
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 223

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One of the Rebel members suddenly heard the radio communication device that he kept to himself to make some sound.


You are right!

Someone did contact us using this radio communication device!" He shouted in surprise which surprised everyone too.

"Hehehe! That's for sure!

Brother Ohgi wouldn't be our vice leader if he is not smart you know!" Tamaki shouted in a rowdy manner.

"It seems that mysterious guy had finally contacted us.

I just don't know what that guy is contacting us for.

I might have a guess though." Ohgi muttered to himself as he got the radio communication device and operated it.

"Hello there." Lelouch on the other side greeted nonchalantly.

"Alright, no need for small talk.

What have contacted us for?" Ohgi asked with some slight annoyance as he felt like this mysterious guy is not taking them seriously, although the voice is still the same synthetic electronic voice, based on the way it was spoken, Ohgi can guess how they are being treated by the other party.

Or that's what he felt so.

In truth, Lelouch is truly not taking them seriously, but also not taking them lightly.

He just felt like this rebel group is quite useful for now, he just doesn't expect them to continue being useful later on.

Except for Kallen though, Lelouch feels like she is like his mom in terms of combat talent using mechs.

"Hey, don't be too tense.

I just called to offer some help.

I can save that guy.

The Britannian people might be thinking that that Naoto guy is not someone important but, I, think, that he is important to you.

Anyway, I don't expect you to make a decision now.

But I will only give you a day to decide." Lelouch said continuously while still sounding nonchalant because he wanted this rebel group to think that this kind of thing is easy for him.

This silenced Ohgi and the others though.

Because they had been thinking for a while now, they had been brainstorming but had not been able to think up any feasible plan to rescue Naoto.

They all felt their hearts heavy, especially Kallen.

She almost felt like there is no hope.

This mysterious guy had given her that though, hope.

It made her face brighten up as she gritted her teeth with a clenched fist, and took the radio communication device from Ohgi.

"I agree as an Individual," Kallen said with a determination that surprised everyone a bit by her sudden action but then thought that it was a given for her to do so.

"This lady...

Many of you might be hearing this so I am going to say this now.

I might have said that I am going to help but I would not use any of my resources except myself and intelligence.

All the other things will either be provided by you or taken by us from somewhere.

Even though this is kind of limiting, I am quite sure of our chances of saving that Naoto guy.

Just call me again later using this radio communication device.

You talk it out among yourself first." Lelouch said when at first he was surprised when he heard the voice of Kallen but felt like it should be normal and this can be considered as small evidence about this woman and Kallen Stadtfeld being the same person.

Although he had already confirmed it in his mind much earlier, it is still better to get more evidence to move from guesses to certainty.

Lelouch was about to turn off the radio communication device but was interrupted again.

"Wait! We will make a decision now." Ohgi suddenly said after rudely taking back the radio.

This surprised everyone though, some people even started thinking about it negatively as they are truly suspicious of this mysterious person even though this guy does have real capabilities.

Some felt like they shouldn't entrust the leader's safety to some outsider.

"Ohgi!" Some shouted, shocked that Ohgi made this kind of decision.

"You guys...

After thinking for so long...

We all already know that we aren't capable enough to save Naoto by ourselves.

I know that we might be able to get some help from some other 'trustworthy' people but that group might just compromise Naoto because of their objective.

Naoto is not important to them but he is important to us.

With this mysterious guy, all of us are the ones that will do the operation so I can worry less about having Naoto as the top priority.

Even if this guy had other objectives, it would only be on the premise that Naoto is saved.

After all...

We are together while the mysterious guy is alone.

Am I right, mysterious guy?" Ohgi said with a serious tone and a determined voice.

When the others heard him say all of that, they felt that it makes sense and they became convinced.

"Bravo! Good! Good!

And here I thought that you guys are only a reckless bunch.

I did not know that there is someone with a brain amongst you." Lelouch said in a surprised manner, although still in a synthetic electronic voice.

And he is truly surprised, in actuality.

He truly did not expect that Ohgi would be this smart.

'So why are they on the losing end in the battle at the slums?

I predicted that if I had not intervened then they would have all lost or even died.

Right, maybe this guy is only good with piecing out schemes and this kind of logic, he might not be good at strategy and planning.

Hmmm...' Lelouch thought inwardly.

"Hehehe! That's for sure! Ohgi is a teacher before you know!" Tamaki shouted proudly and rowdily.

"Tamaki!" One of the guys shouted while glaring at Tamaki because of giving out personal information to a stranger.

Tamaki got surprised by that shout and then realized what he had done.

He looked at Ohgi apologetically with slumped shoulders.

"It's fine." Ohgi said as he truly did not care about it anymore, besides, this much information is not enough to track him down. "I will just say it now.

I, hmmm...

I choose to take this offer as an individual rather than as a group.

I do not want anyone of you to blame someone else when the time comes.

There is no pressure!

If you are reluctant, then you better reject now.

It is better this way." Ohgi said to everyone.

- word count 1085 -

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

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