
Chapter 27: Compromise

Greg's voice rang strong and clear as Daniella entered the house. Luke said something, and he laughed, a deep masculine rumble that danced over her skin. The thought of never hearing his voice again -

Her power ripped through her with such strength that she barely stopped herself from setting his home aflame. Shaken, she wrapped her arms around herself. She couldn't fall apart here, not with so much on the line.

Daniella raced upstairs and peeled off her clothes. She made it into the shower before she curled into a ball and smothered a scream with her hand. Her thoughts had turned into a chaotic web of despair. What if she couldn't convince him? What if she couldn't stop whatever was coming? What if she lost him? What if, what if, what if?

Stop! Stop, this isn't you. You always push through, you always do, and this isn't any different.