
Claiming my alpha mate

Bullied by her family, and desperate for solace, she leaves home but she is taken away on the same night. "Home!"That was what she thought when she woke up to werewolves and a pack full of them. Eventually, she is rejected by her fated mate, the one destined for her by the goddess. She leaves the pack, but does it end there? Five years later, she is no longer the Ava everyone once knew. and she is the only solution to a plague that festers the entire werewolf clan. Can she help? after the rejection. Can she save even with the hurt that engulfs her, leashing at her? It wasn't going to be an easy choice and in a limited amount of time.

Ujunwa_lydia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


"Like I said, until we investigate further you have to stay away from us, I will advise you to live now." He said

With a heavy heart, I stepped away from the pack, who were once my family. Tears welled in my eyes, but amidst the pain, I vowed to reclaim my honor and prove my innocence.

I was left alone in the wilderness, I felt abandoned, I cried my eyes out, what have I done to deserve such treatment from those I trust? With a lot of questions running through my mind, I decided to investigate why they sent me away.

So I set camp close to the pack where I could observe their every move, one moonlight as I was outside. I heard some footsteps coming towards me, I stood up in fear looking around hoping to see someone, suddenly I heard someone jump from the mountain that was behind my camp.

"There you are, so you didn't leave as ordered by the Alpha, do you even know the consequences of disobeying the Alpha? I guess you have no idea about that." She asked.

I was so confused, "you can't send me out of the pack and still send me out of the forest, where do you want me to live?" I asked my eyes filled with tears.

"I will advise you to leave this place before I reach the pack unless you want to face the wrath of the Alpha" she replied.

My eyes choked in tears, I started pleading with her not to tell the Alpha, "I didn't do anything wrong, I was just sent away without explanation, I don't have anywhere to go, please I beg you let me live here." I cried

"Hahahaha" you want an explanation?Ohh so you don't know what you did?"I was already wondering why she laughed like that."What is funny? Why are you laughing?" I asked curiously.

"Well, allow me to explain to you what you have done wrong. Do you think you can just join the pack and have the Alpha all for yourself within that short period of time?"

"Did you realize that I was supposed to be mated to the Alpha the day you arrived, but immediately you showed up everything changed, I lost the man of my dreams and you thought you were going to get away with that? What were you even thinking, spending time with the Alpha and making him not have time for me, You deserve everything that happened to you and you better watch your back else you will get yourself killed."

Rosey said all this while I stood there in shock, I couldn't believe my ears.

"Wait, you mean you are behind all of this? I never knew you were mated to the Alpha, but you have gone too far, you can't just make them kick me out just because of that." I replied

"You will shut up and never open your mouth again unless you want me to call the pack here and make them deal with you, and as I said earlier, go far away from this place if not you will get yourself killed." She ordered as she walked away.

I began to cry again, I felt like going back to the pack to let them know that whatever Rosey told them about was a lie, but I had no evidence. What if they didn't believe me, I could get myself killed.

Days turned to weeks and I struggled with my mental health, I felt depressed and abandoned, one day I was lying helplessly in my camp when I saw someone from the pack standing close to the entrance net, I asked her about the pack and she said they were all doing well, she told me that Rosey has told the pack about my stay here and the pack was planning to attack me by nightfall, she advised me to live as soon as possible.

I didn't want to go knowing full well that I did nothing wrong, I told her everything that happened between me and Rosey the other day and she said that they knew that what she said may be right or wrong but they chose to believe her, no one will listen to me even if I explained, then she left.

Devastated and heartbroken I started walking again without any idea of where I was going to, climbing two mountains, and now I didn't know where to go next.

I walked around the area, looking for signs of civilization. After a while, I saw a light in the distance. Could it be a house or a town? I followed the light, hoping it would lead me to safety. But as I drew closer, I realized that the light was coming from a small cabin in the woods.

Taking a deep breath, I approach the cabin. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. The windows are dark, and the whole place seems deserted. I was about leaving when I noticed some smoke coming from the chimney. Someone must be inside! I thought, I knocked again, louder this time. After a few moments, the door opened a crack, and I saw the face of an old man peering out at me. "What do you want?" he asks gruffly.

"I'm so sorry to bother you," I replied, " I need help," I said, The old man looked at me up and down as if sizing me up. He didn't seem particularly friendly, but I was desperate, so I pressed on. "I'm willing to pay you for your help if that's what you need." The old man considers this for a moment, then says, "I'll help you, but it'll cost you. Follow me." He opens the door wider and steps aside.

Despite my reservations, I stepped inside the cabin. The old man leads me to the fireplace, where a small fire is burning. "Sit down and warm yourself," he says. I did as he said, and the warmth from the fire felt good on my cold, tired body. The old man sits across from me in a chair. He stared at me for a long moment, then said, "Now, tell me what you're doing out here in the woods, all alone." He indicated stressing the syllabus on the"all alone"I took a deep breath and began to tell him the whole story.