
Code Geass FF chapter 34

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It's been more than a month since they accepted Alister into the group due to my recommendation and because of Alister's own revelation.

I asked Alister about the things they talked about that I didn't understand or I am not sure about when we got the chance to be alone after coming back to the research institute.

He explained to me that those who can give geass are called code holder and they also once used to have geass powers too.

They loose their geass ability after becoming immortal.

I can't believe that they are immortal at first though.

Not until Alister killed himself suddenly just to prove the point.

I was really horrified at that time.

I didn't know what to do and I was really in a panic that I cried.

Then Alister became alive again after being dead for a few minutes.

I was really sad that time when I thought that he would be dead.

Like, Give my feeling back, you bastard psycho!

Why did he fucking killed himself so suddenly like it was something normal!

That was so insane!

I even realized that I have some feelings for him at that time.

Because I realized that I don't want him to ever be gone from my life.

Although I don't think it is anything romantic though.

I think it's just like as a brother or best friend?

Anyways, I still lust for him though and he does too for me.

Us adults really have complicated lives and feelings, right?

I wish I am just a child again. I will just have to play and be happy at that time, I can be careless about everything.

Right, the Ganymede I used in the presentation is almost my exclusive knightmare frame now.

That's what Alister said though.

He said it was because the knightmare was tuned up to be more compatible with me and my piloting habits.

So, now it will not perform at it's best or even average without a pilot who had the same quirks as me.

I asked him why and he said it was about control sensitivity or something, I don't remember now.

I got interested when he said the term exclusive knightmare frame though.

Because I know that the term explains for itself, obviously.

I asked him about that, and he said it was just an idea of his to make an exclusive knightmare frame for expert pilots.

It was so that they make better use of their talents and do better in what they are good at.

Like me who is very good at melee and speed type knightmare frames.

If I had an exclusive knightmare frame that is built for melee and speed then I would be able to do better than what I did in the presentation.

After all, the Ganymede is built with very balanced parameters.

I think, I want something like that.

I really like knightmare frames.

After trying it out the first time, I have gotten so engrossed with it that I practiced piloting it in the many many hours I had and can.

The thought of having an exclusive knightmare frame which is designed specially for me is really making me excited!

The thought of fighting with it is making my blood boil!

I think I can request this to his majesty, the king.

Hmm... It might be better if everyone of the knights of round gets to have one?

Oh right! They might become a hindrance if they had such powerful weapon in hand when we finally makes a move to make Charles ascend the throne!

Hmm... That's too bad. It seems I have to wait until after Charles becomes the king.

At that time, I should be able to get my exclusive knightmare without problems.

Right! I will make sure to have Alister be the one to make it for me!

Hmph! He said he is a genius, now he needs to prove it again by making my knightmare frame!


I also came to the conclusion that Alister isn't really a genius before!

He is just cheating by spending such a long time learning everything!

He said that he knows almost everything! From Engineering to singing!

Can you believe that?!

He is so much of a cheat!

When he said that he knows everything I even tried challenging him in combat.

He beat me so many times without mercy, even though I am such a beautiful lady.

He said it was for gender equality!

Equality my ass!

We are in Britannia!

There is no equality here! Only elites who was born better or in a better place!

Although, I don't really buy the slogan of our country.

It at least is logical and practical.

Because I know that you can't have everything.

I know that even if you are born superior than everyone, you might not necessarily live happier than anyone.

A beggar might even be happier than the king right now.


I asked Alister about his life many times.

And people might go crazy about what he told me a few times.

He said he was Sherlock Holmes! Can you believe it?! He said he was the greatest detective that once lived in Britannia!

I first thought he only had the same name.

Then I asked him if the Sherlock Holmes he was talking about is a really good detective.

When he said yes I took him to my room to him my books of Sherlock Holmes biography written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

His expression was quite funny at that time when he saw the book.

Specially when he saw the name of the author!

It was like he had seen a ghost!

I asked him if everything written in the book is true and he said that most of it are facts indeed.

Right! I still have things to do!

I can't be dilly-dallying here right now.

My appointment here in the research institute is almost coming to an end.

In fact, I was told that I need to pack my stuff already.

Because most of the staffs lived here in the institute for the duration of the project.

That's why I had many things to pack right now.

All our rooms is doubled as our office too, that's why Alister has many personal stuff in his office like the kitchen and the piano.

- word count 1070 -

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