
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

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73 Chs

Chapter 17: Venturing into the Void

The eerie glow of the binding rune faded from Lulith's hand, leaving behind an ominous mark that pulsed with dark energy. I couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that had settled over me, like a heavy cloak that refused to be shrugged off. As I stared at the woman before me, her smile no longer as self-assured as it once was, I wondered if we had made a terrible mistake.

The expedition into the uncharted cave system loomed ahead, and our uneasy alliance with Lulith Starmaze had been sealed with the dark rune. We were now bound not only by our shared quest for the Netherine Opals but also by the enigmatic forces of the binding rune. Era cast a concerned glance in my direction. She had witnessed the risky pact I had forged with Lulith, and her eyes conveyed both worry and a readiness to protect me, whatever the cost.

Lulith lay before us, huffing and puffing as she tried to regain her composure. Her voice quivered as she turned to me, her earlier bravado replaced by a sense of urgency and vulnerability. "What have you done?" she hissed through gritted teeth, her fingers trembling as she attempted to free herself from the binding rune's grasp.

I regarded her with a mixture of caution and determination. "I told you, Lulith," I replied evenly, though my own uncertainty lingered beneath the surface. "This is a precaution to ensure our safety. We can't afford any surprises in that cave."

Lulith, despite the initial shock and discomfort, managed to regain some of her composure. She straightened herself up and shot me a piercing look, her earlier confidence returning, albeit slightly shaken. Lulith, with a smirk, remarked, "Congratulations, you've made sure I won't steal your lunch money. Now, can we go find these precious gems?"

I wasn't exactly sure how the rune worked yet, but it was being fueled with my magic, so it should last as long as I was recharging it. The rune's appearance would begin to fade over time, showing us how much magic it had left, kind of like a battery. I would have to keep tabs on it to make sure that it never completely faded out, or else Lulith would be freed from the binding.

With our problem solved, we made our way back to the caravan, which we would use to get to the cave. It was only about 15-20 minutes away on horseback, apparently, so it was pretty close to the city. They marked the location on our maps and dismissed us to meet back at the cave entrance.

I already had everything packed that we would need for the trip on hand, so it was just a matter of transportation. We got back to the caravan and started riding out of the gates toward the location east of the city on the map. Era warned Lulith as we parted, "Listen, no funny business. I am guarding 'him' as part of our deal. Do not entertain any notions of deceit, you cunning serpent." Lulith smirked and said, "Oh dear, you wound me with your trust issues. Relax, I'm here to make money, not trouble. Plus, I am already branded with this mark; even if I wanted to, I feel like my body wouldn't allow me to."

We arrived at the place in question after a short trip from the city. Dozens of caravans and horses were similarly left at the front of the cave. We got out of our caravan, and I took all the necessary things such as food, water, tools, etc. We approached the entrance to the cave where a man was standing in front of the crowd of people.

The man before me was a towering presence, his tall and imposing stature making him seem larger than life. It was as if he cast a shadow that loomed over everything in the room. Dressed in impeccably tailored attire with silver armor that exuded wealth and prestige, his opulent clothing spoke of a life accustomed to luxury. I couldn't help but notice the touch of silver or gray in his hair, a subtle sign of maturity and experience that added to his imposing aura. His expression was serious and resolute, leaving no doubt in my mind that I was in the presence of someone of great authority and responsibility. Every line on his face seemed to tell a story of trials endured and challenges overcome. He had crystal-clear blue eyes, with mostly black hair tied back into a ponytail. He was in his mid-thirties, and his strong and well-defined features gave him an air of invincibility, making me wonder about the kind of life he had led.

He called out to us from the front of the cave, "Ladies and gentlemen, adventurers, merchants, friends. I am Prince Norvus Whiteford, and it is an honor to stand before such a courageous group of individuals who have chosen to embark on this perilous journey. Today, we gather not as mere citizens, but as seekers of a treasure that could reshape the fate of our great city. The cave system before us holds mysteries and dangers beyond imagination. Its depths are shrouded in darkness, and its tunnels conceal untold perils. But it is also home to a prize of immeasurable value – the Netherine Opals. These gemstones, as you are well aware, possess the power to emit a warm, magical light, illuminating even the darkest corners of our world."

He paused as he scanned the crowd with a proud glare and exclaimed, "The rewards are great, and they will be yours if you prove yourselves capable. But let me be clear: the dangers within cannot be underestimated. The creatures that dwell in the shadows are not to be trifled with, and the cave itself is a labyrinth that has claimed the lives of many. Your safety must be your utmost priority. As you enter the cave, remember that you do so as representatives of Everglint, and your actions reflect upon our great city. Show courage, cooperation, and honor. Look out for one another, and return with the gemstones that will enrich our kingdom.

Each Netherine Opal you bring back will not only reward you handsomely but also contribute to the prosperity of Everglint. The King has pledged a substantial reward for every gemstone retrieved, and with your efforts, we will secure these treasures for our people. Now, let us face this challenge together, with unwavering determination and unity. May the light of the Netherine Opals guide your way through the darkness, and may your return herald a new era of prosperity for Everglint. Godspeed, brave adventurers. Your kingdom stands with you!"

The knights alongside Prince Whiteford led the group of people inside, one at a time, in an ordered manner. We followed in the middle of the pack. Once we got inside, we saw the massive scope of this cave system. The ceiling towered high above us, disappearing into shadowy obscurity. It felt like we had entered a colossal cathedral carved by the hand of nature itself. As we ventured deeper into the cave, I couldn't help but marvel at the sense of isolation and wonder that enveloped us. It was a world of its own, untouched by the surface world's hustle and bustle. The air was cool and carried a faint, earthy scent, a stark contrast to the bustling streets of Everglint. The knights offered us some supplies in the form of matches and torches so that we could safely explore the cave system.

Eventually, we arrived at a point in the cave system where multiple passages branched out, each leading in a different direction. Knights were directing groups of people toward various paths. As we reached a particular crossroads, a knight halted us and explained, "This is the path you will take, and you will be joined by one other party that we have personally assembled to complement your group." I nodded, and the knight called out, "Will Dr. Elora Nightwald please step forward with your party?"

Suddenly, a woman emerged from the shadows. She wore thick red glasses and a lab coat, an incongruous sight in this rugged environment. Her long red hair and serious expression hinted at her scholarly nature, and I surmised that she was a researcher. Standing beside her was a vibrant young elf girl with silver hair tied into twin tails, striking purple eyes, and a small backpack. Her attire, a black dress with white frills, seemed out of place for such a perilous adventure. Her petite stature raised questions about her presence in this dangerous setting. Finally, their third member was a man with piercing red eyes and neatly parted dirty blonde hair. He donned an elegant black robe and walked with an air of curiosity, using a cane that appeared more ornamental than functional. Despite his stylish appearance, he seemed far from elderly, likely in his early thirties at most.

Amidst the uncertainty, a person which I assume was Dr. Elora Nightwald stepped forward, adjusting her glasses, and addressed us with a warm yet determined tone. "Greetings," she began, her voice tinged with scholarly curiosity. "I am Dr. Elora Nightwald, and these are my companions, Aurelia Yale and Professor Theodore Princeton. We are a team of Knowledge Seekers, and our pursuit is knowledge above all else."

With those words, she extended her hand in greeting. I shook it, feeling a growing sense of intrigue about the possibilities that this unusual alliance might uncover within the depths of the cavern. The knight motioned for us to proceed into a narrower passage compared to the previous chamber. With the introduction made, we ventured into the unknown, eager to unveil the mysteries concealed within the cavern's depths and to fulfill the promise of wealth that awaited us.