A child from the lowest class of society, a simple G-class boy, will impose himself with his fists in a cruel world. He will advance from the sewers and sewers to the top and fame, from class to class, only with his perseverance, his rage, and his ability to survive. But getting out of the gutter is not easy, nor will the elites allow him to advance easily. Will his fists be able to impose himself on his cruel destiny?
Mouse was actually much cooler than Witch, that could be seen with the naked eye, but at first glance he didn't limp nor did he seem to have any permanent damage to his leg. Another problem for the boy was the angle from which those long-distance attacks would come, if he didn't calculate those blows well they would be difficult to stop. A kick to the head and he could bet he would spend a long time in the infirmary.
Blacker looked worriedly at his pupil, perhaps this would be the boy's last fight in this tournament, not that he didn't trust him, but now the rivals would no longer be so easy, anything could go wrong. But the boy had what Blacker had lacked in his days as a fighter, talent, a natural talent to read the fight.