
Finishing The Deal

A biological weapon is something perhaps even more deadly than a nuke if it is the communicable kind! Clarke had to think hard of where to release it. Probably a country that receives a lot of tourists from all over the globe. Such a target is probably the only country that can spread the disease as fast as possible. She thought for a little while and a light bulb lit above her head. The perfect city like this would be Dubai!

The city receives thousands upon thousands of tourists everyday due to its luxurious lifestyle. Basically, if you are a streamer and whatnot and you want to be recognized as someone with a little bit of dough than the rest of the plebs, go to Dubai, post some pictures then just wait to get more money to spend. But, she was counting her chicks before they hatched and it would prove dangerous.

In order to get into the black market auction, she needed the card. Well, she could just kill everyone Juan has then torture him till he talks but where's the fun in that? If she was gonna be the most wanted woman in the world she needed to be able to take on risks. First of, research. Who were her three targets, where do they live, do they have family, how tight is the security around them, what is their routine.

The first name she got was Pedro Suarez a forty eight years old man. He was the mouse kind of person, timid but a little sharp. He had personal bodyguards and the police in his region in his pockets. His house had one hundred and twenty armed guards! Overkill but not enough for her. They were somehow competent for none of them patrolled alone but we're a four man patrol and four patrols secured the whole property night an day. He lived with his wife, four children and his mother; Mama's boy! He was also the one supported by China.

The second guy was Julio Sanchez. He was a fifty five years old man but still looked like a Mexican version of the Rock. He worked out, a lot! In fact, she had already thought of just poisoning the proteins he had delivered to his house every two days. When she looked through the stuff, she was shocked to realize just how much he eats and a little concerned since she ate a quarter of that and was still far far stronger than him! The guy's social life was not existent except for some hookers he would get everyday. She observed they would leave the following morning wobbling, all three of them! So either he enjoys some DND roleplay or his third leg was a little too much. With the amount of American spies around him, she immediately knew he was the one USA supported. Why? Apparently he owns a large part of an oil factory in Texas! Shocking!

The third guy was Silas Castillo. He is a cunning man and very much like a mob boss. His region was probably the leading cocaine seller to America and other South American countries. He was a careful man, choosing his words and actions very wisely, the perfect politician and it was no joke he actually became the leading in the percentages! His honeyed words would make a dead bride blush and his looks, even while he was fifty eight, was enough to give him a lead in the female polls! Hard to believe Russia was the one supporting him instead of China for he had the qualities that would entice them!

Now came the question how would she be able to kill them all? She had spent a whole two months in surveillance and the elections were very near and so was the auction. Then, as if God sent, she received news about the presidential debate to be held in Mexico City. When she heard of the news, she felt like God had given her an okay. So, she drove to the city using a fake Mexico DL and arrived in just hours. Once there, with everything she needed thanks to Juan, she was ready.

The site of the debate was actually a community building which would fit four hundred people without counting the security guards and the spies present. She could see the workers busy preparing the site and she snuck in at night, found a spot on the roof beams where she made herself comfortable for two days. It was finally the day of the debate.

First, the building was swept by the army because of Cartels. When they didn't find anything, they let the workers in and they did a last minute prep before opening the doors and letting the people in. The police were thorough, everyone was double checked, especially the reporters who received a three layered inspection. Secretly, they weeded out the reporters who were known to be democratic and held them in the police station for 'questioning'. Clarke scoffed at that.

When the venue was finally full and now everyone were waiting for the four men of the hour, Clarke more so than everyone else. The first to arrive was Julio. He was wearing a suit that seemed to near rip due to his muscles. He was waving energetically at the crowd and received some amount of cheers. The next to come was Juan. There was some outburst, definitely higher than Julio's but Clarke wasn't so confident about him winning. Third to arrive was Pedro. His face looked like he lost an argument, bad! He received more cheers than the other three. The last was probably the most favourite person to the crowds. They went nuts as soon as Castillo walked in.

"Now we know who's winning this election," Clarke said to herself, impressed by the guy's sweet mouth that would make everyone overlook his illegal businesses and trust him to govern their country.

"Guess I'll be doing these guys a favour by killing all three of them," she hummed as she assembled her sniple rifle. It was a beauty, a Barrett M82 sniper rifle, the most powerful sniper rifle in the world! How Juan got this was something she'll never ask him but she was sure it cost him and arm and a leg. He armed the rifle then aimed the scope at Castillo.

"Sorry, dude," Clarke said and pulled the trigger. The boom of the gunshot startled everyone. It was to be expected because everyone had been frisked thoroughly before entering so who was sneaky enough to bring such a powerful gun? Then they saw a sight most of the audience will go to therapy for, Castillo's head burst open like a rotten melon. Before a woman could scream, the second gunshot came and Julio's head was gone too. The big guy was trying to use a reporter as a shield but Clarke shot both of them.

Everyone started running away as the police went to retrieve the surviving candidates but they were a little too late. Pedro was already running towards the oncoming police men with riot shields when there was a gun shot and his right arm fell off before he was blasted the the left, his left hand gone too. The bullet had gone through his right hand, into his stomach through the side and out to the left, taking the left hand too.

"Protect Juan!" a police officer said and they quickly shielded Juan who was shivering at the sight before him. It was one thing to have the life of others in your hand and another to have your life in another person's hands, even though the other person is your partner in crime. His fear came true when he heard a gun shot followed by a scream of pain then something grazing his temple! He almost peed his pants when he felt the hit and the blood of the officer in front of him when the bullet rammed through his riot shield, through his neck and just missed him. The other police quickly filled up the space before another shot was fired and they took him out of the building safely.

"I want the whole building sealed off right away! That putá killed one of ours and we are going to let him pay!" Juan heard an officer shout.

'Poor guys, don't even know the person is a woman!' he thought before shivering. 'A dangerous woman! If she had decided to kill me even with the protection of the police I would be, and by my own gun too!' His driver immediately stepped on the gas heading back home.

Juan was seated in his study room reading the headlines on the day's papers, too engrossed to notice the window behind him open. A figure of a large woman was seen as she lithely jumped inside the room, making no noise whatsoever! Clarke noticed just how killable Juan was right then and shook her head in disappointment at the security he had. Just to toy with him, she took out a knife from behind her, crept closer to Juan till he was just a foot away.

Quickly, she hit his accupoints on his neck and shoulders, making Juan slump on his reading table like a puppet that just lost its strings. The man was horrified by this and that horror just increased when he saw the person who just immobilized him.

"Sorry, I saw an opening I couldn't if ignore," she said lazily then sat on the chair in front of the desk reserved for visitors. "So, how did you like my shooting?

"You almost killed me!" Juan wanted to shout but noticed his voice just come out louder than a whisper.

"To make a believable scene. If I didn't shoot at you then you would be a suspect. So, I killed the cop in front of you, made it seem like you were very lucky to be alive. Don't worry, the gun will not be traced to you. I made sure I left behind shells with my finger prints on them. With my record, the US government will tell yours I am an attention seeking vain woman and this was just a way for me to show I am a threat to the world. I will even forgive you if you decide to use my name to fuel the embers of anger to all Mexicans and be elected as their leader," Clarke told him. Juan was silent for a little bit before nodding, or tried to. "So, where is my card?"

"In my safe, behind the barnyard painting. Combination is one nine seven three," Juan answered, his mind already thinking about how to exploit the idea of using Clarke's name to the fullest. Clarke was oblivious to his thoughts as she removed the painting then put in the combination. In there, there were some American dollars, a revolver and a black metallic like card. She smiled to herself and took the card.

"Where will it be held?" she asked him.

"Germany, Berlin," Juan answered before thinking for a few seconds and giving the rest of the details and the password.

"Nice doing business with you," Clarke said and walked to the window.

"Wait, can you return to me my movement?"

"Don't worry, you will be back to normal in two hours so I hope you don't need to go the bathroom," Clarke said and jumped out. Juan felt like crying a little bit.

"I actually have to go and pee!" he whispered.