

It was night and as usual, I had to go and work at Changa's. I don't mind it too much because the money that goes with it comes from good deals, like making deliveries to all kinds of stores and places around town. And it's nice to get away from home for some time. I've been going here since high school and although I love it here, I miss my mom.

The door chimed and someone stepped in. "Hey, can I order this food online or do you have to pay cash?" A pretty girl came in. She wore a blue skirt and a pink shirt, her brown hair pulled up in pigtails. Her eyes were red like she'd been crying but I could tell that she wasn't just crying on her own. That was kind of sad. People are more honest when they're not in a public place."Yeah, we'll give you a discount since it's your first day," I said as I started pulling out the menus. It was a busy night tonight, so I didn't have any room to be picky. I put on our best customer service smile while waiting for her to decide what food she wanted to eat. After she settled on a salad and a drink, I placed it all down at once. She looked up at me, then gave a shy little smile. "Thanks. Um…what was your name again?" Her voice was soft. I wondered if her throat was sore after crying. "I'm Kyle," I said and she smiled again. "Nice to meet you, I'm Claire," she replied and took her food to go back to sit outside by herself. This girl seemed lonely. As I picked up my tray and headed over to take orders I heard a boom followed by screams. A few customers ran out but most stayed behind trying to see what was happening. The people inside tried to make their way out through the front of the store but the crowd was too thick and it was hard to get there. There were a lot of confused and scared people running around the store. One of them screamed 'Fire!' which was followed by more yelling. It sounded like the whole place was on fire. I ran up to the counter to try to help the customers but I couldn't even move, the crowd was so thick. All I could hear was screaming. I could see flames and smoke billowing and then I felt pain, scorching pain and then darkness.