
Clash Academy Series: Nicklaus Academy

I enter a new academy to hide from my past. I thought everything would be fine. I never thought of having someone who is always at my side and protecting me.   Klint Nicklaus, the popular rich son of the owner of Nicklaus Academy, Kyst Nicklaus, twin brother of Klint, who has a secret past with the new girl. Troy Sylverio is Klint's rival when it comes to popularity and power in their gangs. son of the owner of Sylverio Academy. Mizuki Stanford, a transferee who will change the entire academy, especially Klint. Akisha Montemayor, famous model, actress, and queen bee of Nicklaus Academy, who has fallen for Klint since they were kids. Gray Montereal, a famous basketball player and Klint's best friend, Shawn Rutherford, body guard of Mizuki Sky Rutherford, bodyguard to Mizuki, Elisha Williams, a girl who has a hidden agenda, comes to the Nicklaus Academy. Sakiya Ushiro, former best friend of Mizuki Kookie Sylverio, brother of Troy.   What will they be to one another? What secret will be unfolded? In the academy full of secrets, may love win the battle? Will Klint accept the fact that protecting Mizuki means his cold heart will be softened and fall for her? What is the reason behind Troy and Klint's rivalry?   What motivates Mizuki to join the academy? What secret is she hiding? What is the reason behind Troy and Klint's rivalry?   "We are not dating yet, but I like her." - Klint    "I like you, no, I love you Klint, but I'm sorry I need to do this." -Mizuki   "Tomorrow may not be as bright as today. But I will still hold your hand until the end. " -Sky "If I fall every day repeatedly, I will choose to love you every day that I have." - Gray "I'm not the girl who you think I am! This is me! Now tell me, do you still love me? " - Elisha "I still want to hug and kiss you until I die, but how can I do so right now? I miss you. I love you. " -UNKNOWN Nothing has changed, everything is still the same.  I enter the academy and I can't turn back.

Dark_Aphrodite24 · Masa Muda
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15 Chs

Jealous (Chapter 13)

Mizuki's Point of View

I get up and grab my phone. Look for the message.

"Good morning, my president. I'll be there at ten. You can come with me to our lunch with my team. "

I texted him.

Sure, you can pick me up at nine or nine thirty.

I stand up and grab my towel and bathrobe.

It's already eight in the morning.

I went into my bathroom and took a bath.

Knock knock

"Mizuki, are you done?" I already cooked pancakes for your breakfast.

"I'll be done in ten more minutes, Nanny."

"Okay, just go down okay."

I rinse my body and get my towel and bathrobe.

I put my hair in the towel.

I put on the bathrobe and got out of the bathroom.

I went into my walk-in closet and picked my sleeveless mohair wool trench jumpsuit with a silk-lined viscose trench coat and my white leather chain TB bag, and house check and leather ankle boots from Hermes.

I get out of my room and go to the dining table.

"Where are you going, Mizuki?" Nanny Nancy said

"I am just going for lunch today with Klint and his team. They will just celebrate their victory for their game yesterday."

"Oh, is that so?" By the way, your dad called me and asked me if he could bring Kuzaki here while they are on business trip tomorrow for a week in Mexico. "

"Sure, Nanny, just tell them I will be home at three."

Okay, and last thing, Shawn and Sky went to see their father in the hospital. If I was correct today, he will be discharged. "

"That's good news then." I get a pancake and eat it.

"Is Klint courting you?"

"Yes, Nanny, but he is the twin brother of Kyst." You know what, Nanny? The last time I heard Kyst and Sakiya talking about me, That's how you can make me fall for Kyst. Once, I fell for him. They will get money from me. I heard them having that conversation in the comfort room in the auditorium while we were practicing.

"Then what if they had a plan?" Don't you worry about why Klint is courting you? What if he planned to make you fall like his brother? We don't know if he's really sincere in his intention with you. "

"I already thought of that Nanny but I don't know. I have this feeling that they are not the same even if they are twins."

"Maybe because you are scared if that is true. If Klint was like his brother, then how is your feeling about him going to make you hurt so much?"

"I know that Nanny. That's why I want to know him first before I answer him and be his boyfriend." In that case, I can have the assurance that he is not doing the same thing that his brother is planning to do with me. And I hope he's not. "

Okay, but tell me if you have any problems, okay. Eat more before you leave. Here's your milk. "

Nanny put my milk on the table. And she started cleaning.

I finished eating my meal. I put my plate in the sink.

Someone's doorbell.

"Wait, I will open it. Maybe it's Klint." I smiled at her and walked towards the door.

"Okay, you look excited."

I opened the door.

"Good morning, Ms. President. Let's go. Hi Nanny Nancy." He waves at Nanny Nancy.

I get my bag and wave at Nanny Nancy.

"Bye Nanny, I will just text you when we get there." I close the door.

"Where do you guys go for the meal you treat?"

"I think they want to be in the stake house."

By the way, can I go with Elisha and Akisha for shopping if you guys are having a victory meal?"

"Sure, you don't want to join us too?"

"I don't think it will suit me if I join you guys. It's your team who wins. And I'm not part of it. And lastly, you are all boys, so why would I bother to come with you? Let's meet after you guys eat. " I pouted my lips at him.

"Fine, I just texted Akisha so you guys can go shopping."

"Sure, I just texted Elisha so we can bond." 

"You know what, I was thankful that Akisha was not against you. Especially now that I'm courting you. "

We reach the parking lot. And he opened the car door for me.

I went in the car.

"Well, Akisha was not that bad. She's just really spoiled with her dad. That's why she always thinks she can get everything. "

He got into the driver's seat.

"Yup, ever since her mom died, Akisha was trying to get her dad's attention by doing all the mean things she thought, but deep inside she really was a good person."

He starts driving the car.

"Yup, I know that. That's why I want to know her more. Maybe we still have things in common. "

"Did you know when we were still kids?" Akisha was the bubbly girl I met. She really had a lot of friends back then. But she really changed. And I hope she can get back to that attitude. Everyone adores her. "

"She liked Kookie when we were kids. Kookie was the best friend I had. He really made me smile and laugh hard that time. " I saw him ignoring me.

"Wait, are you jealous of Kookie?" I said.

"Nope, why would I? He doesn't have feelings for you, right? " He said this as he turned left in his car.

"Hmm, I'm not sure," I said as he looked at me.

"Tsk, so it's okay with you if he likes you?" His voice was a little bit shaky but serious.

"I don't say anything. because I was not sure. If you want, ask him if he had feelings for me. Why would I care if he does have feelings for me? I don't even have feelings for him. I just see him as my best friend, nothing more, nothing less. "

"Fine." He said and parked the car.

He went out and opened my car door.

I went out in the car. While we are walking, I grab my phone from my bag.

I message Elisha.

Hey, do you want to join me to go shopping? Near the academy.

I put my phone in my bag.

We enter the shopping mall. We saw Gray and Akisha outside of the stake house.

"I was about to text you to come with Gray so you and Mizuki could go shopping. She doesn't want to join us while having a victory meal inside. " He said to Akisha.

"That's fine, it doesn't bother me at all. I just came here with Gray just to go shopping. "

"I texted Elisha to come with us. Is that okay with you, Akisha? " I said.

"Yup, that's fine." Let's just wait for her here. "

"Did you guys see the coach and the team?" Klint said while looking at his watch.

"I don't see any of them, bro." Let's just go inside. " 

"Where are we going?" I look at Akisha.

"I think we should go to the forum center."

"Sure, let's wait for Elisha there."

She held my arm and we left.

We walked to the second floor.

"Where should we wait?" She said

"I think we should go to Starbucks while waiting for Elisha."


We go to Starbucks

"Welcome to Starbucks. What's your order?"

"One pink drink and one blueberry cheesecake." I said.

"You ma'am."

"Java Chips Frapuccino with Banoffee Pie."

I texted Elisha.

We are here in the Starbucks, waiting on you.

We sat near the window.

I saw Elisha walking to Starbucks. I wave at her.

Akisha turned around. She waved at me.

"Hey, did you guys wait for a long time?"


"Nope, we just got here a few minutes earlier."

"Okay, I'll just order mine." Elisha went to the counter.

"Where should we go later?"

"I think we should go to the Forum," I said.

Elisha went back to our table with her order.

"I suggest that we go to the Forum. Do you like it?"

"Sure, by the way, I saw Gray and Klint earlier in the steak house. They were talking to two girls who were carrying them on their shoulders. She said she would then drink her Strawberry Raspberry Cheesecake Latte.

"Where?" Akisha and I stand up.

"In front of the stake house."

We both get our drinks and run fast down to the stake house.

I saw Klint with a girl in front of her while she was playing with Klint's hair. While Gray attempting to distance himself from the girl.

"What do you think we should do now?" Akisha said

"Let's ignore them for a week or month." Akisha said.

We went to the stake house. They looked shocked when they saw us.



They said and let go of the hands of the two girls.

"Did you see that? They said they just loved us. Then what now? They have another bitch holding them. " Akisha gives glaring eyes to Gray.

Gray really looked nervous with Akisha.

"Yeah, someone told me that too. But I think we should also look for someone. What about those guys who asked our number earlier in the Starbucks, What do you think?"

I saw Klint furious in anger after what I said.

"Yeah right, let's go." Akisha said, then rolled her eyes at Gray.

"Wait." We said, then slapped those girls' faces.

We turned around and left. Why would we care?

We saw Elisha clapping her hands.

"They deserve it. Let's go, girls. " She said, and we walked back to the second floor.

Akisha winked at me and pouted her lips in the mirror.

We enter the Forum shop.

I saw Fray and Klint following us.

We saw three guys near us in the forum shop.

Akisha walks toward the guy in the center.

"Hi handsome, may I know your name?" Akisha said that makes the two guys behind the guy she asked to high five each other.

"Sure, gorgeous I'm Mike, and these two were my friends. Stell and Liam." Stell was the guy to his right and Liam was to his left.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Akisha by the way, and these two are my friends.This is Mizuki. " She pointed at me.

"And this is Elisha." She pointed to Elisha.

"I know Mizuki, we saw each other before. I don't know if she reminds me." Mike said and scratched his nape.

"Where?" I'm sorry I don't remember.

"We saw each other in the cafe at the airport. I'm the one who slipped my juice on your skirt that day. Sorry about that. I was just out of mind at that time. I was broken way back. " 

"Oh sorry, I remember it now. That's okay, it's already in the past. " I smiled at him.

Elisha came close to me.

Pick up your phone and look at the mirror. Look at the two stalkers we had. She whispers in my ears.

I picked up my phone and saw the two looking furious and mad.

"Do you guys want to join us? We will go shopping. " Akisha said and held Liam's arm.

"Sure, no problem," Liam said.

Mike was beside me. While Elisha is with Stell,

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Mike said.

"Nope, I don't have it."

"Where is your school?" He said.

"In Nicklaus Academy."

"I was supposed to transfer there on Monday; what a fate. Would you mind if I asked you for lunch on Monday? "

"Sure, no problem." I turned around and saw Elisha and Akisha having fun talking to Stell and Liam. While Gray and Klint were behind us in fury,

"How about you, Akisha? Do you have a boyfriend?" Liam said.

"Nope, I don't have it. But you can be my boyfriend. " Akisha said to Liam.

Suddenly, Gray put his hand on Akisha's shoulder.

"What did you say, babe? Are you saying that we broke up?"Gray said to Akisha.

"Yup, after what you guys did, do you think you can easily court us again?" Akisha grabbed Liam's hand and walked out.

"Sorry Mike, we just made them jealous. But they are not our boyfriends. They are our suitors. "

"That's fine, but still I want to ask you out on Monday. Is that okay?"

"I think you guys should go now. I will talk to Akisha. " I said to Klint and Gray.

"But how about you?" Klint said.

"I will text Shawn to pick me up here. Just go before the fire of Akisha gets fueled up again. "

"Are you sure? I can wait for you instead.

I nodded at him.


They left us. I texted Akisha, and we met at Max's restaurant.

We sat in front of Akisha.

"Hey, are you okay?" Elisha said.

"Nuh, of course I'm okay. I just hate this feeling when it comes with him. It was okay to do that. "

"That's fine. Maybe you just didn't realize that you may have already fallen for him a long time ago. You just ignored that fact. That's why you felt jealous. " Elisha tapped Akisha's shoulder.

"That's fine. Just accept the fact that you have already fallen for him. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's normal to fall. Sometimes we don't notice that we have already fallen for someone. We didn't expect that we could love. Sometimes we are praying for another person but we don't see the right person who is always at our side. The person who is always at our side. The person who was ready to catch us every time we fell for someone who didn't appreciate us. And we've just realized that we've fallen on them when we've already lost them. I felt that way too before. I always have someone I don't know at my side. But now that person has already fallen for someone who can see him as a man and not a boy who is just by my side. If I still have a chance to change it, I will do it to be with him. " Elisha looked down and looked at her bracelet.

"Who's that?" I said

"Someone I've met before, but no need to bring up that topic with me. It's all about Akisha. "

"Thank you girls, but I was curious too. Who is it? " Akisha said.

"Someone who is really a brave and thoughtful man." But he was not at our school. Different schools. "

"Then who is it?"

"Are you sure you want to know who it is?" She looked at us.

We gave her a nood.

"It was a long time ago when I met this guy in my old school. He was the son of the owner of that school. And the most rival school is Nicklaus Academy. "

"Wait, most rival schools of Nicklaus Academy and the son of the owner of the school. If I was not wrong, it was... "