harness as she saw that Cornelia is quite sleepy already.

Cornelia had started dozing off many times for a bit and quite a while now.

Eunalia positioned Cornelia to lay down while being harnessed safely into the boat itself so that she won't be thrown out of it in case Flora made a sudden turn or something.

In fact, most of their supplies are harnessed too because a speed boat is very bumpy when moving.

"I can see the enemy boat already! Prepare!" Flora said as she saw the lights that was being let out by the enemy boat from the distance.

"Copy!" Marianne said as she braced herself for the upcoming gunfight.

Not only does she need to be able to fire the gun, she also needs to be able to dock her head and upper body down to avoid being shot when the fight happens.

Thankfully, She is the only one seating at the very back, so she had some space to hide about.

In a few seconds, Marianne also started seeing the enemy even without using the binoculars.

So she started aiming the heavy machine gun at the enemy boat.

"Don't get too close to them Flora." Marianne said seriously. "It's okay even if you have to move sideways a little, as long as they don't get too close to us."

"Alright!" Flora shouted back in agreement as she started changing their boat's direction a bit so that they wouldn't be too close to the enemy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Marianne started firing manual shots bit by bit as they enemy got closer.

It was effective as the enemy swerve a bit from being startled by the gunshots.

But it also made it so that the enemies on the other boat also started firing at them.

And that started the gunfight.

Flora and Eunalia crouched or lay down on a cover almost immediately as the gunshots started being heard.

Flora had already adjusted the boats direction back to it's original one o she only needed to maintain this and does not even need to look at the front as there are no traffics in the sea.

"Urgh." Marianne grunted as she started press firing at the enemy.

She grunted from the pain as her wound really did started to bleed again by a little bit from the recoil of the heavy machine gun.

Her wound will really start bleeding more if she continued but she did not bother concerning herself with that and just concentrated on trying to eliminate the enemy.

Her adrenaline shot through her head again so she started becoming numb from the pain.

The more numb she is from the pain, the more she doesn't care about her wound.

That's why she also started using her wounded thigh and leg as a weight support so that she can aim more precisely.

She paused for a bit and stopped firing as she waited for the enemy to get closer.

The two boats got really close to each other and that's when Marianne started firing her heavy machine gun again.

She manage to kill one of the guys in the other boat with a headshot and wound some others while filling up the enemy boat with holes.

Unfortunately, the enemy manage to dock into cover quickly enough so only a few of them got shot.

Thankfully though, the one Marianne manage to kill is the driver of the boat and she also manage to hit most of the driving mechanism of the enemy's boat.

'I should have brought a grenade launcher, shouldn't I?' Marianne thought as she looked at the enemy boat that was being left behind in the distance.

They didn't stop firing at each other until they are quite sure that they can't hit each other even with luck anymore.

As Marianne and the others got away, Marianne finally sighed in relief and the adrenaline rush came down again.

And that made her feel the pain again too.

"Urgh." Marianne grunted as she felt the pain from her thigh.

She caressed and felt up her own thigh as she also started feeling a bit dizzy.

"Marianne! Quick! Lay down! I will change the bandage on your wound!" Eunalia shouted loudly with worry and concern as she saw that Marianne's wound started bleeding again.

- word count 1072 -

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

soldkladcreators' thoughts