
Chronicles of Eldrida

Deep in the heart of a magical world lies a prophecy that foretells the end of all things. To prevent this catastrophic event, a group of companions from different corners of the land must band together to fulfill their destinies and save their world from the dark lord who seeks to destroy it.

Kirabae23 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: The Gathering of the Companions

Arin left the grand hall of the castle with a sense of purpose. He knew that he had to find companions to help him on his quest to retrieve the weapon that would help him defeat the darkness. He went out into the streets of the city, hoping to find those who were brave enough to join him on his dangerous journey.

As he walked through the crowded streets, Arin saw many people going about their daily business. But he was looking for something specific - those who had a sense of adventure and a willingness to take risks. It wasn't long before he came across a group of travelers who fit that description.

They were a motley crew - a tough-looking warrior, a wise old wizard, and a nimble thief who seemed to move like a shadow. They were sitting in a tavern, drinking and playing cards, but Arin could tell that they were more than just a group of strangers. There was a sense of camaraderie between them, and a shared sense of purpose that spoke to Arin.

He approached the table where they sat and cleared his throat. The three companions looked up at him, eyeing him with suspicion.

"I'm Arin," he said, introducing himself. "I'm on a quest to find the weapon that will help me defeat the darkness that threatens Eldrida I'm looking for companions to join me on my journey."

The warrior looked at him with interest. "What kind of danger are we talking about here?"

"The Elders have told me that the weapon is hidden in the depths of the forbidden forest," Arin replied. "No mortal has ever ventured there and returned alive."

The thief grinned. "Sounds like my kind of adventure."

The wizard stroked his beard thoughtfully. "I have seen signs that this journey is fated. I will join you."

Arin was pleased. He had found his companions, and he knew that with their help, he had a fighting chance of retrieving the weapon and defeating the darkness. They spent the rest of the night making plans and sharing stories, and Arin knew that this was only the beginning of their journey.