
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 271

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As many might have noticed.

Lelouch in this world has a higher bottom line although a bit more prideful because of having great physical fitness.

Just like how he did not kill Clovis like how the original version did so quite easily.

This is even amidst the fact that Clovis had so much on his hands because of the slaughter he did in the slums area, which should not be a rare event at all.

Lelouch just did not want to kill his blood relatively if he had a choice.

Even if it is hypocritical, it would be best if they died at others' hands, as long as it's not he, is what Lelouch thought.

The road that he will take might still have the corpse and blood of his relatives and innocent people but at least, it would be on the side of the road instead of being on the road he steps on itself, right?

He is not so desperate now that he would do everything to get to his goal especially since he did not need to worry about Nunnally since he is quite sure that his Uncle AA and mother would certainly protect her.

In space...

Specifically, ZAFT.

"Athrun! Hey!" Dragneel shouted as he got to school.

Athrun as always had already been in school much earlier than Dragneel, together with his future team, even that noob, Rusty, is with them.

Yes, it's Rusty, the one that died in the first episode of Gundam Seed.

Athrun heard it and he was quite familiar with who owned this voice so he just turned to look but unlike the usual happy and energetic look.

Dragneel only had a slight smile at this time and his energy is not quite over the top like usual.

So it was quite new for Athrun and his buddies.

And yeah, Dragneel had become a part of them too, although his friendship with the others is not as close as with Athrun's.

As for Kira?

He is not in ZAFT but ORB, specifically, Heliopolis.

Some people might say, hey it's called PLANT, yeah, no, the crowd of satellite colonies is called PLANT, yes, but the Government and the society are called ZAFT, at least in this story.

The situation was like this because before PLANT became independent it was called PLANT, when they became independent, They established the ZAFT governing body.

"What's the problem?" Athrun asked while frowning a little as Dragneel got closer to their group.

"Woohoo! I'm fired up again!

Let's go!

Let's cut classes today!


Let's be absent altogether!

Yahahaha!" Dragneel got back to his energetic self as circled everyone then pushed them a bit one by one to start walking out of the gates of the cadet academy.

It's a military school, right?

So it should be very strict?

Yeah, it is.

But that is only applied to those kids who are commoners and others but not Athrun and his buddies.

They are the children of the leaders in the governing council.

They have this kind of privilege, especially Dragneel who was the son of the speaker and is not in the military faction at all.

Dragneel being schooled in the military academy is already a great 'favor' made by the moderate faction, especially speaker Clyne(AA).

Of course, they don't know that it was because Dragneel is truly much more suitable to attend the military school than the normal one from the start.

Right, Dragneel, Athrun, and the buddies with them got into the parking lot and quickly hopped into their respective rides.

Well, every one of them has a motorbike, the kind that had a 1500 CC, looks like a racer, moves like a racer, sounds like a racer, so it is a racer bike.

Anyways, they built it up themselves, that's why even though the mechanical designs are quite the same, the aesthetics are not.

Of course, the one who instigated everything is Dragneel.

He saw it once on the road while going to school once and thought it was cool, so he searched the pictures and what it is before showing it to everyone in his gang.

Most of them thought it was cool too.

Then Dragneel got the fcking idea of secretly taking his father's terminal device again and looked up if there is any technology for motorbikes.


There is, it was one of the things that were hastily put together by AA and Veda when he thought of Flora from time to time.

Remember that she likes rides, especially those super fast ones.

Yeah, it's for her.

And now it was brought up by Dragneel, and the strongest motorbike with two wheels that he had seen in the archive is the 1500 CC kind.

Truthfully, the first thing that his attention wasn't this motorbike.

Instead, it is a HOVER bike that caught his attention, it was so cool, very fast, and it can even be used in space, of course, the rider has to wear the current publicly known most advanced space suit to use it, not the bulky one.

That's enough details for that one.

So, Dragneel forcefully removed his gaze from the hoverbike racer, as he knows that even if he makes it, it wouldn't be allowed to be used outside or at all because the technology is too advanced.

So he could only take a look at the more low-tech ones.

It's the fifteen hundred CC kind, that uses the ultra-compact high-energy battery as its power source.

There is even a note under it made by AA saying that any further and he would rather make a hoverbike because it was too troublesome researching the wheel that is durable enough and had enough traction to perfectly make use of this kind of speed.

Anyways, now, let's move back to Dragneel and his buddies.

They are looking like a bike gang now, although less shady looking because they all wear elegant school uniforms together with cool and expensive-looking helmets.

"Okay! We are going to the pool!

The last one to arrive has to do something embarrassing later in the public!

Yahahaha!" Dragneel shouted before directly zooming out of the parking lot while laughing loudly.

"What?!" Everyone shouted, except Athrun, who is quite alert and quickly zoomed out just behind Dragneel.

"The fck! Athrun! You can't live me in the dust!" Yzak shouted with anger as followed through.

While the others panicked and scrambled to quickly follow behind.

- word count 1082 -

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A whole 20 advanced chapters! That's like, 20 days of chapters in advance!

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

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