
Chronicles Of The Unknown

In the Torian Empire in the year 24650, millenniums have passed and the line between science and mysticism have been erased, where shadows dance with secrets and danger lurks in every corner, two unlikely allies, Sez and Elara, find themselves bound by a common purpose: vengeance. When the malevolent vampire known as Malachi strikes, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake, Sez, the enigmatic hunter, and Elara, the fiery daughter of a slain Clan Head, embark on a perilous quest to hunt down the fiend responsible for her father's murder.

Kage_Odinson · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 7

In the heart of the dense, ancient forest, hidden from the prying eyes of the world, Malachi's vampire coven had established their clandestine hideout.

Deep within the labyrinthine tunnels of a colossal cave, they congregated, their presence concealed by layers of darkness and the eerie stillness that enveloped their sanctuary. As the remnants of the night clung desperately to the horizon, a hushed murmur of voices and the flickering of torches illuminated the hidden chamber.

The coven members gathered in anticipation, their pale, vampiric features shrouded in shadows. At the heart of this assembly, perched on a stone throne adorned with ancient symbols, sat Malachi, their enigmatic leader. His crimson eyes gleamed with an unholy light, and a wicked smile curled his lips. He was the puppet master, orchestrating a symphony of chaos and despair in the world beyond. Just then, the chamber's heavy, stone-hewn doors creaked open, revealing a vampire figure, dishevelled and breathless.

A subordinate; Kahva, hurried forward, bowing before Malachi. "Master," he rasped, his voice laced with urgency, "I bring news of the recent encounter.

"Malachi leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Speak," he commanded.

The vampire, still catching his breath, recounted the events that had transpired beyond their cave. He described the confrontation with Sez and Elara, detailing their formidable abilities and the tenacity with which they pursued their mission. Malachi's fingers drummed rhythmically on the armrest of his throne as he listened. He remained silent, contemplating the implications of this unexpected challenge to his authority. The subordinate vampire continued, his voice trembling slightly.

"Master," Kahva reported, her voice tinged with concern, "there are fresh hunters in the forest. They're formidable, having wiped out the ghouls and vampires guarding the forest's outer edges."

Malachi's annoyance was evident in his expression as he inquired, "Do you know who these hunters are?"

"Sez Tahir and Elara Brayde, sire," Kahva responded.

"What!? A Brayde!?" Malachi exclaimed, his anger causing a prominent vein to throb on his forehead. "Are you absolutely certain a Brayde is involved?" He pondered in silence, doubting the possibility of Braydes betraying their kind.

"You, summon the new Brayde clan leader," Malachi commanded, pointing at one of his henchmen in the background. "We haven't appointed one yet sir."

"Imbeciles! Utterly incompetent!" Malachi fumed, his rage evident. He turned to Kahva and ordered, "Retrieve the girl, Kahva, and take 3 vampires with you. And remember, I have no tolerance for failure."

Kahva acknowledged with a resolute nod and proceeded to assemble a trio of her most formidable subordinates. Each of them surpassed the combined strength of the ten ghouls that Sez and Elara had confronted, boasting unique Kata abilities. Thanks to their elevated ranks, they possessed a heightened resistance to sunlight, an attribute that would be especially advantageous as the dawn approached, ensuring their readiness for combat.

Without delay, they embarked on their mission. Meanwhile, Malachi, still vexed by the intrusion of a Brayde in the forest, summoned Volden Brayde, the eldest son of the deceased clan leader. A vampire delivered a disc-shaped projector that would create a holographic image of Volden once he accepted the call on the other end.

Moments later, a low hum emanated from the device, conjuring the projection of Volden. "Greetings, my lord. To what do I owe the honour of this late-night call?" Volden inquired, clad only in his night attire, having just awakened.

Malachi wasted no time in relaying the unsettling news. "I've received reports of a Brayde attacking my men in the woods, and she's en route with another hunter to confront me. You must be aware of the grave consequences of betraying me, Volden," he stated firmly.

Volden contemplated for a brief moment before grasping the situation. "Did you say 'her,' my lord? That would be my younger sister. She operates independently and is virtually an outcast within our clan. We bear no responsibility for her actions. Our loyalty remains steadfastly pledged to you and the master," Volden explained.

"In that case," Malachi responded with a sinister edge to his tone, "you shouldn't object to me dealing with her, should you?"

"If you would be so gracious as to eliminate her, you would have our deepest gratitude. She's nothing more than a blemish on our family's name," Volden declared.

"That will be all then" Malachi declared, irritation etching lines into his otherworldly visage. He had little patience for distractions, even those that involved his most influential allies in the realm of the living.

The three soldiers, led by Kahva, bolted out of the cave, accompanied by a demonic wolf, a grotesque creature of crimson fury. Its elongated body, standing at five feet, was supported by sinewy legs spanning four and a half feet, each ending in deadly claws. Six menacing eyes surveyed the surroundings, while its long ears and snout, capable of detecting even the faintest scents and sounds, twitched in anticipation. A tail, tipped with a lethal barb, completed the monstrosity. Both its claws and tail, carrying the ability to kill anything, whether incorporeal or immortal with a mere scratch.

They charged forth, the wolf's senses locking onto foreign intruders within the forest. Its six eyes locked onto the unsuspecting hunters miles away, and with a ferocious burst of speed, it raced towards its quarry.

Sez, immediately sensing the approaching danger, sprang to his feet, his senses honed to pinpoint precision. He immediately recognized that these newcomers were of a different caliber than the vampires they had recently faced, and the toll of their battle against the ghouls weighed heavily on Elara.

His mind raced as he considered his options. His thoughts briefly drifted to the explanation given to him of Elara's unique abilities and her need for blood. With a quick check, he realized her blood pouch was empty. In conjunction with her fatigue, she would be too vulnerable in her current state.

Without hesitation, he wove intricate shadow symbols in the air, creating a swirling vortex of darkness beneath Elara. The shadows embraced her, transporting her gently to the shadow realm for her safety.

Just as the shadows enfolded Elara, the night's predators reached their campsite. Kahva's enraged voice echoed through the trees. "Hunter! Where have you taken the girl?"

Sez's voice carried an eerie calmness as he replied, "That's of no concern to you. Your survival, however, is another matter entirely."

With a flourish of his hand, azure flames erupted from the ground, forming a formidable 19-foot barrier that obscured Sez's vision. He braced himself, senses on high alert, ready for an assault from any direction.

The demon wolf wasted no time, leaping into the flames, surprising Sez by still managing to interact within his shadow state. Its claws slashed across his chest, leaving a searing mark but not a fatal wound. The shock, however, created an opening for a second attack.

Undaunted, the beast lunged again, but Sez's agility proved superior. With a deft kip-up, he sent the wolf hurtling out of the flames. His regeneration healed the wound as he landed and slid to a nearby tree.

With precise calculation, Sez unleashed three shadow daggers that sailed toward the vampires. The creatures evaded the projectiles and closed in on Sez, their movements like predatory eagles zeroing in on their prey.

Sez reacted swiftly, phasing through the tree and retreating further into the woods. The vampire trio pursued relentlessly, and Sez, relying on his keen memory, calculated their positions with each movement.

Summoning a mighty shadow knight to stall the wolf, but it only took a single scratch from the wolf for the knight to cease to be. Sez realized the moment their claws met that the knight was no match. "Damn it!"

In a split-second decision, Sez grasped the grim reality—he was the only one who could withstand the wolf's relentless assaults. He conjured fifteen shadow warriors, each bearing shields and swords, to restrain the vampires while he faced the demonic beast head-on.

"Come at me!" Sez shouted, manifesting a massive shadow sword. He relentlessly hacked at the wolf, but its regenerative abilities proved frustratingly effective. Sez shifted tactics, dismissing the sword and conjuring a special dagger. This weapon dripped with a concentrated, malevolent purple KiChi aura.

Sez drove the dagger into the creature's back. The wolf recoiled, attempting to heal the wound, but the vicious gash defied its attempts. Sez's voice resonated with grim triumph. "Heh, got you."

Meanwhile, the vampire trio faced the relentless onslaught of Sez's shadow warriors. Blades clashed, and their sinister hisses filled the night, but the shadow warriors proved to be formidable adversaries.

Sez, his senses heightened, took a moment to catch his breath. The battle had been fierce, and the night was still filled with uncertainty. Elara remained safely hidden in the shadow realm, her presence known only to him.

As the moon hung low on the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the battleground, the vampires realized that Sez would soon turn the tide against them. With a collective hiss of frustration, they began to release their claws to make quick work of the knights.

Sez knew this skirmish was just the beginning, a glimpse of the challenges that lay ahead on their journey to confront Malachi. The night whispered secrets, and the forest held its mysteries close.