
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 319

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"Fck this shit! Haman! You should run now 'cause I'm coming for you, personally!" Char shouted as he directly move out and go towards his personal hangar where his exclusive mobile armor is placed.

Yeah, everyone is using mobile armor as of yet in space, as was stated earlier, mobile suits are just newly invented and were even taken down directly by Exia just after its demonstration.

"Wait? Char?! Why aren't you answering me?!" Ralph has a very confused face and his anger got dispersed again because of that.

All this time, Ralph has been moving toward where Haman is currently located, she stopped in a place for now with two subordinates by her side.

People might assume that this subordinate might stop following her after hearing her explanation but no, these subordinates have a life debt to her or someone who has been her subordinate for a long time too.

She also did not bother hiding her thoughts much because she does ask them for some advice on how to make Char reciprocate her feelings but as everyone can see, nothing succeeded.

Right, those who don't know who Haman is, you can google her.

Anyway, she is quite a beauty, she has enough crazy, which, for some people, will double the sexy.

She is one of the newtypes in the show, and also one of the few people who are good at using funnel weapons.

But, yeah, funnel weapons are for all newtype things, so every newtype will be quite good at it, spatial awareness is their innate talent after all, especially in a place filled with Minovsky particles.

Ralph got close to the place where Haman is and they both saw each other on their radars and digital maps which are still connected because they are former comrades.

No one had yet to bother changing this thing because it is quite troublesome to change it for everyone and just changing your machine will make you appear as an unknown on the maps or radars of everyone and that's bad because any unknown right now will not be tolerated, unknowns will be directly taken down.

Ralph directly zoomed straight into Haman when he saw her on the map.

But the other two people with her had seen him too, so they intercepted him.

But Ralph is Ralph, he is like Guy from naruto, an average person who only knows how to work hard, although he does have some talent for being a berserker, still, he is normally just a common person when not in battle.

And this is a battle situation right now!

*Bang! Bang!

Two loud banging sounds were heard as Ralph did quick work on these two people who tried to intercept him.

Ralph is still the same guy as before, still using the basics but very solid.

But even if those two are considered one of the elites, it's still nothing to him because he is someone who managed to keep up with two ridiculous people such as Char and Rey with only his hard work, although he only manage to catch up a little, or more like, prevent himself from getting left behind by these two.

Ralph is quite merciful to these people right now though because even though they did betray the mercenary group by blowing up some stuff, at least, there isn't any report of any dead personnel as of yet.

Ralph thought that he would just capture everyone first and then persuade them to repent and come back to their side.

The two mobile armor used by these two unknown elites crashed on the asteroid's ground but the pilots are fine as the safety mechanisms and escape functions in the cockpit are the standard issue that everyone in the world recognizes now.

And with AA promoting this safety measure himself and even advancing it with his research and input, everything is solid and very safe.

Haman did expect something like that to happen as she also knew Ralph after being with Char for quite some time now.


Haman did not wait for Ralph to come face to face with her and just intercepted him midway while also attacking.

Because they are only using mobile armor and their weapons are even quite simple right now so their maneuvers are quite simple too, not even the floating lasers like those seen in the Gundam Seed version of Mobile armor that is piloted by Mu La Flaga have been invented yet.

AA did not bother helping the world with further improvements in mobile armor designs and weaponry because he felt that it wasn't needed and that everyone should just move to develop mobile suits first and then just get back to Mobile Armor later. After all, the 'real' Mobile Armor can only be realized after the complete development of common mobile suits.

Talking about the likes of Zeong, big zam, or destroy Gundam.

After a few minutes of exchanges between the two, Ralph had finally managed to accumulate enough anger again and this time, he directly got into berserker mode.

The flying tactics he was using suddenly change into a more erratic and aggressive one, which Haman had noticed.

But Haman is as talented as her original counterpart.

Truthfully, she was just about to take down Ralph already after those exchanges let her get used to and completely analyze Ralph's fighting style.

But this sudden change made her stop her plan and that is a good decision as the berserk Ralph tried to use that opportunity to attack but now this is invalid too.

And their fight quickly came back to square one, with Haman being more cautious now, as she knows that this might be the rumored berserk mode of Ralph which she had previously only heard about from others.

After all, they are both people who have high positions so they didn't have a chance to team up ever.

The two don't know much about each other as pilots even when they did know each other personally because of Char.

Anyways, their fight is just like fighter planes trying to take down each other, although they aren't limited by gravity and the atmosphere so...

- word count 1037 -

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