
Chronicles of Aldera: Kingdom's Rise

Maia had never once believed her choices were wrong. She would achieve the strength she desired through sheer effort. Life, however, had other plans for her. After dying and being judged by God, she is to struggle for survival in another world. Or at least she should have. 'Eh? faeries and spirits? Magic is all that matters! If I can't get it, the only choice is to train my body!' Now thrust in a world of danger as a Princess in the land of the mystical, she is to vie for her place in the royal court. All while both external and internal forces scheme to use her. This is the tale of her young, naive self coming to terms with her new reality and learning to live for someone else besides herself.

GrayBigBeard · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Boredom and Magic

Inside a glamorous palace that was rich in history, there existed a room. It was within this room that two human-like beings rested.

One of them was clearly a magic born Faerie. His golden blond hair and luxurious scholar robes made him out to be someone of importance.

Little wings of vermillion sprouted from his back and his eyes were of similar color.

The other person was smaller in stature. A child.

Her shimmering brown hair tied in a braid behind her neck. Her monotonous grey eyes so clearly full of boredom, yet she didn't show it.

This was Maia receiving a lecture from her tutor, a noble born Faerie.

Apparently, being of royal blood means that she couldn't sneak out of the palace. If it wasn't for her hair she would've gotten away with it.

A year had already passed by since she was reborn. It felt to her as if only a few days had passed.

In that time, her body had grown to the size of a two year old. Thanks to that, what she wanted to do and what she could do were slowly becoming the same. The future in which she became free wasn't just a dream now.

At the start, she was scared. She couldn't understand what everyone around her was saying, and she at times felt alone and afraid of this world. However, she wouldn't show it to anyone.

Her determination to earn her place in this new society was strong.

It seemed, however, that her mind started to slowly degenerate back to match her physical age. She would often get in trouble with the servants for her now uncontrollable childish behavior, and her actions tended to now be influenced more by emotion.

A perfect example of this was what led to her lecture.

'Do you understand, princess?' The tutor began to say. His voice matching his appearance. 'Those who are of royal blood like yourself and her highness the queen are special.'

'What does that have to do with anything!'

'But it does, pardon my choice of words, your "fooling around" with those street rats will only cause you trouble with the common people.' The tutor, Alexandri "Ishat" Lavister, warned her.

'The descendants of the Grand spirit must always have the best interests of the people in their minds.'


'NO! Mingling with the impure and showing favoritism isn't something the noble princess must do.' The tutor raised his voice.

'Just look at her highness, even at a young age she was already capable of governing the kingdom.'

'Like I could ever do that.' Maia wispered without thinking. She wasn't a royal after all. Nor was she smart. Couldn't someone else just do that? Like her oh so great mother.

"I haven't even seen her since my arrival here! It wouldn't kill her to show up."

If that continued, Maia might have thought her mother to be a deadbeat.

'The responsibility that everyone in power has to their subjects,' Sir Alexandri started saying, 'Do you know what it is called?'

His question came ubruptly. Maia thought and thought, but she couldn't find the answer.

'No.. sir'

He made a face of satisfaction like he'd been waiting for this moment.

'It's called "Noblesse Oblige". Noone really knows the meaning behind those words, but the Grand spirit, your ancestor, often associated them with duty and responsibility. Hence, the name.'

Maia didn't know what to say to him to get out of this lecture.

'It's important to learn of this now, princess. Before it's too late!' he hurriedly said to her. She paid no attention to him now though, the thought of an afternoon snack overpowering his "nagging."

As he finished those words, the clock started ringing, signaling the end of today's lesson.

Like lightning, Maia's small body flew out of the room, leaving her worried teacher behind.

As she dashed through all kinds of decorated corridors and went past multiple servants, she only cared about what she would be doing next.

Currently, it was one past twelve in the afternoon. Maia had already taken her nap before her lecture began, so now her mind was thinking at full speed.

"Firstly, I need to train. "A strong body is created from a strong foundation" that's what the coach always said. Some basic endurance training for now! Ah, but what about after?"

'What should I do-what should I do?' she chanted gleefully to herself on her way to her room.

When she had finally learned the language these "faeries" spoke, she was overcome with shock.

These words that she had heard daily and thought nothing of were, in fact, words of adoration from the female servants meant for her.

In the same way, she discovered that she had become a princess! Her! She wanted to be excited about it, but in truth, she wasn't one. Her weak self, who couldn't even defend her own body would never be able to protect that many people.

Not to mention the responsibility that came with!

She might have found it a drag to try, but being a princess did come with certain privileges.

As she arrived at a checkpoint inside the palace, Maia ran past the guards, Rick and Tom, before entering a door decorated with silver embroidery.

Her status as a royal truly shone in her room.

Everything had some sort of precious metal on it. Something that her kind thought to be a charm of some sort.

A small desk made with blood oak from the gigantic trees, with metal lining going around, it made from titanium alloy.

Her window frame had been replaced with one carved from an expert artisan. The railing of her queen-sized bed was made from mithryl apparently. The beautifully woven silk drape made her bed look like the surface of the moon.

Many more things stood out but were of no importance to her. Alexandri had simply insisted that they were necessary. It seemed to her that faeries had an obsession with silver colored things.

One thing that was important to her, even after all those months since she got it, was a tiny little box. Its opening barely bigger than her small palm.

This box was the only gift her mother had given her, at least she thought she did, and it was decorated with small depictions of a faerie holding a sword.

The box itself was treasured in her heart as something important, but its true value was what was inside.

She skipped to her desk, opened the small drawer that was at its left side, and took out the chest.

As she opened it, she wished in her head to have her exercise clothes in her hands. A second later she did. She put on her secret flexible dress and started jogging around the corners of her room.

Maia was gleefully giggling when she had first received this gift. It was a magic bag! Or box. Well, that's what she called it anyway.

It should have been obvious to her, with faeries being real and all, but magic exists in this world!

With it, anyone can become stronger! Even she.

When she realized that, she started researching like crazy, trying to find as much information as she could about it.

She was unsuccessful.

Princess although she might be, for some reasons she was only allowed to go within certain areas of the palace.

This was the reason she sneaked out in the first place. If she couldn't find out about it inside the palace, she would do it outside.

Unfortunately for her, her brown chestnut hair and fair skin stands out too much among the commoners. Not to mention that everyone was too nervous to speak to her no matter how many times she asked. She was eventually caught.

Still, she wouldn't give up.

All she had to do was train her body until she could use magic. Plain and simple.

As she finished her last lap around the room, Maia collapsed on the floor. Now that her energy had run out a bit, her thoughts cleared.

Why hadn't she received a name yet? Nobody referred to her as Maia, obviously, but all they ever called her was princess. Honestly, it was starting to get to her nerves, but there was no going back now. If they wanted to refer to her as such, they could.

Outside, the first sun was starting to set.

Thanks to her tremendous stamina that she's had since birth, even something as simple as getting tired took her almost nine hours. Of course, that meant that training her body was harder, but she could only laugh imagining what a monstrous body she'll have in the future. The likes of which were never seen on Earth.

She took a bath and laid down. The warm summer breeze made her sleepy. The sounds of air traffic and people closing up shop acted as a lullaby.

'Today was another good day,' she said as her eyes wandered before closing.

'May tomorrow be better'