
Claiming my alpha mate

Bullied by her family, and desperate for solace, she leaves home but she is taken away on the same night. "Home!"That was what she thought when she woke up to werewolves and a pack full of them. Eventually, she is rejected by her fated mate, the one destined for her by the goddess. She leaves the pack, but does it end there? Five years later, she is no longer the Ava everyone once knew. and she is the only solution to a plague that festers the entire werewolf clan. Can she help? after the rejection. Can she save even with the hurt that engulfs her, leashing at her? It wasn't going to be an easy choice and in a limited amount of time.

Ujunwa_lydia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


We sat down outside for a very long time and the weather was becoming unbearable because it was very cold.

"Please go home to your parents, am sure they are looking for you, the weather is very cold, And you know,this is not the first time I have slept outside, I will be knocking on the door maybe they will change their minds and open the door," I lied but deep inside I knew I would spend the night on the cold floor.

"I don't understand why you want to sit here in the cold, do you want to kill yourself? I am going to call my mom so she can talk to you," she said as she walked away.

I was out there all alone,but suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me. I prayed that it was Anita and her mom, so they would help me with clothes to cover myself, before I get frozen to death.I thought to myself.

I was still thinking when suddenly, someone flashed a touch on my face…..Dad

"Ava, what are you doing out here all alone?

My father asked, I rushed and hugged him immediately I recognized the voice, and upon seeing my dad, I felt a sigh of relief inside me.

I held him tight and cried in his arms,

"Ava, what happened? Why are you out here and crying? He asked in curiosity.

I couldn't say a word as I was shaking and I felt so emotional. My dad knocked on the door so hard, and that was when my step-mom answered from inside knowing it was my father knocking.

"Who is that?" She asked

"Come and open this door, my dad said. The door opened and we entered the house,

"You are lucky, you would have spent the whole night out there, " she lashes out.

I went straight to my room, I was hoping my dad would ask me what happened that night but that didn't happen, I felt so lonely and abandoned, why must I go through all this? Why doesn't my father care about me?

How could he be so heartless, he saw me in that condition but he didn't even bother to ask what was going on, he went ahead with his business.

A lot of things were going through my mind, What if I kill myself? I questioned myself, trying to figure out what to do with my life.

Before I knew it was morning, and my step-sister came to call me to go clear the dishes, Although I was in so much pain, I had no option but to go wash them, I was still washing when Anita came in.

"Ava, what happened last night, did they finally let you in? She asked.

I told her what happened and we washed the plates together.

Life continued like that and anytime my dad was around, my step-mom and her daughter didn't make so much trouble.

One morning, I was doing the dishes as usual when my dad called me, I ran out to go meet him, he was carrying his traveling bag, "I won't be home for a short period of time, please behave yourself, I heard a lot of complains about your attitude, I don't want to hear the same thing when I come back, do you understand me? He said looking straight into my eyes. I nodded my head.

"But Dad tomorrow is my birthday, can't you just wait and celebrate with me, please Dad," I pleaded as I held his hands.

"I have important things to sort out between today and tomorrow, there's no way I can stay back, but when I come back we will have a proper celebration," he said, We said goodbye and he left, Who would have known that day was the last day we were going to see.

I went home that day and did all the work I was supposed to do, I had been planning what I would do on my birthday, including going to the park with my friend, Anita, so I did all the necessary chores that day, and I went to my friend's house to tell her of my plans, getting there I met her and her mom sitting in front of their house, I quickly told her what I had in mind and went back home, where I meet my step-sister with a man in the house, I walked past them in the sitting room and went straight to my room,

I was in my room when I heard my stepmother screaming for me from outside, I rushed out to her, and three of them were standing there, My stepmother, the stranger, and my step-sister.

"Who is this man and why is he here? My stepmother asked upon my arrival.

"I...I don't know the man or why he is here," I responded.

"You must be crazy,so after what Mama did to you the last time you lied to her, you still dare to lie again,Do you wish for a death sentence?." My step-sister declared.

My face was full of confusion, I tried talking but words didn't come out and when it seemed as though I had gotten the courage to speak I was told to shut-up by my stepmom.

"And you,why are you here?" She asked looking at the young man.

I am here to see Ava, she is my girlfriend," he said.

I was about to shout...

"Shut up, you have been lying all this while, you think I wouldn't find out. That you bring your boyfriend into your room, late at night when everyone is asleep.And all for what?Or how you sneak out to parties when you are barely of age," she lied accusingly

I started crying trying to explain myself.

"Mama I am not lying,I don't know who he is, this is my first..., I was still talking when she cut me off.

"Shut that ugly hole you call a mouth, so you have been sleeping around, Don't worry, if you cannot tell me the truth in peace you will tell me in shreds, Let me not get to my room before you," she said as she walked to her room,I gave the older boy a dead glare,he was Nadia's boyfriend and i was sure of that but surprised me was how she could plot with her boyfriend to frame me up.But firstly,I had to get to my father's room before my stepmom does.