
Chronicler of the Mugiwaras (One Piece)

Kotarou finally had the courage to start reading and watching One Piece ... As he regrets not having read it before ... After dying in an accident, he had no choice but to be Transmigrated to the world of One Piece. Hello guys. This is my first fanfic, and English is not my language, any spelling mistakes you notice and want to correct me, I will be grateful. I think my idea for this fanfic can be a little greedy, and being my first fanfic, mistakes have appeared everywhere. ^ - ^ Mc may not be everyone's favorite. Kotarou is not a Mc badass, he is weak, and has his problems, many will not identify with him. So if you want to read something with a Mc badass that is reborn or transmigrates with many desires, system, being Overpower and catching all the girls just looking at them, this fanfic will not be to your liking. You are lucky, 9/10 of the Webnovel fanfics fits this standard, so give these fanfics a chance, they will certainly be to your liking. (Many are well done, but this is not the story I want to tell.) The harem tag is included, and I must say that I am a big fan of that tag, BUT, as much as the story is harem, I will try to make the progression of the romance slow, you can see cute and romantic moments, but the dating itself does not it will make progress so soon, I want to try to make everything as natural as possible. And finally, One Piece does not belong to me. Only my ideas and OC belong to me.

Tennouji_Kotarou · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs


"Huhu, what a huge city." Luffy said as he looked around the city ... Finally we arrived in Loguetown, I must say that the city was bigger than I expected, I thought that the world of One Piece, only the kingdoms would have big cities like this, and outside it would only have small villages. But it seems that it is not so, some cities do not need a king to prosper.

"This city used to be full of pirates about to leave for the Grand Line. Here you can find just about everything." Nami complemented with some facts from the city.

"Wonderful, I'm going to need a few things for our adventure. Because it will start, isn't it people?" Usopp is right, we are going to enter the Grand Line, we need several things before we enter it.

"I bet have thousands of ingredients here ... And beautiful women ...." I won't comment on that ...

"I also need to buy some things." Zoroooo, You just spoke the forbidden word next to the person who shouldn't.

"Are you serious?. And how are you going to pay?. You don't have a penny in your pocket." I warned Zoro .... Now you will enter the realm of despair known as Debt.

"Okay, I'm going to take a look at the execution square." Luffy said as he ran and in a random direction ... He could have asked someone for the location first, right? ...

"Hey, wait, Luffy, we haven't set up a meeting yet." Well, nobody can hold Luffy.

"Zoro, I will lend you money, but you will have to pay it back with 300% interest." Nami said while extending 3 fingers ...

"Zoro .... Give it up ... The money isn't even hers, but she does it as if it were .... No matter what we earn on adventures, everything will be hers, so don't mind this debt, Okay?." Zoro appeared to be in a cold sweat, my hand hitting Zoro's shoulders, as if it were a way to comfort him. My eyes, too, were filling with tears ... With blood .... The damn money was mine, but Nami took it ... 50 Million Berry ... Damn .....

As if Zoro had realized one of the truths of life, he started to turn pale ... There is no way to escape this, Brother ...

Accepting these facts, Zoro took Nami's money ... Just like me, I borrowed money from Nami ... Money that was originally mine ....

As soon as we set up a meeting place, we separated.

Let's name the things I have to do in the city.

First ... Buy things and plans to improve Merry. (Including breaking into the Navy headquarters, to get a combat ship plan.)

Second ... Buy Den Den Mushi, at least 10 ...

Third ... Get new weapons ...

On the third point, I chose my weapon. It is the most common choice, Obivia and basic. But if you think about my situation, it's the best choice. The weapon will be a Sword, now why. First, I don't know how to handle a weapon, even if I manage to register other people, I will hardly find anyone who uses another weapon instead of a sword. Second, I have a master who uses a sword on our ship, I will learn a lot from him at this point. Third, I can always change weapons if necessary, it's not like I need to keep a sword for the rest of the journey, but for now the most reasonable choice is the sword.

My goal is not to be the best swordsman out there, but even without that desire it is possible to be a good swordsman. Shanks uses a sword and he fought head-to-head with Mihawk, and yet he doesn't try to be the best swordsman.

Anyway, I arrived at the ship materials site. I learned a lot of interesting things from the plans I stole from Nezumi and Buggy, I will start improving these points first. Soon I will break into the navy base and see if I can steal a plan ... I should have asked Nami to do this, she is the master of thefts ...

Anyway, after buying the necessary things and asking them to send them to the Ship's location no later than 2 hours, I will go to the next location.

To buy Den Den Mushi was not complicated, as you saw that I had a Den Den Mushi in hand, he may have thought that I was some high-ranking figure, or something. After letting my first Den Den Mushi choose which ones they want as a companion and buy support for Den Den Mushi (Phone, camera and others.) I finished what I should do here.

The next thing I did was try to invade the navy base, and by some luck, I found Nami there ... So with a quick plan and promising some things to Nami, she invaded the navy base and shortly afterwards came back with the Plan navy combat ship icon. Soon we fled the place so we wouldn't be caught.

"Thanks Nami, I needed this to get an idea of ​​how to improve Nami." With a smile I say to Nami.

"Okay, I got some interesting promises." She replied with a malicious smile, which I could only look away from.

"By the way, you don't have many clothes, do you?" She asks me with a complex look.

"It's true, the clothes I have are the ones I got in Vila Syrup and in Cocoyusi." And those are simple clothes, the only more complex clothes I have is the one I wear now, the one I was wearing when I came into this world (Of course, after wearing it for so long, I washed and sewed the holes I had in it, so she's okay).

"Well, then let's go buy some things, I didn't find anything I liked either." Nami told me while walking beside me.

I couldn't help wondering if this was a date ...

So Nami and I walked around the city looking for clothes that matched me or her. Sometimes we stopped and ate some things that were only available in this city, Sanji's food was another level, but things weren't that bad.

The day was almost dark, Nami and I were close to the Ship, I had just put the many bags in it, I could not walk in the city with them. By the way, the materials arrived and the men put them on the ship, they were afraid of the pirate flag, but he said it was just a bad joke they made on the ship. Anyway, as I was close to look, they were unable to steal or do something to the ship ...

"I still have one more thing to buy Nami." I say the beautiful orange-haired girl who was beside me.

"Really?. Then let's go, before the time comes when we have to find the staff." She had a happy face, she seemed to have a lot of fun. It brought a smile to my face.

So Nami and I walked side by side to a store that contained all kinds of weapons.

"What do you want to buy ?" Nami asked me with curiosity evident in her eyes.

"A sword ... And some knives, but I prefer something that is better to throw." I mean, looking at the various types of weapons in front of me, this store had a good quality, it was different from what Zoro would go to get his two Katanas ...

By the way, I didn't try to look for that store, I don't know if I'm as lucky as Zoro, and it could be that Zoro was destined to get that sword, if I tried the same as he did, or just took it, the curse might work on me, I didn't want to take any chances.

"Oh, of course, customer, if you want a throwing weapon, I recommend these, they are very similar to knives, but they are conducive to throwing." A young woman approached my shore while talking, I felt Nami stiffen a little with the approach she had with me, so I moved away a little.

"I would like to see, please." I didn't want to be rude, so I replied with a smile, but I moved closer to be closer to Nami, she seemed unsatisfied with something, but she was no longer tense.

"It's all right." The young woman seemed to be upset, and Nami's mood improved ... I will never understand a girl's mind ...

The young woman then showed me something that surprised me, they were Kunais ... I didn't even have to think about it a second time, and I already bought a good number of them, I even tested one of my knives with Kunai, Kunai cut the knife in half. ... Well worth it ... Whether as an Otaku or not ....

The next thing I looked for was a Katana ... I had no hope of finding a Meito, but luckily I found something good.

"Oh, you have good eyes sir, this is one of our Wazamono. We already had 5 of them in total, 4 have already been sold, and oddly enough, it was by the same person, a girl with blue hair, she seems to be looking to buy this one too, said to keep it until her next payment arrives. " I strongly suspect it is Tashigi.

With Katana in my hands, I slowly draw its scabbard, which soon reveals a beautiful blade, the top part of it being black, the middle part being gray and the cutting part of the blade itself was pure white ... The part where it holds , it was covered with a comfortable fabric and with a beige color. (It is Yami's Katana from Black Clover.)

I took it, it was lightly heavy, but it was a comfortable weight in the hand, it was a nice size, it was not an Odachi, so it pleased me well.

"I'm going to want to take her." I say as I sheath the katana again.

"I promised the girl that I wouldn't sell." She said with a big smile.

"So why didn't you take it off the shelf, without this mental game, how much by the sword?" I ask with mild displeasure, I didn't like games like that.

"Customer is wise. 500 thousand Berry ..." I remember that a Wazamono would be worth at least 200 to 300 thousand Berry ... It's expensive, but it still fits in my pocket.

Before I can say anything Nami started talking to the woman ... I couldn't understand anything they said ... But the price was reduced from 500 to 420 thousand Berry ... Well, I still have the 500 thousand in mind, so I'm going to buy something for Nami too.

So I found something interesting, it was expensive 100 thousand Berry, but I think it is worth it for Nami ... So I bought things with the seller, who reached the price of 550 thousand Berry in total and look that she gave me a nice discount.

Nami was waiting for me outside the store, so she didn't see what I bought the most, and as we finished everything, we finally left for the meeting place, which was Gold D. Roger's execution tower.

Hello people. Another chapter. Sorry for posting just one chapter yesterday, I didn't feel like writing and went to play something to try to relax my mind ... Something that didn't work, since I got more stressed.

Anyway, I hope you understand my choice of weapon. It does not mean that he will not use another type of weapon, but for now the sword is the best option.

I bought the gift for Nami, but I didn't think about what it could be ... Does anyone have any ideas? To be more specific, as it was bought at a weapons store, it must be some kind of weapon, or armor ... Any idea is welcome.

Thanks for the support ^ ~ ^

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