
Claiming my alpha mate

Bullied by her family, and desperate for solace, she leaves home but she is taken away on the same night. "Home!"That was what she thought when she woke up to werewolves and a pack full of them. Eventually, she is rejected by her fated mate, the one destined for her by the goddess. She leaves the pack, but does it end there? Five years later, she is no longer the Ava everyone once knew. and she is the only solution to a plague that festers the entire werewolf clan. Can she help? after the rejection. Can she save even with the hurt that engulfs her, leashing at her? It wasn't going to be an easy choice and in a limited amount of time.

Ujunwa_lydia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


"kneel down there, that is where you will spend the night, that will be your punishment for lying to me and for bringing your boyfriend to the house, we will talk about that tomorrow." She said as she walked away, I was very confused, I kept on wondering why they were this way; manipulative and wicked and why he lied.... Nadia's boyfriend.I cried my eyes out throughout the night, a lot of things kept going through my mind, my knees hurt so much, and I felt like disappearing. I kept on praying for help but nothing happened so I spent the whole night on my knees.

In the morning, my stepmother told me to take off my clothes and I knew what to expect;a thorough beating accompanied with scars and blood on my skin. So I decided to escape. At first I couldn't stand on my feet, but I knew I had to run before it's too late so I struggled to stand on my feet.I didn't have anywhere to go, so I headed straight to Anita's house.

As I ran towards Anita's house, feeling the weight of my troubled past, I fell to the ground and fainted, the next thing I saw shocked me.

I woke up by the riverside. The sensation of cold water on my head snapped me out of my distress, sparking a momentary sense of joy and freedom. At that moment, I couldn't remember anything that happened in the past as I was amazed by the beauty of my newfound paradise.

I splashed in the water, laughing as the droplets danced around me. The peaceful surroundings seemed to envelop me, washing away the pain and sorrow of my former residence. For the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of hope and a sense of belonging.

After indulging in the river's solace, I continued walking, with my clothes still wet and clinging to my body, I kept walking.

As I wandered through the forest, the air around me filled with an intoxicating scent of pine and damp earth. The sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. With every step, I felt a sense of peace and serenity enveloping me.

Lost in the beauty of nature, my eyes were drawn to a small hill in the distance. Curiosity piqued, I made my way towards it, intrigued by what lay beyond. As I reached the top of the hill, my breath caught in my throat.

There, before me, stood a group of magnificent creatures - werewolves. Their muscular bodies glistened in the sunlight, their fur varying shades of silver, gray, and brown. They appeared both majestic and fierce, their golden eyes shining with an innate wisdom.

Rather than feeling fear, I felt an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder. Their presence seemed to radiate a calm energy as if they were in harmony with the surrounding forest.

I felt a sense of peace and serenity enveloping me as I stood beneath the moonlit sky. The gentle rustling of leaves in the wind seemed to whisper secrets only the forest could hear. It was at that moment that I realized I was not just a mere observer but a part of something greater.

As I raised my hands to the heavens, a surge of energy coursed through my veins, tingling with a familiar power. I felt my body shifting, my bones stretching, and my senses heightening. I glanced down to see fur sprouting from my skin, hands turning into paws. My heart raced with a mix of fear and wonder as I underwent this incredible transformation.

When the metamorphosis was complete, I stood on four powerful legs, covered in soft silver fur that shimmered in the moonlight. I was a werewolf, a creature of the night, and a protector of the forest.

Embracing my newfound identity, I let out a howl that resonated with the spirits of the forest. It was a call that echoed through the trees, summoning the other werewolves from the depths of their slumber. They arrived, one by one, their eyes gleaming with recognition and acceptance.

One werewolf, slightly larger than the others, stepped forward, its eyes fixed on me. Its aura exuded a gentle kindness and an air of leadership. As I made eye contact, a connection seemed to form, as though we understood each other on a deeper level.

With a welcoming nod, the leader gestured for me to approach. As I cautiously closed the distance between us, the other werewolves surrounding the leader remained calm and watchful, their expressions neither hostile nor aggressive.

As I reached their midst, the leader, with a voice that carried warmth and authority, introduced himself as Alfred…the Alpha. The werewolf pack gathered around us, their collective energy creating a sense of camaraderie and support. I felt an overwhelming sense of acceptance and belonging.

Alpha Alfred explained that they resided in these ancient woods, guarding their secrets and protecting the delicate balance of nature. They had chosen this place for its raw beauty and the abundance of life it sustained. They lived in harmony with the forest, respecting and cherishing it as their own.

From that moment on, I became a welcomed member of their pack. They shared their wisdom, teaching me about their ancient traditions, and allowing me to witness their moonlit transformations. Together, we explored the depths of the forest, feeling the wind rushing through our fur as we ran through its hidden paths.

Once a harmonious member of the werewolf pack, I never anticipated the turn of events that would shake my world. Rosey, a fellow werewolf, possessed a heart filled with jealousy and envy towards me. As her resentment festered, she hatched an evil plan to cast me out, tarnishing the bonds that had been built over time.

One moonlit night, as the pack gathered beneath the ancient oak tree, Rosey seized the opportunity to poison their minds against me. With whispers of deceit and manipulations, she twisted the truth and painted me as a threat to their unity.

As I approached the pack, ready to share my latest discovery in the depths of the forest, a chilling silence greeted me. Suspicion and doubt clouded their eyes, and without a word, Alpha Alfred took a step forward, his voice laced with sorrow.

"Ava," he began, his tone heavy with regret, "there are concerns among the pack members regarding your intentions. We have heard disturbing accusations, and until we can investigate further, we must ask you to leave."

Shock coursed through my veins like an icy torrent, a painful betrayal cutting deep into my soul.

"But... But why I mean I have been here for a while and I have obeyed all the rules and regulations. Have I not been doing well? What is my crime?" I asked with tears in my eyes.