
Chapter 95: Bite

His eyes were luminous, bold and immaculate as they stared into hers like they could reach the deepest depths of her soul. His chest rose and fell so quickly under her, that his body trembled with each breath. Then his hand cupped her cheek, his palm warm and firm.

"You are everything I desire, fagr skjaldmær min. You are everything I dream of so frequently, so often, in fact, that it ruins me when I wake and you are not next to me. My existence revolves around you. My heart beats solely for you. My thoughts are yours. My body is yours. My soul yearns to be tied to yours so strongly that I can hardly bear a moment without you. You are here," he said, pointing to his heart, "at the very core, the essence of my being. You are the air I breathe."

Words failed her under his confession. Her body seemed to fall away until she was nothing more than a heart that hung onto his every word.