
Close Combat Card Magician

Local_dreamweaver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 15: Have a nice... Change (3)

-Back to the present-

Uhhh... Just remembering that day is already giving me migraines. Thank god I could use the log as a way to vent or store information, in case I might forget. Kai thought to himself, as he looked at the logs he had added through his two weeks of training. Although not everything was roses and sunshine and the third day of his training solidified that.


-2 days after the start of the training-

"Hah... Hah... Hah... Sir...? Is this... the best course... of action...? Just running... around the field?" Kai asked with a sweaty and tired expression, as he was struggling to stand on his own two feet.

"For you, it is. Your speed stat is abnormally high, despite the fact that your running speed doesn't match with some of my faster soldiers, during their training periods. So, to see any improvements in your speed, as well as stamina, a good marathon under a time limit is needed." Edgar explained, as he wrote notes on a notebook he was holding on, before adding:

"Besides, you will need to increase your stamina significantly for your future training either way, so using the marathon is a good way to gain stamina, control your pace and slowly increase your own movement speed."

I wish I could say to him that I'm used to running on treadmills for over an hour, so I won't have to worry too much about it, but then he would force me to run for twice as long and maybe even faster as before. Kai thought to himself, as he kept his own thoughts to himself and asked something else:

"What about the others? They will need the stamina as well, at least two of them."

"They are also training their stamina through their own training exercises. Be it weight lifting, constant targeting practice or just running, all of them have the idea to improve their primary stat, while also improving their physical condition. Unfortunately for the youngest one, she will focus on getting used to exercising quite a little while, but even then, it's mostly for her body to be improved and not stay inactive. Anyways, rest for the rest of the day, since your body is probably not used to running these distances." After Edgar finished his explanations, he left Kai alone on the field.

As for Kai himself, he was tired and hungry, so he slowly dragged his body towards the dining hall and after reaching there, he quickly ate his fill, before making his way towards his own room. As for the room he was staying at, it was smaller than the room he stayed for the first couple of days, but it still had the necessities that he wanted, such as a bathroom, a closet with a few pairs of clothes and underwear, a desk and lamp to read during his free time and a see window with a decent view of the city.

"Ouch... My legs. My legs... Don't torture them so much captain." Kai couldn't help but comment with a tired and depressed expression, as his body collapsed on the bed.

I wish I could listen to some of my usual tunes right now. Kai thought to himself, before summoning his gloves and saying out loud:

"Create new log."

After doing so, an empty panel appeared in front of him and the moment he thought of the worlds "Day 2: Marathons suck", those words appeared at the top of the panel, with the word "Title" to the left of it. Slowly, as he was thinking of more sentences and before long, the log itself ended up like this:

[Title: Day 2: Marathons suck

It's official. Marathons are the worst and they are even worse when you aren't allowed to refresh yourself with some water at the very least. Heck, I always drank, at least, some water after finishing my exercise sessions, but he only allows just some, after finishing only half of it. Does he want to kill me or something? Just give me a break dude. Urgh... I want to go home already, play some games and talk with dad.

At least things are not as bad, since for the past couple of nights, I haven't had any nightmares about stupid slave seals and the bunny that ate my nose, although I'm sure that those seals are real, at the very least. I don't want to hope that it's over, but I can't help but truly hope that it's over, at least for a while.

Aside from that, I hope that I haven't forgotten on any parts of the game that my dad had made. I made sure to note stat mechanics, the growth methods of the way and any of its "major encounters". I know that all of this is just some big coincidence that my old man happened to create a game with these weapons and probably the status is based on my dad's game, due to the sheer amount of time I've put on it, but I still have the nagging feeling that I may be wrong.]

Save the log. I truly hope that I'm just overthinking things. Kai couldn't help to think to himself with a slightly depressed expression, as he stared at the last sentence, before closing it and lifting himself up and silently looking at the dark skies of the world. It wasn't before long that he yawned and soon enough, a wave of sleepiness slowly overtook him and before long, he fell asleep, as usual.

After falling asleep, a couple of cloaked figured entered through the window silently and quickly stood in front of the bed. After that, one of the cloaked figures took out his right hand and a purplish light had covered it and put it close to Kai's forehead. After a couple of minutes, he put it away and couldn't help but sigh internally, as he looked at him emotionlessly. Before long, the duo disappeared from the room and only after they disappeared, did another figure appear into the room.

This figure wasn't like the others though, since it had bulges on top of its head and it had appeared, as if it came from the shadows of the room. After walking for a couple of seconds, it sat in front of the bed and took out its hand, covered in a purplish light, albeit lighter than the previous figure's. After doing the same motion as well, the figure, instead of leaving, titled its head in a bit of confusion and tried the same thing again. After doing that, the figure couldn't help but exclaim quietly with a feminine voice:

"My, oh my... Didn't expect that there would be someone who would have broken through their own. Must be quite the talent, if I do say so... I don't know from what world you came from, but I hope you learn the truth soon, youngling. Until then though, stay outside of the main stage."

After that, the figure disappeared, as it had appeared in the first place and Kai slept, while completely unaware of the event that would come into the future.

Have a nice... Dream

Local_dreamweavercreators' thoughts