
Chronicles of Sky Raid

Some say he's the rat's droppings in the cultivation world, disrupting righteousness and order, causing chaos among the Dao sects! Some say he's the biggest scum in Southern Zhanbu Province, colluding with demonic forces, deceiving and committing all sorts of evils! To all the slander, Fang Xing responds: 'That's right, I'm indeed that legendary rat's droppings. Any issues with that?

Vincent_Gu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Four Types of Disciples

The life of a cultivator is said to be carefree and leisurely, with many legends in the mortal world.

This statement is both correct and incorrect, depending on the type of person.

For those with abundant resources, their daily life revolves around cultivation, visiting friends for discussions, enjoying tea and wine, sharing insights on cultivation, discussing contemporary swordsmanship, admiring the sunrise, bidding farewell to the sunset—a life so carefree it cannot be more carefree.

On the other hand, there are those who have completely given up hope due to lack of resources. Since they cannot earn enough cultivation resources, they simply live each day as it comes. They either spend their days dozing off in their rooms or wander aimlessly in the mountains, hoping to stumble upon a hidden cave left by a predecessor or catch the eye of an elder from the Daoist sect, hoping to be accepted as a disciple and thus continue their carefree life.

However, apart from these two types of people, life in the Daoist sect is tense and busy.

During the initial stages of cultivation, it all comes down to resources. With resources, progress is rapid; without them, progress halts.

Fat Daoist is one such person. Given his current circumstances, most others would have given up, but he continues to tirelessly strive for the meager two pieces of spiritual stones every three months. While these stones don't provide much help, he remains tirelessly optimistic, living a seemingly hopeless cultivation life with a hopeful attitude.

The above is Fang Xing's overall understanding and evaluation of Fat Daoist.

Fang Xing wouldn't burst Fat Daoist's bubble about his dreamy expectations on the cultivation path because Fat Daoist is living on that hope. If he loses hope, who knows how Fat Daoist would end up?

But Fat Daoist is also an extremely enthusiastic fellow. After befriending Fang Xing, he not only pays Fang Xing's monthly food expenses of one hundred taels of silver to the food office but also takes it upon himself to remind Fang Xing, a young man, not to be so lazy. Sleeping all day in the room won't earn cultivation resources; it's better to go with him to the miscellaneous office to do some work...

There's some profit to be made!

"In addition to the scattered silver each month, there are other gains to be had. Where do you think I get the one hundred taels of silver I pay for you every month? Of course, more importantly, there are these spiritual stones every three months. That's equivalent to twice the resources of other D-grade disciples. Brother Fang, are you really not interested? Oh, don't cover your ears..."

While drinking, Fat Daoist can't help but keep whispering in Fang Xing's ear, appearing to care earnestly.

In his view, Fang Xing has become a second-rate person in the Daoist sect. Eating and sleeping all day, without any worry about the lack of spiritual stones, other second-rate disciples, no matter how useless, often go out to socialize and enjoy the scenery in the Daoist sect, but this kid, he doesn't even bother going out, staying holed up in his wooden house all day.

"Stop it or I'll kick you out..."

Fang Xing covers his ears and yells, wanting to kick Fat Daoist away.

As someone who possesses over thirty spiritual stones, why does he need to run errands at the miscellaneous office?

He should save time for cultivation!

Of course, these words can't be said to Fat Daoist, at least not yet.

"Alright, alright, I won't say anything..."

Fat Daoist waves his hand, but after a while, he can't help but ask again, "What about your cultivation resources?"

Fang Xing rolls his eyes, "Isn't it almost time for the distribution of spiritual stones?"

Fat Daoist says, "One spiritual stone every three months isn't enough, and there's no guarantee you'll get it..."

Fang Xing disdainfully glances at him, thinking, "Two spiritual stones every three months aren't enough for you!"

Seeing that Fat Daoist still wants to say something, Fang Xing hurriedly waves his hand, "Alright, stop trying to persuade me. I'm not interested in going to your miscellaneous office. I know what kind of people are there. Last time, when you treated them to drinks, none of them had high cultivation levels, yet they acted so arrogant. If you hadn't kept signaling me with your eyes, I would have smashed them with a wine jar. Working there, should I also go flatter those idiots? Save it. The only reason I might go to your miscellaneous office is to wreck the place!"

Fat Daoist is somewhat speechless. He thinks to himself that this young fellow Fang Xing has a small stature but a big temper. Despite that, he can't bear to see such a promising young man go downhill. After a moment of silence, he mutters, "You still need to earn spiritual stones..."

Fang Xing chuckles and says, "You'll see how I earn spiritual stones sooner or later!"

Things happen quickly. Before long, it's time for the Daoist sect to distribute spiritual stones. This is a significant event in the Daoist sect, eagerly awaited by countless disciples every three months. This time's distribution is particularly grand because it's the major distribution of the month, where all external disciples, regardless of their A, B, C, or D-grade qualifications, can receive spiritual stones.

"Brother Fang, Brother Fang, are you up?"

Early in the morning, Fat Daoist arrives promptly, ready to go together with Fang Xing to receive the Daoist sect's distribution of spiritual stones.

"Early in the morning, are you a rooster?" Fang Xing had been cultivating almost all night, only falling asleep around dawn. He's still groggy and grumpy from lack of sleep.

"Oh, my Brother Fang, you can't be so fond of sleep. The earlier we go, the earlier we'll be back to avoid any accidents!" Fat Daoist insists, putting a Daoist robe over Fang Xing's head and dragging him out.

The distribution of spiritual stones is still at the Green Wood Pavilion ten miles away. Although it's early in the day, many early-rising external disciples can already be seen heading there. The mountain paths are bustling with people, all in a hurry.

When they arrive at the Green Wood Pavilion, there are already long queues.

There are four queues, with almost no one in the leftmost one, reserved for A-grade disciples. Among the over a thousand disciples in the sect, there are only about ten A-grade disciples, most of whom haven't arrived yet. In the pavilion, an old man with gray hair and a feathered robe is waving a fan and chatting with an A-grade disciple who arrived early.

The second queue from the left is for B-grade disciples, with only about a dozen of them. They appear confident and proud.

Naturally, there are many more B-grade disciples in the sect compared to A-grade, totaling around a hundred people. While they may not be as esteemed as A-grade disciples, compared to C and D-grade disciples, they are akin to geniuses.

Further to the right is the queue for C-grade disciples, numbering over three hundred in the external sect. They have formed a long line of over a dozen people, continuously adding more. While they don't display the same level of arrogance as B-grade disciples, their disdain for C-grade and D-grade disciples is evident in their eyes.

The situation is as such: A-grade disciples look down on everyone, B-grade disciples look down on C and D-grade, C-grade disciples look down on D-grade, and D-grade disciples can't even look themselves in the eye. Of course, there are exceptions, mainly the wealthy ones who buy spiritual stones with their money. These people have even more resources than A-grade disciples, but they wouldn't bother getting up early to queue for stones; they look down on such trivial matters.


"What are you looking at? Want me to gouge your eyes out?"

In the queue for D-grade disciples, Fang Xing is lazily waiting, feeling bored. But he happens to see a C-grade disciple in the adjacent queue coldly laughing at him, and immediately he angrily retorts.

The C-grade disciple, although weak in appearance, dressed in Daoist robes, looks like a scholar. Seeing Fang Xing's small stature among the tall disciples, especially with a fat and tall fellow standing in front of him, he seems even smaller. At this moment, Fang Xing is yawning lazily, looking quite ridiculous, which makes the C-grade disciple chuckle upon seeing him.

However, he didn't expect Fang Xing to be so brash. Upon locking eyes with him, Fang Xing directly hurls insults at him.

This C-grade disciple may appear weak, but he also looks down on D-grade disciples. If it were anyone else insulting him, he might have let it slide, but being reprimanded by such a young D-grade disciple irks him greatly. He coldly hums and turns his head away, muttering under his breath, "Hmph, a D-grade disciple dares to be so arrogant. Truly lacking manners!"

Fang Xing hates these kind of indirect provocations. Upon seeing someone pointing fingers at him, he immediately loses his temper and shouts loudly, "You little sissy, what did you just say?"

His voice is loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in the queue.

The weak-looking disciple's face turns red with anger and he retorts, "Who are you calling a sissy?"

Fang Xing replies, "I'm calling you a damn sissy, a sneaky bastard, a eunuch!"

The weak disciple gets even more furious, "How dare you use such vulgar language when we're both disciples of the Daoist sect?"

Fang Xing retorts, "Vulgar? You damn sissy, you sneaky bastard, a eunuch!"

If it came down to insults, Fang Xing could handle two village gossips. Back in the Ghost Smoke Valley, he climbed up a tree and cursed four bandits so badly they couldn't retaliate. They even tried sawing down the tree to pull him down. Now, dealing with a weak and tongue-tied C-grade disciple, it's as easy as drinking water and eating.