
Chronicles Of The Unknown

In the Torian Empire in the year 24650, millenniums have passed and the line between science and mysticism have been erased, where shadows dance with secrets and danger lurks in every corner, two unlikely allies, Sez and Elara, find themselves bound by a common purpose: vengeance. When the malevolent vampire known as Malachi strikes, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake, Sez, the enigmatic hunter, and Elara, the fiery daughter of a slain Clan Head, embark on a perilous quest to hunt down the fiend responsible for her father's murder.

Kage_Odinson · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 4

The dense forest loomed ahead, its shadows stretching out like sinister fingers. Elara felt a mixture of anticipation and fear, knowing that the vampire they hunted could be lurking within those ominous woods. She tightened the grip on her sword's hilt, determination etched into her features.

Just as she was about to take the first step forward, a mocking voice cut through the tension. "Elara, my dear niece," her uncle sneered as he appeared behind her, a mocking grin playing on his lips. He was a stout man, with a self-assured swagger that came from being one of the male heirs.

Elara turned to face him, her gaze steady but tinged with frustration. "Uncle," she acknowledged, her voice unwavering.

He continued, his tone dripping with condescension, "Do you truly believe you can slay the vampire? A mere woman like you?"

Sez, standing beside Elara, remained stoic, his expression unreadable. Elara's eyes bore into her uncle's, her voice steady but filled with quiet determination. "I believe in my training and Sez. We will find the vampire and put an end to the threat, regardless of gender."

Her uncle chuckled dismissively as if her words were nothing more than a child's fantasy. "Well, my dear, the forest is a dangerous place. I hope your pretty little head doesn't get filled with too many foolish ideas."

Elara's patience was wearing thin. "Uncle, you underestimate me. I've trained for years, just like my brothers. I won't let anyone stand in the way of avenging my father."

Her uncle's grin turned into a sneer as he glanced over her figure. "A pity you didn't spend those years learning to be a proper lady instead of chasing wild dreams. You could have preserved your beauty and found a good husband."

Sez's usually calm demeanour flickered with a hint of anger, but Elara raised her hand to stop him from intervening. She wasn't going to let her uncle's words deter her. "I'll choose my path, uncle, and I won't be defined by your expectations. I just hope that at least someone that isn't an old man becomes clan head, and rescues our family from the outdated practices it still follows."

Tensions flared as her uncle, agitated by her words, made a menacing move to strike her. However, Sez's response was a lightning-fast blur, conjuring a blade from the very shadows and pressing it firmly against the man's throat.

"Your family's problems and dramas hold no sway over me," Sez declared with unwavering resolve, his KiChi surging and creating an aura so overwhelming that it pierced the core of her uncle with pure, unadulterated fear.

A maelstrom of thoughts churned in the man's mind: "What is this inexplicable terror that has gripped me?" With swift reflexes, he instinctively leapt backwards, putting a considerable distance between himself and the enigmatic Sez.

Sez regarded him with a withering, condescending gaze before seamlessly returning his sword to the shadows, leaving behind an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty.

With that, Elara turned away from her uncle, determination burning brighter than ever. She took her first step into the forest, leaving her uncle's disparaging words behind. Sez followed suit and with the first few steps into the dreaded forest, the hunt began.

Without warning, eerie sounds began to echo through the surroundings, carrying with them an unmistakable malevolence that seeped into the very air. For anyone lacking the training of seasoned hunters, venturing into this nocturnal forest would have been a sure path to madness.

Sez and Elara remained vigilant, their senses sharpened to a razor's edge. In this sinister woodland, dangers lurked not only in the form of Malachi but also in the shape of lesser vampires, possible confederates of the fanged fiend. They watched and waited, ready to pounce on anyone bold enough to tread upon these accursed grounds.

"They're observing our every move, lurking in the shadows. I've identified at least six," Elara whispered, her voice laced with caution.

Sez's response was resolute, his fearlessness unwavering. "There are a dozen of them, three of which are grade 2 vampires. The others are grade 2 ghouls," he clarified. "They likely possess formidable Kata techniques, but nothing beyond our capabilities."

In the hushed forest, their words carried the weight of a looming confrontation with these supernatural adversaries. As they ventured further into the dark forest, their footfalls muffled by the thick carpet of fallen leaves, Sez's sudden halt caught Elara off guard. She leaned in, her voice hushed with confusion, "What's happening?"

In the eerie stillness of the night, a grotesque figure sprang from its concealment, hurtling toward the duo. Panic gripped Elara, and with a nimble roll, she narrowly evaded the creature's lunge.

In stark contrast, Sez moved with the grace of a bird in flight, a testament to his honed instincts. He deftly swayed backwards, evading the creature's vicious attack. The ghoul crashed into a gnarled tree, its grotesque form illuminated by the moonlight. It was a nightmarish sight: a grey, four-armed humanoid with teeth like razors and a tail that ended in a wickedly curved hook, possibly tipped with venom. Elara shuddered, unsettled by the macabre revelation.

Unfazed, Sez remained composed, a sentinel in the darkness. He stood unwavering, ready to face the creature once more or any of the other horrors that lurk in the shadows.

The ghoul poised itself for another attack, and Sez, resolute and unyielding, held his ground. Just as the tension in the forest thickened, three more ghouls emerged from the obscurity, drawn to Sez's unwavering confidence.

Elara's instincts flared, and in a swift, fluid motion, she drew her sword, taking on a battle-ready stance. The peril multiplied when one of the ghouls harnessed its Kata, manipulating the earth itself to conjure a massive wall, severing the bond between the two hunters. "Don't die," Sez urged, his voice brimming with determination, and Elara nodded in fierce agreement.

Separated from her protector, Elara found herself confronting five ghouls who, cunningly, perceived her as the weaker prey. Meanwhile, Sez, faced with an intimidating challenge, steeled himself to confront five ghouls and two menacing vampires, each of them, formidable grade 2 monsters.

With swift movement from his hands, Sez summoned a blade from the very shadows themselves, taking on a poised stance, body coiled like a spring, ready to strike at the perfect moment.

With an almost eerie synchronization, the trio of ghouls descended upon him, launching a relentless assault of punches. Sez moved with a grace that bordered on the supernatural, seamlessly evading their blows, and with a deft elbow strike, he sent one of the assailants sprawling. In a calculated move, the three ghouls triggered their Katas, enveloping their forms with elemental powers - fire, ice, and metal.

They renewed their onslaught, and one of the sinister ghouls unleashed its icy powers, freezing the land, attempting to impede Sez's progress. Sez responded by vaulting into the air, extending his arm and gesturing with two fingers at the icy adversary, marking its shadow. He gracefully landed on a nearby tree. Meanwhile, from behind, the fire-wielding ghoul hurled a colossal fireball toward him. The inferno consumed the tree entirely, but much to the astonishment of the assailants, it was the ice ghoul that bore the brunt of the attack. Sez's prior mark on the ice ghoul's shadow allowed him to switch places with it. With a wry smile, Sez remarked, "One down."

Sez aimed his sword squarely at the metallic ghoul, a daunting foe far beyond what any individual ghoul could handle. The remaining quartet of ghouls, in a bewildering twist, began to converge into a colossal entity. This monstrosity possessed the hindquarters of a horse, crowned by a demonic arrow-tipped tail, boasted 4 sinewy arms, and bore 6 eerie, piercing eyes. It loomed at an awe-inspiring height of 12 feet, a towering menace that nearly doubled Sez's own stature.

Sez squared off against the colossal ghoul, his sword at the ready, but he knew this foe demanded more than just steel. With a swift gesture, he summoned the power of his shadow tecnique. In an instant, the forest seemed to darken as his shadow stretched and twisted, taking on a life of its own.

The monstrous ghoul lunged, its four arms slashing through the air like deadly scythes. Sez's shadow danced and weaved, intercepting the ghoul's attacks with uncanny precision. It absorbed the ghoul's strikes, dissipating them into tendrils of inky darkness.

As the ghoul's demonic tail lashed out, Sez called upon his Shadow Void. With a concentrated effort, he unleashed a torrent of pure darkness, a blast that erased everything it touched. The shadowy maelstrom engulfed the ghoul's tail, causing it to disintegrate into nothingness.

Sez moved with a fluid grace, weaving between the ghoul's legs, his shadow tendrils following suit. With a final, devastating surge of his Shadow Void, he thrust his hand toward the ghoul's heart. The concentrated blast of darkness pierced through the monstrosity, erasing it from existence.

The forest was once again bathed in an eerie silence, broken only by the fading echoes of the defeated ghoul's roars. Sez's mastery over shadow had proven to be the decisive factor in this harrowing battle, his unique abilities bringing about the ghoul's demise.

"Prepare yourselves," Sez declared, his eyes fixed on the two remaining vampires, shadows writhing around him.