
Chapter 90: Monster

It was as if the words were torn from him so breathlessly, so regrettably.

"I kissed you because I want to, constantly. I want you, always. I want you in a way that is uncontrollable, irreversible, infinite. But I cannot have you, Mya."

Mya shook her head and placed her hands on his chest, hoping she could somehow grasp onto him and shake him from his reasoning. "Tell me why. I may be blind to many things, but I am not blind to the way you are with me. I think you feel the same way about me as I do about you, so—"

"I do," he admitted.

"Then why—"

"Because you do not know my past, Mya!" Erik roared, ripping himself away from her to pace the wooden floor. "I protected you from it, from me! You do not know." He shook his head and changed direction, pacing faster, his boots sounding like a stampede against the floorboards even as his voice grew softer. "You do not know."