
Classroom of the Elite? Nah

In the worlds of full of lies, deceit, danger, and adventure would I remain the same with the second chance that I have been given? A strong willed prodigy, now unshackled looking for the meaning of the second life that he's been graced. Is it a curse or a blessing? OP MC, with a working brain. Harem? Up for consideration. Still a novice writer here, please be lenient :)

EarthlyNatureLover · Komik
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Not Joining the Loki Familia? Nah.

Time passed, and with the persistence of Ais, Aki decided to join the Loki Familia thinking that it won't be so bad to join to have connections for finding his Goddess.

Of course, some of the members of the Familia aren't so pleased to have someone looking so frail, and weak join their Familia, especially the younger ones.

As they haven't heard of the confrontation between the wolf eared lycanthrope and Aki as to not embarrass Bete, they decided to do an initiation.

Confronting Yuuki Aki, they saw him lounging in the garden of their manor, with their famous golden-haired princess, Ais Wallenstein.

Immediately their faces contorted to mischievous smiles, and started spewing insults, and mocking when they approached the two.

"Hey pretty boy, how's it feels to get in one of the top Familia in the Orario by tricking our princess?" With condescending face, a Pallum, spoked.

Seeing the group approaching them, at first Yuuki Aki didn't pay attention at first as there are people that also come to the garden to take a rest as well.

But looking, and hearing them snide, and hurl insults at him, decided to ignore them as it's common for people to have their opinion, and it's not like it hurts him.

Personally, he feels like it's just some flies that fly around you, and buzzed, even if you hear them, you don't really care as you don't know them, and they're just some annoying fly.

The same as Aki, Ais's face didn't chance as well, but her eyes slitted at the group, and with Aki's understanding about Ais these months with their interactions, he can now easily sense the annoyance, and the indistinct downward arc of her mouth showing her dissatisfaction to the group.

"What? Cat got your tongue pretty boy, gonna cry to momma?" A lycanthrope morphing his face to a funny one decided to retort to childish provocation hoping to get a rise to the white-haired boy.

A bull-race kid, with the height unlike other kids his age, and some muscle due to his race got tired of the talking and closed Aki's personal space and started lightly pushing him.

Raising an eyebrow from the contact, Aki internally pondered whether to teach the unruly children a hard lesson.

But before he can make an action, Ais immediately went between the two of them, and said, "No fighting." With a serious expression.

Instead of being discouraged, the young warriors now emboldened, convinced that the princess is protecting the pretty boy because he's weak looked at each other, and nodded.

With roguish faces one of the three reached his right hand to try and lift Aki by his shirt, but with remarkable reaction he swatted the hand that's coming to him, and with swift motion instead lifted the young lycanthrope.

Ais wanting to interfere and stop the fight as even though she's still young know that fighting with a fellow familia member isn't good, so she immediately tried to interfere.

But before Ais act, or speak Aki opened his mouth, and said, "This is a man's fight, although the reason is childish, this is how we work with our difference-

Smiling mischievously, he gripped the shirt that he's holding and threw the lycanthrope in the oncoming assaults of his two friends toward him.

-with our manly… scratch that, childish FISTSS!"

Slamming his fist on his palm, Aki took action deflecting the incoming blows one by one with calculated moves, and landing punches easily, making quite a stir in the emotions of the assaulting young warriors of the Loki Familia.

With the commotion, people started filling the small courtyard of the Manor, and people could be seen and heard yelling, and cheering the young lads fighting seemingly disregarding the notion of them being hurt as there are a lot of healer close by.

Now battered and flustered that they couldn't land blows to the earlier seemingly weak pretty boy, they gathered attacking together, as although they are mischievous, they aren't dumb enough not to understand that they can't handle Aki without each other.

With now awe, respect, and healthy amount of fear in their faces towards their adversary, they nervously nodded towards each other.


Yelling towards his Bull-race friend the lycanthrope warrior threw his Pallum friend towards him then the Pallum kid with his small stature came flying but unlike what the audience thought, the Pallum kids flying direction is towards the Lycanthrope, and just like that ninja anime with shadow clones, held the outstretched hand of his running Lycanthrope propelling him with the more speed towards Aki with now a bit of seriousness on his face.



Accompanying with loud air shockwaves, the Lycanthrope now speeding to Aki with outstretched claws on his hands yelled, "Get ready you bastard, or you'll be dead!"

Smiling with ferocity, showing his fangs towards the provocation of the Lycanthrope eared of his Familia, Yuuki Aki, now more than thrilled to accept the challenge, opened his arms wide open seemingly ready to receive the speeding bullet of the Lycanthrope with his bare body smiled more ferociously.

Hearing the commotion in her manor Loki immediately rushed towards the site with Riveria, and her usual party members.

Now witnessing the ongoing spectacle in front of her, Riveria couldn't but anxiously said with concerned face, "Is he an idiot? Wait, I need to stop this first before questioning his mental faculties."

Grasping her staff, it started to shine in an ethereal emerald glow an indication of a magic spell, "Wait." Holding her hand, indicating she stopped her casting.

Looking flabbergasted at her Goddess, she looked questioningly and rashly said, "He's in danger."

Understanding the concern of her Elven Mage, she answered, "Just wait, I can feel something within him, a lost power? A new kind of Divinity?" With furrowed brows she asked no one in particular.

Even the onlooking spectators looked at their Goddess with a face that said, 'what are you saying?'

"I can't explain it, just watch." Not knowing how to answer their current query she just opted to encourage them to just watch with serious face.

Looking at the sky with wide open arms, Aki started to chant, 

"On thy Hollow sky that once been clouded on thy péopl desperate."

With those words, in every part of the Orario the sky suddenly darkened followed by the massive clouds crackling with lightnings, shrouding the earlier shining sun.

"Desperate with thy salvation he whom most implore."

Continuing with the crackling thunder, and dark as an abyss lightning in every outer parameter of the Orario spreading fear to the inhabitants of the Orario especially the civilians, and making the adventurers outside the Tower cautious, and wary.

"Once hollowed sky and eyes clouded, parted with thy very presence, spreading thy light."

In the center of the maelstrom Yuuki Aki stood with his outstretched arms with a very ethereal azure glow now surrounding his body spreading in an instant like a dome on the City of Orario and parting the darkened sky.

"Thy péopl mistake me for thy God."

With people witnessing the unexplainable events, that looked like a divine miracle, the ordinary inhabitants of the Orario started kneeling and praying.

"But thy devotee, I am not thy God, as I am…

"Thy one, and only Worthy."


With a loud booming voice, the words transmitted not only in the Orario but the whole Gekai world, alarming the divine beings, and the strong individuals that reside within it.


Now Yuuki Aki clad in ethereal azure white lightning on his body, with now striking spiked silver hair, looked at the peering Gods, and Goddess, and remarkable people that are in far places and smirked at them.

The spectators might think that what he did was an overkill towards the poor young aggressors of his Familia, but he didn't show his strength just for them, but because he has his own considerations.

Refocusing his attention, he pointed his finger towards the claws of the Lycanthrope that is aiming towards him, easily stopping it, and cushioning the impact as it'll at least severely injure the poor kid if he did not, as he's strength currently is not something the adventures of the Orario can contend.

Looking back at their misconception of the 'just pretty boy' in front of them, the assaulters, and even the people watching couldn't help but gulp in awe, and fear at the ethereal being in front of them.

Flashing towards the fallen lycanthrope, Yuuki Aki now feeling satisfied going tad bit serious, smiled warmly towards the wolf eared kid, and warmly smiled, "You guys fought well."

Bending a bit forward, Aki stretched his hands towards the Lycanthrope, asking, "What's your name?"

Gulping with healthy amount of saliva the wolf eared young'un answered, "Benny."

"So, Benny, it's fine to be jealous, but you should make it to propel yourself to be better, not propel yourself on assaulting that someone." Chuckling to his humor, Aki smiled and waved his outstretched hand, beckoning for Benny to accept it.

Taking the outstretched hand of Aki, Benny stood up and looked at Aki in new light, literally new light, as in his heart he marked, and convinced himself that Yuuki Aki as a Divine Being, with his warm personality, and ethereal current appearance it looked appt for him.

Watching the now coming to conclusion spectacle, the party of Riveria, and Loki looked intently at Aki and commented, "He is a strong boy, are you sure Loki-sama that he is not a demigod?" With curiosity and awe to her voice Riveria asked, with Finn and the others also waiting for the answer.

"No, it's not a Divine Power like we Goddess, I need to observe him more to come into conclusion." With a squint of her eyes Loki answered.

Gareth laughed heartily seemingly jovial, and said, "He's a good lad, and strong at that. I think we can see a second coming of Ais, and stronger at that. BWAHAHAHA." With that he laughed boisterously with the nods of the Familia members within the surrounding agreeing.

"Heh, just another bratty junkie." With his trademark snort, Bete snide.

"Strong, Aki." Pumping her two fists Ais Wallenstein said with bobbing her head a bit saying 'strong' looking so adorable on the side.

Smiling towards the young lads, with Aki giving the 3 aggressors a bit of a sermon, and pulling them up, and the 3 sincerely apologizing.

With that Loki, came back to her flashbacks, and observed Aki again who have now grown with proud face with her squinted eyes.