

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

The Right Path 1

After finishing the dissection of the chicken's they ended up with 2 of its eggs, and some pairs of claws,  and their beeks. Of course they couldn't take the spoils with them as it would hinder their movement and even their fighting,  so they did the next logical thing and buried them right at the edge of the bamboo forest.  It was a hassle,  but they  couldn't fo anything and only dog the holes while the two siblings held the two eggs tightly.


"Sigh....if I knew I would be digging so much in the army,  I would instead have become a farmer. " 

"Stop complaining Heng, you're the strongest one of us. You're not even sweating from this, truly heartbreaking....



The mood was lightened a bit,  but with the next order beeing given they once again became serious. The siblings had decided to follow the right path to the bamboo forest-the why eluding Heng and the others,  but I mattered little as both paths looked the same. So , without waiting much longer they followed the right path, leaving the safe opening and entering the mystery filled bamboo forest. 

'It's quiet....

The road cut straight through the forest,  the gigantic bamboo blocking the sun on both sides making it a little cooler than before,  but Heng preferred to know what was happening around him. And so they travelled through the calm looking forest in a tight formation with the two siblings on the center and the soldiers surrounding and shielding them from any danger.

*chirp chirp...

Sounds of birds started to be heard as they headed deeper and deeper,  until they abruptly stopped. This immediately caused the two siblings to order them to stop, and they all got ready for a fight. Their heart heavily pumping blood throughout their body , bbut even after a while nothing came.


"Brother what....

Lai Sen raised a hand to stop his sister from speaking,  took a small rock from the paved road and threw it forward. The rock flew about ten meters,  before hitting the ground, the sound of  the rock breaking some of the tension. Unfortunately for Lai Sen it was the opposite as he took several more small rocks and threw them all around himself in rapid succession with a serious face,  and that's when Heng noticed it. 

'The sound....the rock's,  their sound is not commig from the direction they land on.'

"We're inside an illusionary foation." slowly said Lai Sen and his sister immediately took something out of a pouch on her hip. It was small and round piece of jade with a metal needle affixed to it, and the needle was spinning erratically. She frowned as she looked around for a while,  but ultimately she sighed. 

"It's as big brother Sen says, we're definitely  in a illusionary formation. I didn't expect for a formation like this to be still active,  but it's not a big deal. With the formation disturbing plate we will easily get through it."

"I'm not so sure....

"Brother Sen? What does that mean?"

"Sigh....its not as simple as that. " said Sen as he took the Formation Disturbing Plate and activated it. It rose up from his palm and hovered before him.  It didthat for about half a minute before it returned to Sen's hand" As I expected....the formation isn't a normal one. Its a pre set path one, or worse , a constantly changing path one."

"Oh no...is it like the one at the academy? It's going to take us some time, but we know how to clear it. It's just a matter of time...


Lai Sen didn't speak,  but deep inside he hoped that it was as his sister said. He ordered the soldiers to gather several small  stones and their experiment begun.


Thirty minutes passed with the siblings throwing the rocks into several directions trying to listen to the sound of the rock hitting the ground. It seems to be going good at first, but after a while the two siblings begun to feel frustrated. 

"This doesn't make sense!" burst out the sister as she threw all her stones and stomped her foot in frustration. She seemed to have lost her previous confidence,  and was now freaking out" This formation doesn't make any sense. Sometimes it shows one result and sometimes it shows another. Also , why in the nine hells does this formation have such all node's?! It's like a madman made this."

" I know,  this formation has a simple effect,  but it's size and ever-changing node's make it a unsurpassed wall. It seems that we have made a mistake commig here. Now we can't even leave....

"No..." muttered the sister under her breath as she also unleashed one of her spells,  breaking one of the countless bamboos. The gigantic bamboo couldn't hold its weight anymore so it started to fall, unfortunately the soldiers were in its path.




The bamboo heavily fell , raising dust and even taking part of another bamboo,  but fortunately the soldiers were safe. They looked at the sister with anger, but as they thought of what had happened to the bamboo they lowered their gaze. Heng was also one of them,  but as his mind was one from 21st century earth,  he looked at the fallen bamboo with a different light. You could see the gears in his head spinning as he thought about something as he looked at the distorted end of the bamboo.

He had a small talk with Yin Hai about his idea, and after getting Hai's approval he headed towards the siblings.

Heng slowly approached them before he bowed deeply "Esteemed cultivators,  may I have a moment to speak to you? I think I have an idea on how to exit this place." 

"You have an idea how to exit the formation? Such insolence..." harruphed the sister,  but the brother was intrigued.

"Raise your head soldier and say what you have to say, but make it quick."

"Certainly.....On the outside Heng didn't seem feel anything,  but in his mind a feeling of dread had formed. He instinctively was feeling danger from Sen , even though he wasn't doing anything.

"Please excuse my ignorance....