
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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295 Chs

-187- Do you want to see that?


Nanaya Hori couldn't help but chuckle silently as he clearly heard Sakura Airi muttering to herself.

This girl, hiding here and doing such things?

It made Hori feel it was awkward to continue eavesdropping.

Otherwise, Sakura Airi might make even more sensational remarks?

Before that happened, it would be better to stop her.

So, Hori spoke up directly.

"What are you doing here, Sakura?"

The sudden voice startled Sakura Airi.


Sakura Airi reacted as if someone had touched her back, straightening her spine and emitting a startled cry.

Then, Sakura Airi turned around and saw Hori's face with a wry smile.


Sakura Airi, who usually showed a relieved expression upon seeing Hori, seemed even more flustered at this moment.

This actually amused Hori.

"What's wrong?" Hori said somewhat mockingly, "Are you doing something you don't want me to know about?"

At these words, Sakura Airi's cheeks turned red, and she quickly shook her head while speaking in a low voice.

"N-No... that's not... not like that..."

Her voice was so low that it seemed the surrounding waves and wind were louder.

Hori couldn't help but smirk.

"What are you saying? I can't hear you."

As if to hear Sakura Airi's words clearly, Hori deliberately brought his face closer to Sakura Airi's, leaving only about ten centimeters between their faces.


Seeing Hori's playful smile and his face so close, Sakura Airi seemed to heat up, her face turning even redder, and emitting an almost inaudible whimper.

Obviously, Hori's actions were too stimulating for Sakura Airi.

If this continued, Sakura Airi might faint on the spot, right?

So, Hori reached out his hand directly.


The loud sound of the tap appeared in front of Sakura Airi's forehead.

It was the result of Hori tapping Sakura Airi's forehead.


Sakura Airi immediately let out a cute cry, covering her forehead in pain.

"What are you doing here?"

Hori asked, pretending to be unaware.

"N-Nothing!" Sakura Airi, still holding her forehead, denied in a flustered manner, then seemed to remember something and quickly asked, "W-When did you come here, Nanaya-kun?"

As she said this, Sakura Airi appeared very nervous.

There was no way.

If Hori had heard her muttering just now, Sakura Airi might have jumped into the sea in embarrassment.

"I just got here," Hori pretended not to know and asked, "What's wrong? Are you really doing something you don't want me to know about?"

Sakura Airi shook her head vigorously like a rattle drum.

"Okay." Hori chuckled and said, "Then why are you here? Isn't there a celebration banquet tonight?"

At this mention, Sakura Airi's tension eased slightly.

"I... I didn't go," Sakura Airi said quietly, "Although Kushida-san invited me, I heard it's not just Class D, even Class B students will be there, so..."

So, this shy girl chose to escape at the last minute.

Even though she had become somewhat accustomed to the warmth of Kushida Kikyou and the other classmates, Sakura Airi was still the timid and introverted idol.

A lively event like a celebration banquet was definitely not suitable for Sakura Airi, right?

Of course, there was also the reason mentioned earlier, that people around her were talking about Hori and Ichinose Honami, which made Sakura Airi reluctant to participate.

But Sakura Airi also seemed surprised by Hori's presence here.

"You didn't go either, Nanaya-kun?" Sakura Airi asked in surprise, "Everyone seems to say that this time it's thanks to you that we got good grades on the special exam, so they all say they want to invite you."

Hirata Yousuke had mentioned this too.

"But I don't necessarily have to accept the invitation, right?" Hori shrugged and said, "If I go, I'll definitely be pestered by those gossiping kids."

"I see..." Sakura Airi breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to have some concerns, saying cautiously, "Then what about Ichinose-san?"

"What about her?" Hori said impatiently, "I'm not really dating her, just pretending. If I accompany her, we'll probably be pushed to do some intimate gestures in front of everyone. Do you want to see that?"

Upon hearing this, Sakura Airi responded without hesitation.


This statement was exceptionally loud.


Sakura Airi realized she had overreacted, reached out, and covered her mouth.


Hori looked at Sakura Airi strangely, showing a helpless expression.


Sakura Airi's face turned red again, looking like she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

Finally, Sakura Airi couldn't hold on any longer.

"I... I'm going back to my room!"

After saying this, Sakura Airi hurriedly ran away.


Hori subconsciously wanted to call out to Sakura Airi, but then gave up.

Even if he stopped her, with Sakura Airi's personality, she probably wouldn't be able to say a few complete sentences, right?

"What a headache this girl is..."

Hori shook his head and turned around, gazing out at the ocean ahead.

Silence began to envelop the surroundings, with only the rhythmic sounds of the wind and waves.

Inside the cruise ship behind him, the laughter and chatter of students could still be faintly heard, indicating that a party-like atmosphere was indeed taking place.

However, on the cruise ship's deck under the night sky, surrounded by the sea and sea breeze, this laughter and chatter seemed to become background noise, bringing an indescribable sense of tranquility.

Hori enjoyed this tranquility, continuing to gaze at the ocean ahead, letting the wind lift the hem of his coat, fluttering in the breeze.

However, this tranquility didn't last long.


The next moment, a somewhat surprised voice came from behind Hori, causing him to turn his head and look behind him.

There, a girl appeared on the deck.

Seeing the girl, Hori raised an eyebrow slightly.


Hori called out the girl's name.

Sure enough, it was Kushida Kikyou.