
Chronicler of the Mugiwaras (One Piece)

Kotarou finally had the courage to start reading and watching One Piece ... As he regrets not having read it before ... After dying in an accident, he had no choice but to be Transmigrated to the world of One Piece. Hello guys. This is my first fanfic, and English is not my language, any spelling mistakes you notice and want to correct me, I will be grateful. I think my idea for this fanfic can be a little greedy, and being my first fanfic, mistakes have appeared everywhere. ^ - ^ Mc may not be everyone's favorite. Kotarou is not a Mc badass, he is weak, and has his problems, many will not identify with him. So if you want to read something with a Mc badass that is reborn or transmigrates with many desires, system, being Overpower and catching all the girls just looking at them, this fanfic will not be to your liking. You are lucky, 9/10 of the Webnovel fanfics fits this standard, so give these fanfics a chance, they will certainly be to your liking. (Many are well done, but this is not the story I want to tell.) The harem tag is included, and I must say that I am a big fan of that tag, BUT, as much as the story is harem, I will try to make the progression of the romance slow, you can see cute and romantic moments, but the dating itself does not it will make progress so soon, I want to try to make everything as natural as possible. And finally, One Piece does not belong to me. Only my ideas and OC belong to me.

Tennouji_Kotarou · Anime & Komik
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33 Chs

Knowing Usopp

"Finally LAND.... How I missed you". I suffered to get used to the boat. When I walked on de Buggy, I had at least one place to sleep, already on da Nami's, it was extremely uncomfortable.... If I could, I would hug the floor.

"It's been a long time since I set foot on dry land!" I guess I'm not the only one who missed that.

"That's where there's a village ?." Luffy asks pointed to the dirt road made.

"Yes... Looks pretty small... But..." Nami says as he looks at the map.

"Then there'll be meat! Meat !... Must have a place to eat, huh?" Luffy drooling seemed to want to attack Nami to go eat soon.

"Stop thinking only of meat." As Nami and Luffy argued, Zoro slouching, and I took a look around. Soon Zoro felt something, and I was paying attention, too.

"Look out! There's someone around." Zoro was ready to draw his sword.

How could Zoro feel something like that? I could clearly feel the difference in strength between me and Zoro.

Luffy was curious to look around, but couldn't find anything,

"Beware!" Zoro alerts us, Nami and I retreated while Luffy's feet were hit by bullets, something that Luffy can deflect easily, despite being a surprise attack.

Pirate flags then rise in the bushes above the hill. And what happens next is something that was a bit anxious and animated. Luffy seeing the flags also gets very excited.

"It's time to get excited ?." Well, Nami has a point. But if she was from my world she would be excited too.

And then she appears, the big shot of the Straw Hats. Usopp!.

"I'm Usopp, the leader of the pirate gang that runs this village! I am much admired and revered as "my captain"! I am Captain Usopp!" Usopp had a big nose like in the anime, it's amazing to see this personally. Besides, it seems that Luffy recognized that Usopp is Yasopp's son.

And then comes Usopp's big lies, if he would decrease the number of troops he imagined, it would become much more convincing. Anyway, this didn't mimic my animation, instead it increased, did the theory that all Usopp's lies someday became reality? I want to record these achievements.

"Even you Kotarou ?." Zoro looks at me.

'What, I can no longer admire others ?... Buhhh...'. I think to myself.

Then Nami unmasks Ussop and finds out the exact number, even she was shocked by his reaction, it's understandable, since what he did was really weird.

The kids run away when Nami finds them.

"I've never seen a pirate use a slingshot." Nami speaking.

"Hahahahaah, you're very funny!" Luffy being who he is.

"Look here. Don't make fun of me! I'm a very honorable man! I preach honor and truth. That's why they call me "Usopp the Honored." ..... That I couldn't remember..... Usopp the Honorable ?..... I hold my laughs, I did well, I didn't want to spoil the climate that started to grow here.

"The power of my slingshot... It's better than a lot of pistols out there!". Ussop says, preparing his sling.

"Since you said pistol.... Pay with your life." As much as I knew it was a Luffy joke, his pressure was very real...

"That's not a toy." Zoro soon realized the game Luffy wanted, I also knew, so I prepared for the game. Grabbing a knife he was carrying, holding it in my hand.

"In front of you.... There are real pirates." Says Zoro.

"This is not a joke. If you hold a gun, you must hold it responsibly... Or if not, something could happen, yes?" I use my Akuma in E, my aura soon took the form of a real pirate. Luffy, Zoro and I had shady faces. I can remember this scene on anime.... Being part of it is something I don't regret.

The pressure reigned in the atmosphere, the pirate flags of Ussop were falling one by one. Ussop was softening cold, and his body was shaking to bitter.

Luffy repeated his words, which was enough for Ussop to surrender to the pressure, thus giving up shooting and falling to his knees.

"Real pirates really have an aura and a different way of speaking. What a lot...." Me, Zoro and Luffy, we looked at each other...

"Bu....Bufuhahahahhahahahaha...." Soon we laughed, I never knew I could do something like that, but for sure it was a lot of fun.

Luffy then starts talking to Ussop, I go back to talk to Nami.

"Why are you still hiding?" I ask curiously, since Nami was still behind the boat.

"Shut up." Nami looks at me angry, I've gotten used to such an attitude, so I didn't care much.

"Come on, I want to eat something." I extend my hand to Nami, she with a little hesitation accepts.

Right after Usopp finished talking to Luffy, he took us to a snack bar.

Luffy had already eaten 6 plates and the seventh was already in his mouth. Nami and I are normal, we eat civilized..... Zoro was enjoying a drink that he didn't have a chance to taste for days.

Luffy was telling how he found Yasopp

The story was very interesting, but the fact that Usopp's father left him alone with his mother is sad... Such people were never good parents, it's the same as Gon's father, he did the same as Yasopp. Usopp is proud of him, so I won't take this matter forward, if Usopp accepts him, then there's no like me, a stranger being intruding.

Nami then asks if there is any way we can get a ship, which Usopp clearly lies. Zoro as smart as he was, asks about the fancy house, Nami taking advantage of it tries to achieve something with her doggy look... Sorry Nami, that doesn't work on someone in love like Usopp. Usopp then runs away to avoid us.

"Don't worry Nami, you haven't lost your charm yet." I give her a smile of consolation, along with a ladybird, that must have pissed her off, since a plate came flying into my face.

Shortly after Ussop ran away, the 3 children who helped him entered the cafeteria.

"The captain is not...."

"I wonder if..."

"Hey pirates, what did you do with our captain? Where is he?"



In front of our table, the three children looked at us, they trembled lightly, but they were brave children.

"Ah... The meat was delicious." Says Luffy as he strokes his tummy.

"Yes, the thigh was very soft..." I nod my head to Luffy's comment.

"Meat ?!??! Thigh ??!!!!??!!. Does the captain ??..... That no... What you did with it ?????" kids really have a good imagination...

Nami could barely stand the laughter. And Zoro was very playful now, it was already the second game he did, he must be in a good mood anyway.

He drank from a glass while watching the scene with a smile.

"The captain of you ?... We ate him...." Zoro with his evil smile.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... YOUR WITCH....." The children shout.

"Why are they looking at me ???....." What the children did completely took away the fun Nami was having.

"BuuuBuaahahahah." I couldn't stand the laughter anymore, not just me, but Luffy and Zoro.... That sure is fun.

"D- Don't worry Nami, you haven't lost your charm yet, you've just become a witch, you can come back, I trust you" I give an encouraging smile, but my laughter has given me completely. It gave me a purple in my belly, but it was worth it.

The children were relieved when they realized it was just a joke. After we finished eating, the children took us to the mansion.

'Honor in lie heim.... Now I understand why he called himself Ussop, the honorable, instead of Ussop, the liar.... I have to apologize to Usopp later, I ended up despising him because of that...'. I listen to the children talking, so my understanding of what Usopp did, changed completely from perspective.....

Luffy then uses his power... It was unpleasant, Nami and the children were lucky they fell in the woods, so they didn't get hurt too much... Luffy and Zoro fell to the ground... I really need to improve my physique, I feel like I almost broke something, Zoro is without a single injury... Luffy, he's a rubber so it doesn't count.

Usopp, try lying that we are from his gang, Luffy denies it. When Luffy was ready to ask Kaya a favor. Klahador... Or better yet, Captain Kuro of the Black Cat pirates shows up...

Here's another decision making. I know that Kaya is only concerned about her illness, and I also know little about her personality, I know that Kaya is kind, sensitive and against violence, she trusts Klahador so much, that she is willing to slap Ussop... If she herself didn't believe in the Ussop, why would she believe me, that the Klahador is a pirate? Even more without any concrete proof... Thinking like that, I haven't taken an attitude for now.

The next sequence was the same as the anime, Klahador started to annoy Ussop, which made him punch him. So Kaya prevents Ussop from continuing with his actions.


Usopp gets so angry that he says never go near this mansion again, something that made Kaya sad. The three children shout at Klahador, which makes them hide behind Nami.

Klahador then throws us out of the mansion.

"So stupid... A butler who thinks of his own good ?. He's literally preventing and locking her up at home so as not to have contact with anyone, I don't know about problems, much less I'm a doctor, but I understand enough, that living stuck at home causes more harm than good". I speak loud enough for everyone to hear, this may not be enough for Kaya to suspect, but maybe I plant a seed of doubt.

"Come on..." Nami grabs my collar as he pulls me out of the mansion.

"You know Nami..." I say as I look at her.

"Hu ?" She tilts her head a bit, it was a very cute action....

"I think your charm's back, the kids shouldn't find you a witch to hide behind anymore." I say with a malicious smile.

She then looks at me angry and simply stops holding me and starts to ignore me.

"Hey Hey, you're not upset you are. ?" She kept ignoring me even after we sat down to rest.

"Listen, where did Luffy go?" Nami asks... Of course it wasn't for me...

"You'll know... He must have gone after Usopp." Says Zoro.

"The captain must be on the beach."

"Yes, he always goes there when he's upset."

"Luffy must be worried about him." I add.

"You want to go?"

"Huh? Ah, no." Zoro says, so I don't question it.

Then Nami asks about the other child, who soon comes running back. Then he talks about a man walking along the shore, who soon arrives on the scene.

Then finally my time came. I get a slight anxiety.

I remember a conversation I had with a friend on the Internet while watching this specific episode, I remember asking him how Jango can have the power to hypnotize others? So we spent the whole afternoon discussing it, that's when another friend came into the conversation and gave the definitive answer. It was something Oda himself said, Jango gained his powers after eating a mushroom that had grown on his chin while he was sleeping. He only ate the lid and the trunk of the mushroom resided on his chin. I was discouraged for not being able to copy the technique of hypnotizing, but using my Akuma in E should help me to get a counter measure for that.

Jango then presents himself as a hypnotist, and the children are eager to try.

"Don't talk nonsense. Why do I have to present my techniques to people I've never met in my life?". But then he accepts. This confirms once again, that the ability to hypnotize is not only a technique, if not because he would show people more ?.

"I can try too ?." I ask.

"Eh ?!?!? Are you a child by chance ?." Nami says to me.

"Weren't you ignoring me?." Which I answer with a smile.

Nami realizing his mistake, gives me an angry look, and ignores me again, but his attention was still here.

Then Jango explains how the technique works. My Akuma in E recording her actions.

"One, Two, Jango." So we fell asleep.

Soon we woke up, it didn't take that long. And so Jango went away, walking on his back.

Now it's time to prepare. I think to myself.

Hello. Author here. I finished one more chapter, this was the longest and also the most boring to write. I think the quality is lower than normal, but I hope you like it anyway. This chapter took a lot of the original, so you can skip most of it ... The next chapter will be better, not so much a copy of the original.

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