
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

soldklad · Komik
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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 36


My crude plan is not so crude anymore, Everything is part of the plan now!

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pat reon.com/SoldKlad001

You can get 20 chapter more!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


I had an idea.

The idea is, I really want to pilot a knightmare frame already.

That's why, I am going to insert myself as one of the pilots.

I am going to rush learning how to pilot a knightmare frame.

It will be easier because I am the one who made them after all.

And that's what I did.

I pestered Marianne to teach some tricks and tips on how to pilot a knightmare better.

With my 'former' geass's ability, I was able to easily learn, although I needed some practice to make it into muscle memory.

And now, it is two days away from the scheduled day of usurpation.

I am going to have a mock battle against the knight of six, Lady Marianne.

Who is now pretty much an expert pilot already and seems to be on the way of becoming an ace.

Although that's just my feeling because there is no proper measurement for this kind of thing.

You can't just say 'hey this guy is about Kira Yamato level now' right?

Although it can be used as a comparison, but it will be strange and there are many versions of Kira Yamato. Depending on what time line you compare to him the measurement will change.

Anyway, let's get back to the topic.

I am now inside a Ganymede Knightmare frame. My blood is starting to pump more in excitement.

The radio sounded a scratchy noise and then a voice was heard "Mister Aston? Are you ready?"

The radio made a scratchy noise again as I manipulated it to reply.

"Yes, I'm ready!" I said loudly with excitement.

"Then go, the field is ready sir." the radio sounded.

I didn't reply, instead I said to my self.

"Now, for my first battle. Let do some tradition of mecha anime!

Dispatch protocol, AF-Ganymede unit 05, commencing battle!" I said to myself loudly with clear eagerness and excitement in my voice.

Then I started moving the Ganymede that I am piloting to the Designated arena for this Mock battle.

It was quite slow because the parameters of our knightmare frames are downgraded so that we don't wreck it in a mock battle.

After all we are doing a melee. Because the weapon is still under going research with the military.

*knightmare moving sounds

I was doing some mini swaying movements to get into rhythm before the battle.

The radio sounded again but this time there is a notification in the main operating system screen.

[AF-Ganymede-unit-01 requesting for communication]

This time we integrated a military grade communication equipment for our knightmare frames because of the scheduled operation in two days time.

I accepted it by tapping on the screen.

Voice command is still isn't good because of the loud sounds when in battle.

That's why we sticked to this manual operation which only reduce convenience by a bit but still better than pressing buttons or operating levers.

The cockpit of our knightmare frame is still quite primitive which looked like those from old gundam anime.

Most movement of the knightmare frame are automated as lever and floor board operating mechanism isn't good for more precise movement.

There are also many buttons on the lever itself for hand and elbow operations.

We used pressure sensitivity for the floor board operating mechanism though, this mechanism is responsible for moving the lower limbs.

It can't be used to kick because there wasn't a set operation for that.


The one piloting AF Ganymede unit 01 is Marianne.

"You ready there, Alister?" She asked with slight amusement and excitement in her tone.

I replied with my own excitement. "Yeah! This is gonna be fun!"

"You sure your going to have fun being beaten up? Hehehe..." She said with a smug face.

Although I said that she said it with a smug face, we can only talk using our coms and not see each other.

I can only imagine that she had because it was in her tone too.

"Heeeh... Prepare to get defeated by this genius Lady Marianne! Let's do this!" I said loudly.

Then we heard someone talking outside using a megaphone.

"This mock battle will only start you both are ready, so are you ready?" said the one using the megaphone.

"Yes!" I and Marianne said at the same time.

"The battle starts in,




We then made our own knightmares dash forward then collided.


The loud sound of metal colliding against each other was heard.

I operated the knightmare to form fist with it's hands then did a one-two combination punch.

While Marianne anticipated that offensive and defended by placing both her knightmare's arms in front of her in an X shape to block.


Another metal collision sound was heard again.

My knightmare suffered staggering from that.

But Marianne's was in solid footing that's why she slid backwards fast before going to my side and doing a straight punch with all the speed she manage to accumulate.


The sound of this collision is much louder than those before it.

It made my hearing rang loudly and I staggered much more.

Thankfully, I managed to prepare myself for this impact by making my footing more solid with my knightmare's legs apart.

Although I managed to defend from that attack I was still pushed back by a step, a knightmare's step.

That's a huge distance.

Using that push, I got to move backwards making some distance between us then I started sliding with the landspinners.

Marianne followed me and started doing some simple punches while keeping close.

It managed to reach my knightmare frame because Ganymede has a really long arm length.

I can't just continue going backwards cause we would be going out of the battle field then.

So I was going around the assigned battle field in backwards sliding while also swaying.

I hate to admit it but Marianne is still better at piloting mechs than me right now.

It seems that I have to practice more!

I can't seem to find a solution for this predicament I am in.

That's why I decided to just fight it out!


I took a solid hit in one of my knightmare's arms but now I have a clear view in her knightmares body.

I quickly operated my knightmare frame to deliver a solid punch with it's other arm straight into the torso of Marianne's knightmare.

But it seems she predicted my move because she swipe my punch away then delivered a punch of her own into my mech's torso!

"And! Lady Marianne wins the match!" said the someone using the megaphone.

- word count 1110 -

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pat reon.com/SoldKlad001

You can get 20 chapter more!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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