A child from the lowest class of society, a simple G-class boy, will impose himself with his fists in a cruel world. He will advance from the sewers and sewers to the top and fame, from class to class, only with his perseverance, his rage, and his ability to survive. But getting out of the gutter is not easy, nor will the elites allow him to advance easily. Will his fists be able to impose himself on his cruel destiny?
Rubio threw two quick right punches at the beginning of the round, but Ratón's body was not where the boy expected, the boy's feet had moved to the left but he had not retreated, he kicked Rubio's side.
It was not a strong blow nor did it continue, no punch, it was more provocation than anything else, Rubio's pressure and tension took its toll on his until then languid attitude, this time he attacked with rage, his fists trying to hit and cut Ratón's angles so that he could not escape, but he did not retreat, he advanced at short distance and after hitting the torso twice he took advantage to escape while dodging a punch from the boy.
In his next advance Rubio managed to connect four blows to the body and arms, but none of them were strong, Ratón dodged the rest and got far enough away to minimize those blows, his kick to the leg cut the rhythm of his rival who had to start again.