
Aunty Emily?

"Please be careful James, I beg you, if you realise your life is in danger run, don't look back, please live."

Nemesis' words made James' heart skip a beat, for the first time Nemesis, who was almost always said to have an emotionless expression, looked incredibly sad.

Wrinkles had formed on her forehead and the colour of her eyes had officially changed to a bluish silver, her lips were trembling and she seemed to be trying hard not to cry.

Nemesis, who had come to be known as the Goddess of War, had such an expression that even James, who was supposed to be her closest friend, her love, was deeply moved.

James shook his head and said, "I love you," then turned and started to run.

He didn't know what dangers awaited him at the top of the mountain, he had no contact with Nyx, no one in Olympus could watch him, the entire floor was locked, and James was truly on his own.