
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
237 Chs

-119- You're not suitable

//// Sorry didn't update yesterday, was busy cuz of installing java eclipse and Javafx stuff and had no time to translate ////

During the mid-term exam, Class D once appeared to be united under the leadership of Hirata Yousuke and Kushida Kikyou, contributing a large amount of personal points to prevent Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken from being expelled, thus increasing the cohesion of the class.

Since then, Class D seemed to be united.

However, that unity was very illusory.

Because without Hori's explanation, telling everyone that Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken still had a purpose to stay, Class D, which didn't have a very good impression of them, would definitely not have made such a decision so readily.

In other words, there were actually interests involved in this.

But now, the interests were inconsistent.

Some people planned to save as many points as possible to earn points, while others wanted to use these points for their own convenience.

In the situation of conflicting interests, this unity would collapse on its own.

"In a full seven days, to let these people live together and work together to sustain their lives until the end of the exam, and still save enough points to meet the requirements?"

Hori then smiled at Hirata Yousuke and Kushida Kikyou in front of the whole class.

"No matter what you think, I'm not too hopeful."

Hori's calm and emotionless laughter and narration were like sharp needles, piercing each of the classmates, gradually making the classmates who had just fallen into arguments dumb and silent.


In this extremely quiet environment, Horikita Suzune, who silently watched all this, sighed softly, seemingly feeling hopeless as well, but it sounded particularly harsh to everyone present.

"But... but, aren't these things solvable?" Kushida Kikyou, like trying to ease the heavy atmosphere on the scene, or to prevent someone from getting angry at this time like Sudou Ken, hurriedly spoke again before anyone else, trying to mitigate.

"Now that Nanaya-kun has pointed out these issues, let's discuss solutions together. It's okay to spend some points on food and water. In unity, from now on, let's all work together, okay?"

Kushida Kikyou earnestly advised everyone.

Wouldn't the efforts of the popular angel-like figure with hopeful smiles like this immediately boost everyone's morale and make them respond enthusiastically?

However, Kushida Kikyou's efforts were still ruthlessly shattered by Hori.

"Indeed, if we recognize reality from now on, plan the next course of action well, and get through this week by effectively using points, that's not a problem. But the so-called unity isn't something you can just piece together with effort."

Hori's voice spread across the entire room as if nothing had happened.

"The so-called 'individual' always values self more than 'group'. As many people as there are in this world, there are as many thoughts and opinions. People can never reach a consensus unless someone steps up to lead."

Hori didn't look at anyone in the room, just gazed at the forest, speaking as if talking to himself.

"A country needs leadership because there needs to be someone to tell everyone what to do."

"Society needs advancement because there needs to be someone leading the way, letting everyone follow."

"In this world, there are people who can truly be 'independent', but definitely not everyone can."

"If there's no one giving orders, they won't know what to do. The vast majority of people in the world are like this."

"So, if there's a capable leader in this class who can integrate disputes between men and women, grasp everyone's conflicting interests, and find the most suitable solution from them, then it's possible for this class to reach an ideal state."

Therefore, just relying on a sentence like "Let's unite and help each other" to make everyone help each other is simply impossible.

Kushida Kikyou's approach only temporarily gained everyone's approval. How many people can truly maintain this so-called "unity" in the face of difficulties?

At least, Hori doesn't think that just with Kushida Kikyou's words, there won't be any conflicts in the future.

Unless someone can truly influence everyone's thoughts and integrate all opinions.

So, a leader is necessary.

"Then let Yousuke do it! Yousuke should be fine, right!?"

Karuizawa Kei was the first to raise her hand, saying.

"Yeah, that's right!"

"With Hirata here!"

"We all trust Hirata-kun!"

"If it's Hirata-kun, no matter what he says, we'll follow!"

The girls immediately echoed.

Even the boys, although they didn't say anything, didn't have any objections to Hirata Yousuke becoming the leader.

This is evidence that Hirata Yousuke is deeply trusted by his classmates.

"If everyone needs me, then I will do my best for everyone."

Hirata Yousuke also took on this responsibility without hesitation.

This is the approach of this gentle but indiscriminate good person.

It's just a pity...

"Unfortunately, Hirata."

Hori said lightly.

"You're not suitable for this.."

One sentence extinguished the enthusiasm of the entire class that had just ignited.


Kushida Kikyou seemed to realize what would happen next and hurriedly spoke out, trying to stop it.

Kushida Kikyou seemed to realize what would happen next and hurriedly spoke out, trying to stop it.

But it was too late.

"Ha? What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Sure enough, Karuizawa Kei burst out loudly.

"How could Yousuke-kun not be okay? Yousuke-kun is the most perfect person in this class! He's both gentle and capable! Unlike you, a solitary guy! What makes you think Yousuke-kun is not suitable!?"

Karuizawa Kei vented her anger towards Hori.

The other girls also angrily looked at Hori.

Even the boys all glared at Hori, looking like they couldn't help but rush up.

However, while the girls were displeased that their ideal man was being spoken ill of by Hori, the boys were only annoyed at Hori for repeatedly pouring cold water on them.

Interestingly, Hirata Yousuke himself didn't care at all about Hori's complete denial of himself, looking more worried that he might not be capable enough, with a face full of concern.

"What shortcomings do I have? Could you please tell me?"

Hirata Yousuke confirmed with Hori.

But Hori didn't answer, just asked a question.

"Then let me ask you, Hirata, what would you do if someone encountered difficulties?"

Hori asked such a strange question.