
Coco Pie & Black Coffee

Working as a cashier in a place meant for the very dreads of society, and living outside the city because she is not able to afford an apartment within reasonable limits, Miyeon Lee's days were gloomy, tiring, and miserable. But, despite her hardships, she is starting college and is determined to have a change in her life. But, during her first day, she spills coffee on Junseo Choi, the young school janitor, and that tiny mistake leads to a bigger change than what she had ever imagined. Now, she has made an enemy the first day of what will later be an unforgettable freshman year of college.

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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Bitter Sweet.



"Wait, no…"




Two hours later, the café came back to a decent state. The cats went back over to their business, some had even approached the whining couple being treated by Jihyo. The self-announced owner of the café had calmed the cats down and saved both immature children from certain death by being lacerated by the cat's claws.

"Stop whining, if you had been a little more mature, this would've never happened," Jisoo called out from behind them, rolling the cord of a vacuum she had just finished using. The idea of turning it on again was tempting, since the noise of the vacuum was far more bearable than Junseo's childish whines.

"I can't believe you didn't even take into account the number of cats wandering around, you know their tails are sensitive." Haruki scolded Miyeon while petting the cat, who had been hurt during their earlier wrestling. The cat purred, but looked as if he held a life-long grudge against Miyeon.

"How was I supposed to know there were cats in this café?" She flipped her hair out of the way while giving access to her neck, there she flinched as the alcohol made contact with her bare skin, now covered in wounds. She inhaled deeply, mentally preparing for the dreadful liquid to touch her again. Minutes later, she looked around, aware of all the eyes in the room who had turned around to stare at her.

"What?" She asked, confused and uncomfortable under the sudden attention.

"You…" Began Junseo.

"Didn't…" Followed by Jisoo.

"Know…" Continued Yeonjun.

"There were…"Jihyo echoed in concern.

"Cats, in a…" Haruki stared in disbelief.

"Cat Café?" Their voices finished the question, emphasizing the word 'cat'.

"Uh...No?" She answered, frankly confused.

"You can't answer a question with another question." Haruki flicked a finger at her forehead.

"Ouch! They do that all the time in interviews." She rubbed her forehead.

"Don't you dare try and change the subject" Haruki pointed an accusing finger at her, Miyeon dropped her head like a scolded puppy.

"I'm more concerned with the fact you never noticed there were cats here. I mean, how?" Yeonjun sat beside her, almost pushing Junseo out of the sofa, his shyness had gone away after the events. Then he moved away as his sister instructed him to pick up a few band-aids from the first-aid kit he had knocked down while sitting down.

In reality, the atmosphere had changed, now they conversed comfortably, like old friends who just casually hang out.

"That is astounding, even Junseo noticed, and he doesn't pay attention to anything below his nose level." Junseo scoffed at Jisoo who just flashed him her best 'what? Is it not true?' expression.

"He sure seems to pay attention to Miyeon, though," Jihyo said, giggling slightly while applying some ointment to Junseo's wounds. Junseo's eyes opened as wide as plates, his mouth trembling, trying to physically process her words. His face reflecting absolute disgust.

"That amount of attention is going to get me killed," Miyeon said, unfazed at Jihyo's words.

"Maybe you should start giving other things your attention, too, Miyeon," Haruki said.

"Like what?"

"Like the number of times we heard cat noises while being here." He said while rubbing another cat's belly. Miyeon mumbled something and faced the ground.

"What was that?" Haruki put his hand behind his ear, leaning closer to her, making it clear that he hadn't heard her.

"I thought I was going insane, ok!?" Miyeon exploded.

"Bold of you to assume you are not already insane." Junseo's sharp comments were back.

"Listen here you little…" Before another fight broke out, Haruki interrupted.

"Enough." He turned to Miyeon. "Why don't you pay tribute to the real victim here?" He held the gray dotted cat he had been petting. Miyeon stared at him until the realization that she had almost crushed such a gorgeous creature settled within her.

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry. Come here" She attempted to hold the cat, but as soon as her hand got near him, the cat broke out into intense hissing and began throwing his claws at her, yet another attempt to wound her.

"EEEKK!" Miyeon jumped back. The cat instantly calmed down and jumped out of Haruki's hold. The pretentious feline gave her one last glare before throwing his nose up in the air and began to walk away. Miyeon watched the graceful sway of his hips, his whole being loathing her and walking away as if he was royalty and her, a mere peasant that had been barely spared of her life.

"Well, I didn't want to pet it anyway," Miyeon buffed, and turned around, not taking in account she would be directly facing Junseo, who had witnessed the scene with an arched eyebrow.

"What?" She asked.

"You are disliked even by animals." He let out without hesitation.

"I would like to see you…" Miyeon couldn't finish the sentence, as her mind registered the clear scene in front of her. The cat, who had moments ago tried to murder her, was now rubbing himself against Junseo's leg, purring in content. Junseo looked down, puzzled at the sudden contact.

"What the…?" Shocked by the small cat's actions, Junseo was unable to utter another word. Around them, the rest of their companions were equally astonished.

Then, slowly, giggles broke out from everyone. Haruki was the first to burst out in laughter, shaking and holding his belly. Jisoo whipped tears from her face, as Jihyo and Yeonjun held onto each other, unable to stop their laughs. Junseo himself smiled and turned around to face Miyeon, for some reason, expecting her to be laughing too.

But she wasn't. Her expression, however, made Junseo laugh louder than everyone else. She was pouting, and her nose wiggled in annoyance.

"Are you that mad?" Junseo asked.

"Mad? Who's mad?" She asked.

"Oh, you're not only mad, but you're also bitter," Haruki stated.

"I'm not bitter," She responded through gritted teeth. However, her mind raced with one thought and one thought only. 'I will become the best friend of all these hairy friends, even if I have to visit all the Shamans in Korea to cleanse my spirit and make it cat-friendly!' She had determination, and most importantly, she had to restore her pride. She would make all of them love her, no matter the cost.

Not long after. The six decided to be on their way home. Jihyo and Yeonjun closed the café. Once outside the building, everyone parted ways. It wasn't awkward, nor simple goodbyes. Unknown to everyone, lingering feelings remained. As if they were sad to be apart, the small time they had spent together had been unusual, but enjoyable. Maybe, if the strings of fate were pulled once again, they would reunite more often now. An individual thought crossed their minds, 'We'll see each other again, I feel it'

8:00 pm

Miyeon's Apartment.

I strolled inside my apartment. I hung my bag and keys near the door. Later, after disposing of my dirty clothes, taking a quick shower, and preparing dinner. I sat at the small desk by the side of my bed. I grabbed a few sheets of paper, a regular pencil, and began doodling. My mind became numb to anything else as I immersed myself in the lines of my sketch, the image I wanted to recreate still vivid in my mind's eye. The contour of the faces began taking form, and before I knew it, it wasn't a simple sketch, but a portrait.

The scene pictured six young people. Three girls, and three boys. The lines and traces, details and remarks, made it possible for the image to come to life. There before my eyes, the same image from earlier today rested on paper. Immortalized for me to always remember it. I stared at the drawing a little longer, pondering over the title of this new piece. The name came as if called for.

'Sweet Laughs'

I smiled. Rested the pencil on the side box, and retired to bed. The laughs still echoing in my brain, giving me an amiable feeling I had long forgotten. One laugh resonated louder than the others, but I could not tell it apart from the others no matter how hard I tried. My eyelids began to weaken, my breathing began to even out, and I felt my body slowly fall into the arms of the sweet and long yearn for sleep.

My peaceful nights had been more than I could count ever since the school year began.

-On the other side of the city-

Junseo and Jisoo had arrived home. Exhausted from the eventful day they had. As if expecting it, they got ready to feel the after-effects of being socially drained. Both noticed, however, that at the time of saying goodbye, they felt a little disappointed, as if the ambiance had been ruined by time itself.

"Do you wanna eat something?" Asked Junseo.

"Yes, Oppa," Jisoo replied, and watched Junseo freeze in place, then slowly turn around with killing intent.

"Excuse me?" He asked in English.

"What? Aren't you older than me?" She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes.

"Ew…" He appeared horrified, but then changed his expression.

"Jisoo, are you…" He leaned closer to her. Looking to the sides as if he was about to say something forbidden. "Drunk?"

"OI!" Jisoo shoved him to the side and walked to the kitchen.

"Well, you're not drunk, you never hit me when you're drunk." He said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"This is not the way to treat you g-i-r-l-f-r-i-e-n-d!" She said, crossing her arms.

"What are you talking about?" He asked while pouring himself a cup of water.

"Oh, for Christ's sake!" She exclaimed. Junseo just blinked.

"You shall not use the name of the Lord in vain. Shame on you, young lady." Junseo said after finishing his water, then walked away. Leaving a very out-of-place Jisoo behind. After standing in the middle of the kitchen, she decided to go to sleep as well. She began to walk through the hallway, and nearly fell down as a voice coming from the opposite room startled her.

"By the way! I'm not your boyfriend unless we need to get rid of a jerk!" She clearly heard the giggle coming from the room and was ready to burst through the door, even if that meant seeing him in nothing but a towel, again.

"THE ONLY JERK I WANNA GET RID OF," She kicked his door, "IS YOU!" She went inside her room. Junseo laughed inside his room, she would have forgotten by morning, that's for sure. She wasn't his best friend for anything, she had the almost exact same sense of humor. And knew when to play along.

"Pfft, girlfriend…" He scoffed, remembering Miyeon's words.

"I should tell her clearly that Jisoo is not my girlfriend. Seems like she misunderstood us." He thought before closing his eyes.












He got up slowly, as if afraid a small movement would open his mouth and voice the thought that had crossed his mind for just an inch of a second.

He was tired. Yes. He was just tired. Now, he was even delirious, huh, pathetic.

'Stop. Sleep' He commanded himself, forcing the image of a pouting Miyeon out of his mind. He gagged to himself, feeling disgusted. Grabbing the cover sheets, he pulled them over himself, legs kicking as if he was the little sibling resorting to the last measure when cornered by a very pissed-off older sibling.

Time passed. Slowly. The ticking of the clock became unbearable. The wind outside became too loud. And his thoughts kept getting dumber and dumber.

'This is why I dropped out. With a brain that refuses to listen to its owner, who would succeed?' Junseo kept turning and rolling around. He felt the sensory overload coming, he was becoming more and more anxious because he didn't know what was happening. He wasn't in control, and that was terrifying. He looked to his side table, observing his sleeping pills, he had already taken one, but it seemed to be having no effect.

'They're not drugs. So one more can't hurt.' Stretching out his arm, he grabbed the bottle with pills. Using his elbows to sit up just enough to swallow the pills. One. Two. Three.

Three pills, he was desperate to sleep at this point. Not long after, he felt his body heavier. But his mind was far from shutting down. No longer entertaining that thought of Miyeon, but of his own misfortune.

He loathed this feeling.

At last, the pills seemed to kick in. He fell into a dreamless sleep.