
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

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the geass revealed or the twin avengers

Naruto Had brought the Sutherlands to konoha industries his aunt tsunades business she had secretly been developing knew knightmare frames for the Japanese liberation front and now she had gotten her hands on the Sutherlands and the data of their frames Naruto had managed to supply them to her Naruto had been focused on helping her design a new knightmare frame unlike the Sutherland this machine was meant to be fully adaptable to any terrain it's name was Zaku warrior it could use beam weaponry and would be able to equip combat modules Naruto had helped design the machine basing it on his concept of what a western soldier should look like.

Naruto was busy training in the Ashford martial arts academy with suzaku the boy had been trained under the same man who had been Minatos disciple kakashi hatake.

The boy came at Naruto with a knife hand which Naruto blocked using a slapping block then countered with a back fist the boy went for a roundhouse kick but naruto ducked under it and countered with a sliding kick before he came up ducking under the high spin kick that suzaku threw the boy came at naruto throwing a set of differnt punches which naruto checked and parried before countering with a spear hand to the throat then he used a crossover into a elbow thrust in a move known as renmon chouchuu before the boy could react naruto had his arm in a grapple and rose his knee level with the boys throat.

" I win." Said Naruto.

" You really did a number on me." Said suzaku.

Naruto got a phone call at the same time so did suzaku.

Naruto arrived at his shared room where he found leloucia talking with the green haired girl.

" Naruto-kun this girl wants to know if your going to lead the Japanese to war against the britanian empire." Said leloucia.

" Sorry but our goal is more than fighting a single war our goal is to destroy the very existence of britannia and create a world where men are treated equally and where no innocent people are killed just because their of different ethnicity." Said Naruto.

The girls smiled and then she said.

" I see that the geass of fire is in the right hands." Said the girl.

" I'm Naruto Namikaze by the way." Said Naruto sticking out his hand.

" My name is C.C." she replied

the girl whose name Was apparently C.C. took Naruto's hand.

" Nice to meetcha." Said Naruto.

" So you plan on changing the world huh well allow me to support you." Said C.C.

It wasn't a request it was a statement C.C. was a code bearer the person who has access the The C Space the space within the mind in which the manipulation of the geass .

" Your geass allows you to manipulate the C Space where the minds mental fortitude takes place however Naruto possesses quite a unique ability the control of material elemental and Ergonical matter basically Naruto can manipulate matter and energy naruto also can uitilize special powers unique to him these powers are different depending on the circumstances."

Naruto nodded after taking this all in he kinda got the understanding of his powers basically his powers were creation ergokinesis and elemental bending.

" I see well basically I have a creation manipulation ability." Said Naruto.

" You also have influence of the mind but your powers come in stages." Said C.C.

" Well we shall change the world in pursuit of our revenge." Said leloucia.

Naruto then remembered"I have recruited two allies to our cause." Said Naruto.

Then a pair of twins entered the first was a boy he had long black hair with bangs hanging above his ears and covering his brow he had a black choker and a crucifix earring on his left ear the girl had long black hair and a headband that made her hair resemble the veil of a nun she woar her uniform with it's sleeves hanging over her shoulders like a cape and she had a crucifix necklace.

" These two are Mario and Maya Disel they have joined our cause to fight britannia I have intrusted them with two of the new prototype Zaku warriors." Said Leloucia.

" Just so you know your going down a road that can't be returned from are you sure you want to join us." Asked Naruto.

" We have already steeled our resolve we will avenge the children who died in the Shinjuku massacre." Said Mario.

" We're doing this for Hina." Said Maya.

" Children." Thought Naruto and leloucia recognizing the feeling Naruto had a kid brother named konohamaru who had prosthetic legs and lelucia had a kid sister named nunnaly who was blind and wheelchair bound.

" Well then let's have you two begin your training." Said Naruto

For the next hour Naruto began teaching them the martial arts then he put them both through a simulation battle using prototype Zaku warrior Data against the three main machines of the empire the grunts gasglow units the militias Sutherland units and the commanders Gloucester unit's.

To their surprise the Zaku's were mobile enough to keep up with even the Gloucester units and thanks to the Gundanium alloy and nano-laminate armor they were tough enough to survive being hit by the commanders weapons like the drill lance and the vibration blade the machines were equipped with a 90 MM beam rifle and a Beam Tomahawk a anti Knightmare Frame grenade as well as a long range anti Knightmare Frame Beam Cannon.

The twins proved to be highly skilled pilots naruto could tell they had a natural combat ability from the moment they took out the first of three Gloucester units without so much as a problem.

"Alright Mario Maya from here on our you two will be known as the Gemini force and you two will answer by the codenames K-1 and K-2." Said leloucia.

" Hence forth you two will serve as our guards." Said Naruto.

To be continued