

a three people relationship. two men get into a bdsm contract with a woman for a threesome relationship. they end up falling for each other and it turns to three people dating each other. I call myself sexpun, my stories are all loaded with sex scenes

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3 Chs

chapter 1


Diana put me up to this, I swear to god.

Especially when she heard I have not been getting any dick in my life for four years now.

It felt embarrassing to even say it out loud.

But ever since my previous relationship, I completely didn't want no love life, no fuck buddy, nothing.

Just me and my stuffed bear incase i needed to cuddle.

So Dee, decided I have been alone for too long. At least get someone to make me feel good again, even if it wasn't serious.

"What if your vagina closes shut?" She said being her dramatic self as usual.

That would never happen, come on!

But she managed to convince me.

And here i was at a BDSM club website to sign up for a membership at their dungeon.

I knew bdsm wasn't just about sex.

It was a place of kink exploration and some were asexual.

Diana promised she would be my patron, help me know the house rules, dressing, code of conduct.

She was a member, of Club Pandora.

She was a submissive already collared by one of the club masters.

She explained the club had 7 big bad Doms who were the owners and ran the club.

Each had their own field since most of them had different fetish.

Dee's dom, one of the seven masters, was into bondage. He did most of the demonstrations with Dee for the other doms and tops to watch and take note of how he tied his sub or bottom.

She said he loved shibari. Shibari is the ancient Japanese art of bondage tying.

They were not just master/dom and his sub, they were dating.

Though they started off like that.

Occasionally playing together and still playing with others. Then they got exclusive.

And from what I heard about him, he is quite the exclusive and is against open relationships with Dee so he is not having anyone else tie his girl up.

And he took that moment to collar her and show she was taken.

They started dating soon after.

I didn't know much about bdsm, I had no idea if i even had a fetish.

Dee had told me some basics and I decided i would just watch the first few times before I decide what I would do.

They had some questions for me to answer before they gave me a membership.

First question was what my gender was. Easy, i answered female.

The second was my sexual orientation. I went with heterosexual.

Then they asked if i was a dom or a sub.

Well, sub.

Am I submissive? I think so

They asked my sub experience, I chose beginner. Because I had never done any of this before.

Then they asked if i had any allergies, my overall health and medical conditions if dom should know about.

I guess that could be if you had anything like asthma or something. Which i did have so I noted that.

They asked any emotional issues that may trigger me and cause a bad experience.

Well i didn't understand that but i guessed they meant phobia.

And after, they asked me what I was into. My kinks and fetishes.

I looked at the list on the screen and they were so many listed and they had check back i had to check.

I decided to go with sensory deprivation, bondage.... I looked at the threesome option and remembered how threesome porns turned me on, never failing.

'Should I...? I'll just check it for now and if i didn't want to afterwards i can always just update.'.

I picked my hard limits and anal fisting was definitely a hard limit.

Then soft limits.

Other questions like fantasy roles i was unsure of, doctor patient role play was pretty good but i still wasn't sure.

Thankfully their was a option of, fill in later.

After two days, i got my membership for Club Pandora.

The fetish club.

Now I had to prepare myself to visit it with my close friend, Diana.

And hopefully I would get rid of this four year hunger my pussy had been forced to endure