
Chapter 7: Good Intentions

"I didn't know where you lived or what you were. Are you even thirty?"

He winced.

"Right." She pulled her hand away from his, but he reached out to grab it again, trapping it between his palms.

"Ella, I know. I know I hid things from you, but that was never my intention. It was never what I wanted."

"And yet you did it anyway. Greg, we have been friends for years! I thought I knew you, and now I'm finding out that I don't. I just went through the worst experience of my life with someone who is apparently a complete stranger to me. How else am I supposed to feel? You lied to me, not once, not twice, but multiple times. How am I supposed to trust you?"

He cupped her cheek. She desperately wanted to pull away from his warmth, to let him know it wasn't that easy. But it was, and that made it even more infuriating.