
Cinnabar Red

I originally thought that person was just a pool of mosquito blood, but the sting and pain have already turned into a cinnabar red in my heart. When Fu Yucheng was in graduate school, he heard from his senior brother that anyone who could become the son-in-law of his mentor Professor Liang would save at least twenty years of hard work. Fu Yucheng was lucky enough to achieve this goal, but on his wedding day, he heard people comment: This is not a happy marriage. The daughter of the Liang family is good at everything, but life-long matters have long been a problem...

Clownfish786 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


梁碧军瞥了一眼后视镜.傅玉成坐在后座上,很沉默.他大概是察觉到了她的举动,立刻从有些郁闷的状态中振作起来,挑了一个话题,防止气氛变冷.梁碧军在心里判断,假以时日,如果事业来找他,傅玉成就能轻松进退.毕竟在张平宇的冷静压力下,他还是能保持尊严的,既不顺从,也不过分细心.这不是一件容易的事."你吃这顿饭不舒服吗?"梁碧军笑道.傅玉成对梁家的印象不错,就连张平玉也是如此.在这个位置上,很多事情是无法采取行动的.换个位置,他完全可以理解张平玉的做法.他自己的家庭只有四面墙和两只袖子,他可以通过喊几句口号来哄走他养了二十四年的女儿.这和空手的白狼有什么区别?傅玉成没有否认,笑道:"来之前我有心理准备."阿福从小就是这样.她迫不及待地想要什么.婚姻是一件大事,所以你应该更加谨慎."我明白了.""梁复有没有跟你说她打算留在剧团当舞蹈老师?"傅玉成顿了顿,"..."不."梁碧军明白了,"这几个月谁也不敢过多地打听她的情况.是她主动提起婚事的吗?傅玉成笑了笑."...我认为阿福的决定很难改变.你,梁老师,溺爱她,有风雨的性格.现在干涉她的选择已经太晚了.所以别担心,他们必须在那个时候妥协.从现在开始,请阿福多一点耐心..."她停顿了一下,没有透露出她所有的担心,"...如果你遇到什么麻烦,你可以来找我.梁家别墅里,梁安道哄着张平宇上楼找梁福.他敲了敲门,走了进去.他的女儿躺在床上看杂志.他走过去,拉出梳妆台前的椅子坐下."你和我母亲结成攻防联盟了吗?""两国处于战争状态.如果你不杀死使节,请忍住你的火力.梁甫笑了笑,歪着头看着梁安.他年过五十,带着一种岁月积淀的温柔优雅.年轻时,他有另一种迎风的玉树.我听张平宇说,刚当讲师的时候,院里外的女学生可以填满整个讲堂.它是如此的封锁.这位被别人视为既威严又随和的法学教授,在家里并不炫耀自己的尊严."阿福,你不是心血来潮做出这个决定吗?""你不是和我妈妈约会两年后就结婚了吗?""那时候我们不一样...""嗯,你要结婚了."梁复笑道:"...至少我遵循了正式程序.这两句话让梁教授很尴尬,"我们订婚了...我告诉你,不要怪我们的上一代.和梁安说话,梁复平时沟通很好,"我妈嫁给你的时候,你也是穷困潦倒的.你来找我的时候有双重标准."你说得对.以我这个年纪,我怎么知道傅玉成的成就不会比我大呢?梁甫翻了个白眼,合上杂志,翻身从床上爬起来,盘腿而坐,双手托着下巴看着梁安,道:"你答应了."我同意,但我认为你不应该着急.你可以先订婚,三四年后...""三四年?!""三...三年?"最多半年.""...两年?我们必须等到傅玉成的工作稳定下来."你觉得你在讨价还价吗?"梁复笑道:"你当年树立了这么坏的榜样.你怎么能这么自信,我不会效仿你的榜样呢?Liang Andao felt a headache, "... Then when do you want to do it? We have already given in, and you have to show sincerity."Liang Fu thought for a moment, "Fu Yucheng is about to enter the third year of graduate school. He has done a good job as an intern at my senior brother's place. It should be easy to get an offer. Once the job is settled, he will only have to work on his graduation thesis. I think that as soon as he graduates, Let's just have a wedding.""Isn't it a little rushed?""Don't rush it. I will use this year to prepare for the wedding.""The wedding room, the money for the wedding...have you thought about these issues?""I'll go out." Liang Fu said in a very matter-of-fact tone."Do you think Xiao Fu can feel at ease?""He likes me so much that he doesn't care about this."Liang Andao also knew that he came here with high ambitions, but ended up losing ground. He had no choice but to give the final advice, "...Afu, I think you can get the certificate first, and wait a few years until the master has stabilized before holding the wedding.""Why? What's the difference between not having a wedding after getting the certificate and going out at night in fine clothes?""Is the wedding so important?""Of course it's important. If it's not important, why did you hold such a grand celebration for your twentieth wedding anniversary? It's not because my mother felt that your wedding was so shabby and regretful."Liang Andao took this result and returned to Zhang Pingyu, which can be described as "losing power and humiliating the country".Zhang Pingyu was very dissatisfied. From then on, whenever he and Liang Fu met, they always bared their teeth and remained in a stalemate for a while.Liang Fu was not worried about her parents at all, but Fu Yucheng, she mentioned it twice as a joke to get the certificate secretly, but Fu Yucheng only made fun of her and never expressed her stance seriously.Today is Saturday, a rare day for Fu Yucheng to have free time since the beginning of the third semester. As Zhou Tan's half-year exchange came to an end, a dinner party was inevitable.It was just a few of them eating in the house that had been vacant in the west of Zhou Tan City - the place where Liang Fu and Fu Yucheng stayed.None of the four of them knew how to cook, so Liang Fu was very puzzled. Wouldn't it be unnecessary to order takeout at home?When I went there, I discovered that there was already a royal chef there - Zhou Tan's "fan" named Chen Shuning. His movements are neat, and the way he kills chickens and fish makes him look like a seasoned gourmet.Zhou Tan invited everyone to sit in the living room and did not ask anyone to help cook. He said that he was a professional and one person was enough. Only then did they know that Chen Shuning opened the restaurant by himself.After not seeing each other for half a year, Zhou Tan was still the same as before, sharing the specialties brought back from Moscow to everyone, including a kind of chocolate that was so bitter after one bite. Zhou Tan's gift to Fang Qingqu was a bottle of vodka. He brought it all the way back, and it was rare that it didn't fall apart during shipping. Fang Qingqu has just been promoted to work in the city bureau, and this bottle of wine is just a celebration.However, when Fang Qingqu saw the diamond ring Liang Fu was wearing on her middle finger, he felt that the wine was more suitable for drowning his sorrows.Zhou Tan didn't say much about the exchange and study. He mentioned a few words and then branched off to talk about unrelated things. He was probably still afraid of hurting Liang Fu. She has been in this industry for more than ten years and has become indifferent to fame, wealth and honor. If it weren't for the sake of the leader's face, she would really be too lazy to go abroad this time.Not long after the meal started, a bottle of wine was opened. Everyone clinked glasses before sitting down to eat. They all praised Chen Shuning's good craftsmanship.Zhou Tan said, "Don't praise him. He will raise his tail and ask me for labor fees soon." Chen Shuning didn't respond. He picked up the food for her with chopsticks, as if he was finally relieved of her lack of integrity.After dinner, Zhou Tan took Liang Fu to clean up the kitchen, leaving the three men in the living room to talk about topics that were not of interest to them.Zhou Tan threw the dishes into the dishwasher, wiped the stove with a rag, and asked Liang Fu, "If you marry Fu Yucheng, are you going to buy a house?""It doesn't matter whether I buy it or not. The apartment I rent now is quite comfortable."Zhou Tan pointed to the ceiling, "What do you think of my house? Do you like it?""Don't I come here often to stay overnight? If you don't like it, you won't come." Liang Fu paused, "...you want to sell the house?"Zhou Tan nodded, "Chen Shuning is going to open a branch, and I just use the money to invest in it."Liang Fu became interested and asked in a low voice: "How far have you and him progressed?""I don't know..." Zhou Tan sighed, "I'm too lazy to think about it. It's good to maintain the status quo.""What is the current situation?"Zhou Tan considered for a moment, "...Fixed gun, friend?" When she said this, her voice was very low. She could never hear it in the living room from such a distance. But at this time, Chen Shuning raised his head and glanced here, which made Zhou Tan Tan immediately looked away, feeling guilty for no reason."With such a low status, you brought him here to introduce us to him?""Free cook, no need for free.""You should be so stubborn."Zhou Tan got back to business, "If you want it, I'll give you a friendly price for this house." She bought this house five years ago, and the price has more than doubled in the past five years.Liang Fu smiled and asked, "Are you going to give me decorations?""You know how to climb along the pole - give it as a wedding gift to you and Fu Yucheng?"After the dinner, Fu Yucheng followed Liang Fu to her apartment.In the taxi, Liang Fu leaned against Fu Yucheng, turned the ring on her middle finger, and asked with a smile: "What do you think of Zhou Tan's house? I want to buy it.""You like it?""I like it... the location is good, the decoration is good, and the most important thing is, there are memories." Liang Fu went to see him, "... can I buy it and use it as our wedding room?"Fu Yucheng admitted that he had memories that moved him. He asked with a smile: "Buy it now? I can't pay a penny for you.""As long as you marry me, what's mine will be yours, right?" Liang Fu said with a smile. She sat up straight, held Fu Yucheng's hand, and looked at him earnestly, "... Fu Yucheng, shall we go get the certificate?""Teacher, has your wife relented?""Do you have to care about her opinion? If she wants to break us up, will you agree?" Liang Fu asked with a smile.Fu Yucheng felt a little unhappy and patiently explained: "As time goes by, they will definitely agree. They don't necessarily have to take the path of killing first and then reporting later."Liang Fu obviously didn't notice what he was worried about. He was already in an awkward position. If he still "persuaded" Liang Fu to make a private life-long commitment with him, he might not be able to get forgiveness from Zhang Pingyu in the future.Marriage is not just a matter of two people.Liang Fu's smile was quite cool, "To be honest, you still don't dare."There was only a hint of joking in her words, and she really meant she was getting angry.Fu Yucheng hugged her, held down her struggling arm, and put it against her ear. With a smile, he coaxed in a deep voice: "You can't wait to marry me? The ring is already on your finger. Are you still afraid of me?" Did you run away?""Don't always use this to deal with me."Liang Fu was a little anxious and seemed not to want to blame him anymore."Then wait a minute? At least wait until I communicate with my master's wife.""I know my mother's temper. She won't let up for a while." Liang Fu looked at him sideways, "Is it that difficult? I'm not afraid of anything that happens when I close my eyes and turn my heart around. What else are you afraid of? Woolen cloth?""I'm worried that you will be caught between me and my wife in the future, and we will be in a dilemma.""You are living with me, not with my parents. As I said, my mother has such a personality. She wants to control everything in her own hands. I have had to fight to survive since I was a child." She said when she met Fu Yucheng. He didn't move, feeling a little anxious for no reason. He wanted to smile, but failed, "...Fu Yucheng, do you want to go?"Fu Yucheng still smiled and patiently reasoned with her, "Maybe I'm selfish. I think this is not just a matter between you and me. I want the blessings of my teacher and my wife.""Isn't it the same thing after getting the certificate and grinding it with them slowly?" Liang Fu frowned and gradually lost her patience. Fu Yucheng made her feel powerful but useless.The atmosphere was tense until they reached the gate of the community. Liang Fu was sitting on the right side. As soon as the car stopped, she went to pull the car door. Fu Yucheng had no time to stop her.The driver joked: "Did you have a fight?"Fu Yucheng was not in the mood to respond. He took out his wallet to pay the fare and quickly got out of the car to chase the person.Liang Fu was walking very fast, so he ran a few steps to catch up, stretched out his hand, grabbed her arm, and took her into his arms. Liang Fu couldn't struggle, so she put her hands on his chest and pushed hard."Don't make trouble," Fu Yucheng freed up a hand to put her hands together and clamped her wrists, "Be good, don't make trouble."At this time, the advantages of height and physical strength were obvious. Liang Fu couldn't break free and stared at him with wide eyes.At this glance, he was also looking at Shen Fei. Fu Yucheng's heart beat at a completely inappropriate pace, "...If you have something to say, please tell me. If you get out of the car before it stops, what should you do if you get hurt?""Then you have to listen. If you can't talk for a long time, are you stupid?"Fu Yucheng almost laughed out loud, but Liang Fu stared at him, her eyes hot, and immediately turned away, "Fu Yucheng, you make your own decision, either get the certificate from me or break up with me.""seriously?""It couldn't be more true." Liang Fu said angrily.Fu Yucheng smiled, separated her hands, took them down and put them around his waist. They stood outside the fence of the community. There were some ivy climbing on the iron fence next to them. Under the dim street lights, the green was almost black.Fu Yucheng leaned against the railing, hugged him tightly, and asked with a low smile: "...are you willing to break up?""What's the point of being reluctant to part with it? Anyway, I have nothing left."Fu Yucheng choked when he heard her voice, and immediately looked down and saw tears in her eyes.Such a face that relies on its beauty to commit crimes, when it feels wronged, it seals the throat with a sharp sword, pointing directly at the weak point of people's hearts, and it is impossible to stick to any principle.He sighed silently, "...Okay, okay, I'll do whatever you want."