
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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227 Chs

-118- The hidden dangers

This special exam is truly quite unique.

In the past, each class had no idea about methods to increase class points. Even though there were various ways to earn points in the S System, since the rules of the system were not disclosed, students only knew how to avoid losing points by maintaining certain behavior, but they didn't know how to earn points.

The only confirmed way to earn points was by participating in club activities and excelling in various competitions to earn points for the class.

So, during the first semester, first-year students restrained their behavior and tried not to lose points, while point accumulation was solely determined by the school without any control from the classes.

But this time is different.

This time, the school has clearly stated the rules.

Any remaining special points after the special exam will be added to the class points.

Such a clear method of point accumulation is right in front of them.

Therefore, it's believed that everyone would want to minimize the use of special points in this special exam.

Moreover, there are also many people like Ike Kanji who believe that they should not use any points and save all 300 special points.

So, regardless of whether students want to earn more personal points for spending later or aim to compete for a higher class rank, they would want to save their points and not use them.


"Do you think this is realistic?"

Hori looked at Ike Kanji, as if he had anticipated his response, and said bluntly.

"If it were just you, maybe it wouldn't be a problem. Finding fruits and drinking river water in the forest could sustain you. But here, we have a total of forty people. Even if we only eat one meal a day, we still need to ensure enough food for forty people every day. Do you think you can find enough food for forty people every day just by foraging in the forest?"

Hori's question left Ike Kanji speechless.


The other students were also at a loss for words.

And this is reality.

If it were just one person living in the wilderness, there would indeed be various ways to survive.

But now, it's not just one person; it's a group activity with forty people.

They have to ensure enough food for forty people every day.

This is something even Hori cannot guarantee.

After all...

"This island is managed by the government and entrusted to Advanced Nurturing High School. Even if the school allows us to survive here in the wild, considering the safety of the students, there wouldn't be any wild animals here. Otherwise, the school wouldn't be comfortable letting us roam freely. If there were wild animals, regardless of the danger, finding a way to hunt them and feed forty people wouldn't be a problem. The problem lies in whether there's anyone who knows how to prepare wild game."

As Hori mentioned things that ordinary students wouldn't even consider, he continued to explain.

"Furthermore, even if we ignore food, let's talk about water. Ike, you just said we can easily find a river for water. But that's not realistic either. We don't know if the river water is clean, so no one would feel safe drinking it. Even if you're willing to make sacrifices for points, once you get sick and have to withdraw halfway, your points will decrease instead of increase. It will be a loss rather than a gain. Are you sure you still want to do this?"

Listening to Hori's words, Ike Kanji was completely speechless.

Looking at Ike Kanji like this, Hori calmly stated.

"This is the first hidden danger in this class: not recognizing reality."

This problem is exactly the same as the situation of Class D when they first entered school.

Not realizing the problems that exist in reality, only seeing the benefits, will inevitably lead to self-destruction in the end.

"And then there's the second hidden danger."

Saying this, Hori suddenly smiled at everyone.

"Just now, your opinions on point usage were quite consistent. You all believe that points should be saved. But can you maintain this consensus?"

"For example..."

Hori looked at Chabashira Sae and asked.

"Chabashira-sensei, the guidebook mentions the situation when the class will lose points due to environmental pollution. But what should we do if we need to use the bathroom?"

His words were like a wake-up call.

That's right.

If they can't pollute the environment, it means they can't relieve themselves anywhere.

So what should they do?

It's simple.

"In addition to the tent, flashlight, and matches mentioned earlier, the school will also distribute a simple toilet to each class."

Chabashira Sae seemed to have prepared for this already and took out a cardboard box.

Seeing this cardboard box, the female students in the class became uneasy.

"S-Sensei, you're not suggesting that we use a cardboard box instead of a toilet, are you?"

A female student pointed at the cardboard box that Chabashira Sae had taken out, her face full of disbelief.

But Chabashira Sae ignored their reactions.

"This is a well-made item that is often used in disasters. As long as you put the blue plastic bag inside, you don't have to worry about leaks. Additionally, after use, you can cover it with an absorbent cloth, which will conceal the contents and suppress odors. And these plastic bags and absorbent cloths can be supplied indefinitely, so you don't need to worry about running out."

The problem isn't this at all.

"W-We can't do this!"

"We absolutely can't do it!"

The girls reacted strongly.

On the other hand, the boys, led by Ike Kanji, expressed different sentiments.

"It's just a toilet, so let's bear with it a little."

"Yeah, it's something we can't help."

"It's all for the sake of points."

The boys, who could easily solve the problem, made irresponsible remarks like this.

This angered the girls in the class.

"Don't joke around!"

"How can we bear this!?"

"A cardboard box toilet... No way! I absolutely refuse to accept it!"

The girls protested vigorously while lamenting.

Even Kushida Kikyou showed a wry smile, and Sakura Airi's face turned pale as she looked at the makeshift toilet.

It's easy to imagine how uncomfortable it would be for the girls to use a cardboard box as a toilet.

"This is the second hidden danger in this class."

Hori's indifferent voice instantly overshadowed everyone in the class.

"Everyone has their own thoughts, and their endurance levels are different, causing a certain degree of inability to unify actions. This will not only lead to fragile relationships over the next week but will also be reflected in the use of points."

"I can assert that here, some people will endure until they can't bear it anymore and use points for their own convenience during the wilderness survival."

"While others will disagree, inevitably leading to conflicts and disputes between both sides."

"Moreover, points are something that everyone can apply to use. Even if someone secretly uses points, no one will find out."

"And once discovered, the situation of using points without authorization will lead to even greater disputes and conflicts."

"This is the second hidden danger of Class D: lack of unity."

"This class, in the end, is still no match for the other classes."