
Clone battalion

This is something I decided to write in my free time and to be honest my writing skills are horrible but if you like it then awesome. P.s the times I update are probably gonna be random as I get burnt out easily

dragongod4949 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Being handed a plastic blade I stood there confused and in disbelief.

"Why would you give me a weapon," I spoke out while examining the fake blade giving it a flex to test its durability.

"Superman made a deal," He said while grabbing another fake blade from a weapon rack.

"And that was?" Silence is what followed the only sound was Batman putting different armor and weapons together.

"We'll start by testing your strength followed by stamina then we'll end it with endurance." He took a step away from the desk and stood in front of me and now I understand why people feel intimidated as he towers over me.

"We'll begin in 5 minutes."

Looking at his small smirk I can tell I'm probably gonna hate this.

A few hours later you can see a man in a weighted vest dragging himself to a finish line and as he crossed it he lost all strength slamming into the ground in a puddle of sweat.

"54 push-ups, 112 squats, and a 10-mile run." Superman wrote on a clipboard with a smile before giving a thumbs up. "Not bad for your first test."

Taking a glance around the room at the various heroes watching my pitiful attempts at training I gulped air before I let out the vomit that I held in since the 5-mile mark.

Superman glanced at Batman before he took a knee near the young man placing a hand on his back. "You did good let it all out, can someone bring a bucket and a mop,"

Ten minutes after I changed clothes and was given water I was taken to another area where some hero's changed into 'bad guy' outfits.

"Your next test will be in combat, you will need to hit at least one to pass." Batman spoke before he turned to watch the 'bad guys.

Right before I can start I was stopped by Superman who tried to encourage me with a pep talk.

"3,2,1 begin" at his command I rushed at the first enemy who was in a defensive position, taking a huge step forward I stabbed at their side only for them to disappear in a blur and before I could register what happened I was tripped from behind landing on my shoulder.

"Gotta be quicker if you want to catch me!" The flash said while jumping in place in a boxing position before he zipped away.

Getting up I charged at another person as my chance of hitting flash was nonexistent but my opponent blocked my attack with two fingers, they then slammed their extra fist into my gut knocking my air out and leaving me on the floor heaving.

"Maybe I overdid it?" A woman spoke out it was quite hard to tell as their outfits made them look extremely similar except for height.

"Yeah…" I exclaimed weakly and as she leaned closer to help me up I swung my blade out but she grabbed my arm threw it to the side and gave me a horrible knee to the jaw quite literally sending me flying and with a loud thud I hit the ground.

My vision was blurry but I could make out someone rushing towards me before they could do anything I rolled to my feet and brought my guard close just barely blocking a heavy fist to the face that pushed me back a few feet.

"Your one tough dude," the man said while getting into a boxer fighting style.

"I could say the same for you my bones are shaking" I couldn't hold my grin and I won't lie this was exciting the feeling of battle was something I never thought was enjoyable yet here I am.

In a split second, they were throwing attacks at each other his opponent was only blocking before he threw an uppercut that sent Edwards's head shooting back but he was forced to step back as the blade in Edward's hand almost slashed across his face, but as soon as he stepped away Edward was back on him swinging in a wild fashion but each of his attacks was being blocked but one managed to slip past the man's guard only for it to stop an inch from his face.

"Careful there cyborg we ain't supposed to get hit remember?" The flash said before looking at Edward. "And your fighting style needs polishing here's a crash course." *boom* he landed a hard punch across Edward's jaw staggering him but the flash kept attacking too fast for him to keep up, when he blocked his face he was hit in the stomach and when he blocked his stomach another part such as his legs or face was struck.

Fist after fist landed making Ed step back over and over again but he was finally given a second to breathe when flash backed off only for a hook from the mystery woman to send him to dreamland for a second, he woke up on the ground with the woman on him about to rain down hell on him so he brought his hands into a block that was instantly shattered as her hits were like a sledgehammer hammer. *argh* he let out a grunt before jutting out with his knife only for the woman to dodge to the left and spun him onto his chest while locking his arm in a hold but when he resisted she tightened it causing the blade in his hand to fall.

"Do you quit?"

A whisper escaped his lips "no…."

"So be it"

Darkness is what greeted Edward.