
Who am I?

A faint voice yelled out, "Ya hit cha head t'hard!" I laughed, but something hurt like all hell. One second later, blood was pouring out of my stomach. Another voice yelled out, "SHIT! His wound opened up!" What the hell did I do? Everything was fading away... "Where the hell is the OR!?"

"OR 3!"

I wanted to say something, "I- my-" But the Scottish nurse told me to keep quiet so I can conserve my energy. I checked again and there was a hole the size of a dinner plate in my stomach. I fainted right there. Thank god I was right there by the OR. I've never been in a place like where I was being taking to, I know that for sure, and by the time I fainted I watched enough medical shows to know what the light is like for a patient in the OR. Bright, even more for one in critical condition. Even though I fainted, I can feel the anesthesia coursing through my veins. I truly fell asleep then and there.

It feels long but short. What felt like seconds was hours of hard work for them. My eyes opened.

"9:00 A.M"

I tried sitting up, but I was stabbed with a absurdly sharp sword. I screamed.

"He's awake!" They were more suprised than me. Maybe I was a lost cause. Maybe I was so lost I couldn't realize the person walking in. "You hurt your head pretty hard, mind telling me what your name is?"

I stuttered, "My name is... Cobalt."