

a three people relationship. two men get into a bdsm contract with a woman for a threesome relationship. they end up falling for each other and it turns to three people dating each other. I call myself sexpun, my stories are all loaded with sex scenes

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3 Chs

chapter 2

Diana told me to wear something black or red and short.

So i wore a  short pleated skirt, and tank top crop top.

I had small yoga shorts, a little shorter than the skirt but covered my ass completely.

Just in case i bent over, i don't want it all showing.

I kept my make up to the minimum.

I didn't really want to go all crazy, even when Dee told me to.

I put on a knee high boots.

Then tied my hair in a bun and let the ponytail fall.

I was in all black.

As soon as i was done, the door bell rang.

I went downstairs knowing for exactly it was.

The moment i saw Dee is was struck for a second.

She had a long coat on to cover her yes, but i could see on the front she was dressed so slutty.

She dressed in a latex bra that showed off her cleavage and hald her boobs.

She walked in smiling then took off her coat and turned around

And then panties that had straps to connect them to some socks.

The panties were like a thong too and her entire ass was out completely.

She was dressed in complete latex except for the socks and heels.

And she had smoky eye make up done.

"This is how you dress for a dungeon. You are too covered up. You don't even need a coat."

"I think i look a little slutty too..."

"But your not showing any boobs or ass. All i see is your arms, half your stomach because your bell button is also in and your thighs. You could loosen it up a little."

"Well Dee, it's my first time there.  Can i just wear this today. Then next time you can tell me what to wear then?"

"Mmmh... Okay fine. But next time, i am going to pick your outfits."

"Sure...." I said hoping that would never happen.

"Okay lets be going. We are almost late.... Actually I'm the one who is going to be late."

"For what?"

"My demonstration with my dom, William. That you are going to watch..... "

"Oww okay.." Had she told me about that, i don't remember.

We got into her car and she drove us out of town a little then into a road that led to a neighborhood.

There wasn't many houses there and it looked like a place with few people.

Then she stopped infront of a huge house

This is what a dungeon looks like? It looked like a normal home with a patio and a yard

The house was quite big though and long. One could think it was one floor apartments building.

It was about 5,000 square feet..

"A dungeon is normally set up in disguise. Because bdsm is not that accepted yet."

Dee explained looking at my confusion.

"So they bought a home and turned into a dungeon."

"Exactly. Lets go!"

I follow her out the car and we go through the front door which was colored red and we find someone like a receptionist who said hi to Dee then me.

There is a locker on the other side and dee puts her coat and mine inside with her car keys. It is thumb print opened.

"Dee. Is she your guest?"

"No no. Well yes but no. She is a member. A new member. I'm her guide today " the man behind the desk had long manicure nails, long eye lashes and long blonde hair.

The way he was talking and acting, he was definitely gay. And I was right because a man passed us, kissed him saying hi, then walked inside.

That is how you say hi here? Okay, not bad

"Oww okay. What's your name?" He asked me


"Okay... (Typing on the computer) Lyana Jackson?"

"Yes that's me."

"Okay. Would you like to go with a made up name or continue with your real name?"

I turned to dee.

"You use your real name right?"

"Yes i do...."

"I'll just go with Lyana." I tell the man.

Actually now I'm tempted to call him a girl because of how girly he is. Its more than even me.

I almost feel masculine next to him.

"Okay. From now you will just be signing in in this book then walking in."

"Oww thank you.."

"Mhm, Lyana my name is scott and I like you. You a sub right? You're just giving submissive energy."

I end up laughing and he laughs to as he took a box full of bracelets.

"Okay lili, you need to wear your bracelets at all times. This will help everyone identify and know what you are willing to do and what you are not willing to do. Okay?" Dee explained.

"So here you said, you are a sub." Scott said looking at the computer.

"That's right." I said.

"A sub bracelet it purple." Dee gave me one and wore one herself. Then she wore gray one too.

"What's that one for?"

"Its for bondage. Though i don't really need to wear bracelets because i already have been collared meaning i am off the bdsm market. So i don't play with anyone else. But i wear these too just so everyone knows where I am incase a sub has a question she might want to find someone in her field who has knowledge of it."

I had noticed she never went anywhere without her collar. Even there she had it on.

"Okay i get it."

"And what colors do doms and tops wear?"

"Doms wear blue and tops gold."

"What's the difference? Shouldn't they wear the same color?"

"A top administers sensation, a bottom receives sensation. A Dom takes power, a sub relinquishes power."

I still didn't get it but i just nodded. I always thought they meant the same thing

"Lili will need white. Because you are a bdsm virgin." Scott stared looking interested at what he saw on the screen.

I bursted laughing again because of how he said virgin.

"Alot of doms when they see that they will come running i promise you. Make sure Dee checks them first."

Dee put the white one on me.

Then a green one on me for sensory deprivation and when she heard I chose bondage too. She excitedly put the gray one.

Then a luminous green for a threesome.

"Now we're talking. You are getting out of your shell!" I rolled my eyes at Dee smiling.

She asked me if i had chosen oral or anal.

"Maybe later Dee. I just want to watch today and see what i like, remember?"

"Oww so you're not playing?" Scott asked.


"You will need a red one. This means you are not in the mood, just came to watch and a caution to keep off."

This man knew how to lighten the mood even it was all the way up. He must have so many friends.

"One last one lili..... Oh my god! You're asthmatic?" He said looking sad. Its okay I have been for as long as I remember.

"Its good you reminded me too. I had forgotten about that." Dee took a light red bracelet and made sure it was on the front on my wrist.

"Okay that is the last one, Right?"

Scott nodded.

"So, Lyana Jackson? Are you ready for me to introduce you officially into my world? My bdsm world?"

I laughed and nodded as she took my hand.

"Bye lily, have fun! Come back later to get your own locker!"

"Bye scott. Thank you!"

I said to him as Dee opened another door and we went inside.