
chapter 3

Amaya becomes increasingly conflicted as she finds herself torn between Calvin, Kris, and Kristen. She can't deny her growing attraction towards Kris, despite her loyalty to Calvin, and the dangerous tension within the Phantom family only makes her predicament more complicated.

Kris, fascinated by Amaya's resilience and independence, starts secretly helping her financially by anonymously donating to Calvin's medical expenses. This gesture confuses Amaya and deepens her connection with Kris, leading to more confusion and guilt.

Kross, determined to possess Amaya, intensifies his pursuit, resorting to dangerous and manipulative tactics. He threatens Calvin's life and blackmails Amaya, forcing her to make impossible choices to protect her loved ones. Amaya feels trapped and desperate, unsure of whom to trust in this dangerous game.

The secret rivalry between the Phantom and Ravenwood families becomes more apparent as Ricardo Ravenwood, a formidable and ruthless mafia boss, starts exerting influence over the Phantom Mafias' territories. As tensions rise, Amaya finds herself caught in the middle of a power struggle, with both families vying to control her and manipulate her loyalty.

Flynn Martin, Calvin's loyal bodyguard, becomes suspicious of Kris's involvement with Amaya and starts investigating her background. Determined to protect Calvin from any potential harm, Flynn becomes an unexpected ally to Amaya, providing her with information and support. Together, they uncover secrets about the Phantom and Ravenwood families, further complicating their already precarious situation.