
CLOCKWORK: Eternal Love’s Curse

Jason Rami, an 18 year old high school senior keeps losing pockets of time and waking up soaked in blood without any memories of what happened the previous night. His only window of hope to understanding what’s going on with him seems to be his gorgeous classmate, Cleo. Jason soon finds out he has been roped into an eternal love curse and him and Cleo are the fated vessels for the reincarnation of a deep romance between Egyptia’s King Rami and Queen Cleophethrah. Will he be the perfect vessel to exact King Rami’s vengeance on the 21st century world?

Song_birdie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


It was a stormy night. The rain came down heavily, thunder claps erupted in the skies, lightning strikes tore through the clouds.

Cleo lay in bed tossing and turning. She was sweating profusely as she struggled to find peace in her sleep.

Suddenly she appeared in a empty space. A dark void. She was face to face with her other self, Queen Cleophethrah. She was gorgeous, adorned with all her expensive trinkets of gold.

"Do not trust the boy." She said, fire in her eyes.

"Who? You mean Jason?" Cleo asked.

"Do not trust the Jason." Queen Cleophethrah repeated. "For he is evil. He bears the heart of King Rami and therefore cannot be trusted."

"Hey, not to argue with you or anything but Jason is my friend. He's harmless. We've been together since we were really young and so I know what I mean when I say he's harmless." Cleo defended Jason.

"Yes child. He may seem harmless but he is a corrupted seed. Do not inform him of any of your plans or any of the discussions we have. He will use them against you. He has tasted blood and he will never be the same again." Queen Cleophethrah insisted.

"Look lady, I trust Jason. But I don't just trust him, I'm in love with him. There's no way I'm fixing this situation without him by my side." Cleo uttered.

"Listen to me child, you and the boy are fated. You share a strong bond which did not just begin as of your birth. It is a reincarnated bond from that which I shared with King Rami. Therefore, as you are fated to love each other, you are also fated to destroy each other.

Stay away from the boy and keep him at arm's length if you want to live long enough to foil his plan of world domination." Queen Cleophethrah explained.

"Don't compare Jason with your evil husband! He's nothing like him. He loves me and there's absolutely no way he's gonna transform into a blood thirsty monster. I just know it. I trust him!" Cleo said assuredly.

"Oh foolish little child. Do you really think my husband was always evil? I trusted him too."

"Let me show you."

A thick dark mist suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blurred out the void.

The atmosphere cleared back up to reveal Ancient Egyptia in the days of King Rami and Queen Cleophethrah's crazy love.

King Rami patrolled the streets to check the condition of the people. The people greeted him with fear and adoration. The streets cleared at the sound of his entourage. People bowed at the very sight of him wherever they were.

He strolled in all his pomp and pageantry.

A voice from the distant market place called out. A man standing upon stacked crates yelled into a crowd of people surrounding him, "Do not trust the Queen! She is a woman and she has grown weak!! She can no longer defend us! We need a man! Strong enough to withstand our enemies, who is not overcome with the hysteria and hormonal behavior of women! She is the biggest problem of this world! We need King Rami as our sole ruler, to rule us with the iron fist only a man can use! We must rise up today!!! Rise up against the Queen and support the King!!! Let him take his throne!!!"

King Rami drew near to where the man was standing and the whole crowd dispersed within the blink of an eye.

At the sight of King Rami, the man frantically got down from the stacked crates and bowed hitting his forehead on the bare ground. He shook with fear and excitement.

"Your Majesty!!" He greeted. "I am your faithful servant and yours alone! Your sole rulership is my wish and earnest prayer! I will follow only you until my death!" He cried.

"Hahaha." King Rami laughed at this fanatic. "You don't like the Queen very much do you?" King Rami asked the man.

"I detest her rulership but only because I long for YOUR sole rulership my King! You are the one true King! From the kingdom of Tanias to the kingdom of Egyptia, you are the supreme in my eyes! No woman can take your place!" The man cried again.

King Rami smirked looking at this hooligan.

"What's your name?" King Rami commanded.

"Oh, I-I am your humble servant. Feta is my name." The man answered still bowed face down to the ground.

"Feta, I have seen your loyalty, it will not be forgotten..." King Rami uttered.

The man smiled at the ground at the recognition of his idol.

"But no one who wants to live challenges the strength and honor of my wife in front of me!" King Rami continued.

Suddenly, King Rami pulled out his sword and sliced Feta's head right off his shoulders right there in the middle of the market place.

A loud gasp echoed from the crowds standing around and onlookers began to retreat in trepidation.

"Let all know that this is the fate that shall befall anybody, no matter who you are, who speaks ill of my beloved wife Queen Cleophethrah!" King Rami's voice erupted in the market place leaving everyone within a distance of hearing trembling in terror.

He turned around furiously and left the scene. His entourage still frozen with the horror of what had just occurred took a moment before realizing they had to follow him.

The thick dark mist returned and blurred out the picture of Ancient Egyptia bringing back the specter of Queen Cleophethrah and Cleo in the void.

"You see child, he wasn't always untrustworthy. He was my greatest supporter, my greatest lover, my greatest advocate before he suddenly turned into what you see today."

" I know you love Jason but do not let your heart deceive you as I let mine deceive me. Do not let your world be destroyed because you did not heed my warning."

"Be wise child, and be warned." Queen Cleophethrah's voice echoed as her specter disappeared into the dark mist.

Cleo got up from bed panting heavily and sweating buckets. She remembered Queen Cleophethrah's warning and immediately entered into deep thought.

She jumped at the sound of her ringtone breaking her thoughts. It was Jason.

She answered.

"Hey Ramen!" She said feigning excitement as best she could.

Queen Cleophethrah's words still rang loudly in her ears.

"Another night without an incident. I really think we got a hold on this now." Jason said over the phone excitedly.

"Wow, me too Ramen! I don't know if it's just our sheer will power to suppress the evil or what, but whatever it is, it seems to be working." Cleo lied with all her might.

She decided she was going to trust her other self, Queen Cleophethrah.