
Chronicles of the Ancient Land

217 years ago, the Earth was besieged by a dreadful calamity that claimed billions of lives. The sky wept with thunderbolts, the lands shook with anger, and the oceans roared with their unsurpassable might. But as the saying goes, fortune and disaster were two sides of the same coin. Amidst the catastrophe, a brand new continent surfaced where countless undecipherable things exist; mythical beasts from tales, elixirs from the legends, and even places that oppose the laws of the world! From this, new breed of humans emerged. We call them beastmasters. Contracting beasts from the mysterious continent, these people held the driving force of humanity's brand new age. I am Luciel Night, an aspiring beastmaster but met a disaster when the yearly expedition of domains commenced. Lost inside the unknown paradise, I heard a voice inside of my head. A voice that pledged to make me at the apex of this era.

RandomAsian_G1rl · Fantasi
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Luciel Night

(PS: This novel does not reflect reality. Please do not read it with a realistic worldview. Although, I would give it my all to research and prepare some plausible explanations for the various scenes in this novel, the genre of this book is fantasy. Thank you, and enjoy!)


"Luci! You'll be late for the academy trip if you don't wake up now!"

Luciel abruptly opened his eyes as he heard his mother, calling him up early in the morning.

"It's the day..! This is it!"

He didn't mind his mother's shouting even if it's still dark outside though, in fact excitement was written all over his face as he stood up quickly and went to the bathroom.

It is because this particular day was their academy's field trip!

Yeah, but not that field trip on your mind right now.

This trip is special.

Aside from being located outside of their domain, they'll be touring the mysterious and magical continent that popped out of nowhere in Earth two centuries ago.


It all started from the huge disaster that swept the Earth precisely 217 years ago, where everyone believed that it was the retribution of nature for all the destruction humankind has done to Earth.

The event was known as 'The Great Cataclysm'.

More than half of the world's population have died and countless lands and infrastructure were demolished by the huge catastrophe that struck the land.

It was as if a premeditated restart of life in Earth decreed by the heavens.

It was also the time when the remaining people of the planet witnessed a vast expanse of land akin to a sleeping primordial beast that woke from its slumber, rising from the surface of the Earth.

They called the place, the Ancient Land.

Decades of studies and exploration of the lush vegetations, life-threateningly dangerous areas, regions with phenomena that can't be explained by modern science, and never before seen creatures from the floras that were deemed as elixirs for countless diseases, to creatures with strange abilities comparable to mythical beasts lead to the major breakthrough of humanity since the ancient times.

The birth of beastmasters.

The disaster that culled billions of lives...

Also opened a new door for the bleak future of the planet.


Luciel then jumped out of his bed quickly and went to the bathroom to wash himself up.

Excitement and a hint of seriousness was painted upon his face as he stood in front of his bathroom mirror.

Really though, there's no reason for him to be not excited, after all, he can capture his very own beast companion during this trip.

But being a beastmaster requires a captured beast from the countless magical beasts of the Ancient Land, and it wasn't a park stroll to get one.

For a talented student like Luciel, contracting a beast was a mandatory command issued by the governing powers of their domain, so there really is no problem. This way, the territory can find a good seedling among the domain's numerous talents and increase or maintain the force the domain holds.

The world was divided by four main domains that surrounded the continent of the Ancient Land, mainly: the Frozen Hell of North, Southern Seas Domain, the Eastern Dragon Coalition, and the Western Gloricum Empire.

Countless groups, organizations, clans, and even kingdoms were under these four domains.

Luciel's academy, the Lotus Order Academy, was a second-tier power of the Eastern Coalition. Producing hundreds of potential geniuses every year for the their domain.

But although it may sound plenty...

When compared to those first-tier and peak-tier forces, there exist an insurmountable chasm in between that quantity alone can't make up for it.

Like, as being only a second-tier power, Lotus Order Academy has only limited quotas for the yearly expedition of the domains while a first-tier power would be allowed to bring their full force to join in the said venture.

Luckily though, Luciel got a spot for this year's trip.

Finished washing himself up, Luciel wore his academy uniform.

Luciel was from his academy's combat department, of course his armor when in the field was designed for combat efficiency.

A black-based colored suit, streamlined purple trims on the sides, shock absorption functions, and light, skin-tight properties designed to allow the maximum maneuverability possible.

He wore it under his white shirt, black hoodie, and jeans so he can easily change into it later.

"Mom, I'll be going now." Luciel said as he grabbed a large bag on his right arm.

"Why? I'm cooking your food right now and it'll be cooked in about a minute."

"The academy told us to be there as soon as possible, mom." Luciel said, smiling wryly towards his mom.

Hearing her son, Lucidna was silent for a brief moment but still, she breathed deeply as she began to talk. "Fuuu... then promise your mom that you'll prioritize your safety everytime."

Luciel nodded firmly to express his understanding. "I got it."

"Although I do want you to be a powerful beastmaster in the future, your safety takes precedence above all else, got it?"

"Mm. I got it, mom."

"This trip isn't a joke Luciel, you understand? You must absolutely take care of yourself."

"Of course, mom."

"Even if there's a huge chance in front of you, but if it came with an absurd amount of danger, then you must certainly not do it, you understand?"

"Yes, yes, mom. I got it already."

Luciel didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his mother's endless nagging. It did warm his heart, though.

He hugged his mother tightly as he whispered at her. "Then, I'll see you in a month, mom."


His mother nodded at him, breaking free from their embrace.

Tears were streaking down her cheeks as she watched her son walking away from their doorway.


Lotus Order Academy.

Shuttles were parked inside the academy while instructors wearing black leather coats were standing around the field to organize the students that will join the venture.

It was two o'clock in the morning and it wasn't even two hours before the said meeting time of the expedition, but the academy grounds were still bustling with activities.

"Student Kamir Guorhawk of Logistics Hall, seed number 173, reporting for attendance!"

"Student Bai Qing of Combat Hall, seed number 105, reporting for attendance!"

"Student Rafaela Crownplum of Logistics Hall, seed number 126, reporting for attendance!"

"Student Zyrus Diaz of Combat Hall, seed number 48, reporting for attendance!"

Numerous booming voices of both genders shook the area as they reported their names at the entrance of the academy.

"Student Luciel Night of Combat Hall, seed number 12, reporting for attendance!"

Still panting, Luciel reported his name aloud.

When suddenly...

"Luciel Night, huh. So you're the son of that despicable deserter."

A mocking voice sounded around the corner.

Luciel turned his head towards where the voice sounded from and he saw a middle-aged, burly man with a huge scar on his neck looking at him with undisguised disdain.

Chatterings from the students followed the surroundings because of what the man had said.

"A deserter? Luciel's father? He didn't have one right?"

"Yeah, I also knew that Luciel's father died years ago."

"Well, maybe you don't know. But I've heard from some rumors that his father was from the higher-ups of Lotus Order before, and he deserted an important battle seven years ago resulting in heavy losses of our academy."

"Where did you hear that rumor?"

"Woah, was it confirmed? I mean, you aren't spouting some nonsense right now, right?"

"A single person causing heavy losses to our academy?"

"But what's the name of his father?"

"Yeah, I can't recall any notable person with a Night surname."


Luciel's heart sunk for a moment after hearing all the blabbering around him.

Luciel knew the story of his old man, or rather the truth about all the stories going around his father's shadow since his mother talked a lot about him.

Although he was furious inside because of the slanders they were hurling at his father at the moment, he can only endure it since he didn't have the capital to speak his thoughts out.

Only after having sufficient strength can he make these people shut up.

Luciel stared coldly towards the standing man that started the commotion.

"What are you staring at, huh? I'm not humiliating you kid, I'm merely stating facts right here. Hmph!"

The man then turned around after making a scene.

Luciel's face was painted with indifference as he watched the departing back of the burly man.

'One day...'

Clenching his fists hard, his passion to become strong burned more fiercely.

It wasn't just for himself, but also for his mother who was sharing the same burden as him.

"Hey brat, don't mind that rat bastard's words. Get on the shuttle now or we'll leave you behind."

A scolding yet, gentle voice broke his thoughts.

After seeing who the speaker was, Luciel's stone cold face melted as it was replaced by a smile.

"Yes, instructor." He answered.

Towards this particular short-haired, strict-looking instructor of his, Luciel only felt nothing but respect and admiration for her.

They say that a school will be your second home, and teachers will be your second parents.

This middle-aged woman, Cassandra Shang, is just like that for him.

"Just endure and think of it as a trial to temper your mentality since numerous bastards like him were crawling from the industry nowadays."

"Yes, instructor."

"Mm. Go board the shuttle now. We'll be taking off in a few moments."

Luciel bowed towards his instructor as he hop on towards one of the land shuttles.

"Hey, Luci! Over here!"

After boarding, a youth in a black tank-top shouted towards him.

"Woah? Did the sun just rose from the west? You're early today young master."

"Young master my ass! And hey, the sun didn't even rose up yet!"

Luciel laughed at the youth as he took a sit at the empty spot beside him.

"So, are you nervous?"

"Well, yeah, kind of. But strangely though, I feel kind of excited and pumped too!"

Luciel shook his head after hearing the youth's answer.

"You know that we won't be there because we're strolling or playing around, right?"

"Bah... you're no fun, man. Even my mother doesn't scold me like you do."

"Zyrus, we are from the combat hall so we will always be at the forefront of battles. A small negligence may very well cost us our lives."

"Well, aren't you there to save my ass if I fell into a sticky situation?"

Watching his friend Zyrus smile like a dishonest salesman, Luciel just rolled his eyes, speechless because of the guy's shamelessness.


Honk! Honk!

Everyone, including Luciel and Zyrus turned at the frontmost of the vehicle.

At the front, their instructor, Cassandra Shang stood imposingly with her hands in her pockets.

"Students of Lotus Order, attention!"

Everyone stood up.

"We are expected to depart in approximately two minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your safety devices at this time and secure all baggages underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. Also, you should turn off all electronic devices excluding your quantum watches, as that will be the only gadget allowed at our destination. Make sure to..."

Only Cassandra's voice can be heard inside the shuttle as everyone else listened attentively to her.

"From here on out, you monkeys were expected to obey all your superior's commands and treat it like your ancestor's decree. Failure to do so would result in heavy consequences including expulsion from the academy."

Eyeing her students like a tiger staring at a flock of sheeps, Cassandra released the aura of a powerful beastmaster.


A heavy pressure bore down on everyone's shoulders.

"Do you lot understand?" Cassandra Shang said.


But still, everyone answered loudly.

It didn't even damp their spirits, in fact, blazing fighting intent were now reflected deep in each and everyone's eyes as they yearn to be a powerful beastmaster like their instructor.

Cassandra nodded contentedly towards her students.

"Then, that'll be all. At ease."

She then sat at the frontmost seat of the shuttle after telling her students to ease up.

The students aboard also took their respective seats.

"Damn Luci, you felt the Instructor's aura just now?" Asked Zyrus as he sat down on his seat.

"Mm. It was much more stronger than before."

"Goodness! I thought it was just my imagination earlier. I wonder what Instructor's beast evolved... hmmm... it'll be cool if it was her Chrome Chimera..."

Listening to Zyrus' mumbles, Luciel was silent by himself, but his thoughts weren't into their instructor's beast or whatnot.

'A powerful beast... I at least need a silver-ranked one...'

His mind was currently churning with wild ambition towards his first beast companion.

< Chapter 1 > Fin.