
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 268

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*Ringing sounds

"Hmm?" AA woke up from his dozing off as he felt his communication device vibrate and also heard it ring. "Someone called at this time? Hmmm...

Oh! It's Master Asia."

Its already been a few days since they first met and they had already done some limited personal cooperation with each other in terms of technology sharing or exchange.

Raizo and Kouji were amazed at the dazzling technology that AA had taken out and even now, they are still engrossed and drowning themselves in learning about the said technology.

So the only ones who will mostly communicate with AA will be Master Asia.

AA also got their technology but only the technology part, and not the martial arts part because that is a personal thing for Master Asia.

Although some of the technology that was given to AA will mostly be unusable without martial arts and the basics of KI, it's fine because AA can just research that.

"Hello, Master Asia?" AA greeted with some energy as he still feels a bit drowsy for feeling too comfortable right now.

"Hey, Alister! I just want to inform you that Raizo and Kouji had already started trying to use those technologies.

And also...

I thought we can discuss how to further our cooperation.

I think I can trust you already.

So, how about it?" Master Asia said with an expectant tone as he truly thought that AA is quite trustworthy enough.


Let's discuss that then.


You know...

As I said and showed you guys before...

I also made a version of the mobile trace cockpit system before which was what Marianne used against you some time ago.

My thoughts at first were that it would be good for those who don't know much about the technicalities of mechs to be able to pilot one, especially the fighters and warriors who are strong in personal combat and have high experience.

I thought that people only needed fighting skills and the machine would just supplement everything else but what your group had achieved made me believe even more that the pilot is also important.


..." AA started babbling nonstop.

"Alright! Stop!

Stop going around the bush and just say what you want to say." Master Asia rolled his eyes as he felt like he is not the old man here, but AA.

He just can't imagine how this young-looking guy is so good at whistling and blowing his horns and talking nonsense, it's like an old man who just can't help but tells a story about how amazing he was when he was young, blowing facts to kingdom come.


Alright, alright...

I just want to enroll my son in your martial arts school.

Is that okay?" AA said as he did think about Natsu when he was thinking about his cooperation with master Asia.

Burning Gundam

This Gundam design was given to Natsu and this kid had not tried to make a real one yet, just small toy models.

"Eh?" Master Asia felt like he heard it wrong. "Can you say it again? I think I heard something wrong.

Maybe I am getting old."


You did not hear it wrong.

I said I want to enroll my kid in your school." AA said but this time, he is the one rolling his eyes. "You know, I also wanted to learn martial arts, but I am not quite suited for it so I gave up now and just invested everything in what I am good at.


I thought my kid has some talent in it, but I don't know anyone who can teach him.

I know, there are many martial artists in the world.

But you might not know something about me.

I only want the best."


The best huh...


But are you sure about letting me teach your son?

I mean, we only started cooperating some time ago." Master Asia asked quite puzzled as he can't understand why AA is being so trusting of himself, although he was quite flattered.

"About that...

I trust the character that you've shown me so far.

Also, I trust my instinct and gut feelings.


Even though I said that Natsu might have some talent in martial arts.

That's only my estimate, and I am not even a martial artist.

Get what I mean?" AA said at this time, he is fully awake already. "Also, from what you've shown us...

You are quite righteous and chivalrous.

That's good enough!"

"Okay! I won't break your trust, don't worry!" Master Asia said while feeling a bit appreciated for the first time because of his character instead of his martial arts.

Most people only acknowledge him because of his martial arts, after all, his character and personality were at best thought of as weird or chuuni by others.


Now let's talk about our further cooperation!


Do you have any idea?" AA asked first because he did have an idea of his own, this idea came up when he got to know the Shuffle Alliance and Master Asia.

Although Fury, himself, is already cooperating with the shuffle alliance, that's only with his intelligence group.

AA himself had not yet done any cooperation with the shuffle alliance and an official one with Master Asia.


I don't have any solid idea here.

I was thinking about how to promote martial arts further with the help of our discovery but I can't think of anything.

This is why I called you to talk about it.


Although our discovery might be a good entry, the way to do so is truly troublesome to think about.

We can't just go around joining wars using our technology and martial arts you know.

That would only make the world have a bad opinion of martial arts.

It needs to be something that everyone can enjoy seeing and participating in while also promoting even just the most basic essence of martial arts.

Having a healthy body and a healthy mind!

This is the basics of the basics!" Master Asia said as he is truly having trouble thinking about how to do the promotion.

- word count 1032 -

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