
Ciel Cultivation History

This is the history of Ciel, and her path to become the greatest cultivator ever seen before. Follow her in her adventures and misfortunes. I hope you to fall in love with her and keep reading until the end. Power Stone Goals! 200 PS for 2 extra Chapters.

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Calamity (Part 2)

"Are you OK?" Yunior Peterson asks to Ciel Yi with concern, who is chained along with her and the rest of the youths in cages next to the bandit's camp in the forest.

Ciel, trembling in shock with fear and cannot answer the question because of the terrifying situation that is happening in front of her.

A few meters from the cage where the young villagers are. is the girl belonging to the Andrew family on the ground. Her eyes lost like a corpse without any kind of hope.

Without apparent desire to live anymore, She is simply full of tears while being assaulted by 5 members of the bandits, she is naked on the ground, being raped by these 5 evil creatures. Taking turns between them in a torture that seems to never end.

For the bandits, these Youngs are merchandise, the beautiful women are sold to brothels after having played enough with them. with the exception of virgins. They are auctioned on black markets at a higher price and the rest are sold as slaves.

The girl Andrew, who was proud of her beauty, today suffers one of the worst fates. After being used to the satisfaction of each and every bandit, she will be sold to some brothel or wealthy man for further use. The young woman is intelligent and knows what will happen to her. Right now her only wish is death.

Ciel can't believe what is happening, she wants to wake up and everything to be a dream. a painful nightmare. she feels all her dreams collapse and she panics at not knowing the fate that will hold for her. she cannot help to think that maybe she can be the next to suffer such a fate.

The girl Andrew could not stand it anymore.

After hours of abuse she decided to commit suicide by biting her own tongue. However this did not stop the beasts. Even with her body lying lifeless, the ruthless act of the bandits continued while her body was still warm they did not care if she was alive or not. And continued until everyone had fun with her body.

Hours go by, cold, hunger and fear invade the survivors of the massacre.

The group of bandits sleeps peacefully after feasting and celebrating the loot obtained.

Near dawn, Ciel is still awake contemplating the firmament. she misses her family, her house, her bed, her homemade food, so many memories that seem trapped by the that cold cage.