
Chronicle of Arcane Author

Oliver never imagined that the world of his favorite novel would become his reality. Transmigrated into the enigmatic and perilous realm he once only read about, he now inhabits the body and identity of Lysander Aurelius, a name that carries both prestige and peril. In a world teeming with ancient secrets, mythical creatures, and political machinations, Lysander must navigate treacherous paths and unearth long-forgotten mysteries to survive. Struggling to adapt to his new life, he finds himself entangled in a web of power struggles, hidden alliances, and dark prophecies that could spell doom for the entire realm. Armed with knowledge from the novel and his sharp wit, Lysander embarks on a journey to master his newfound abilities and protect those he himself and those he cares about.

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21 Chs

New life

As Lysander strolled through the garden, he was captivated by its beauty. The garden was a sprawling paradise of meticulously maintained flora. Towering hedges framed the pathways, their greenery lush and vibrant. Winding cobblestone paths led to hidden alcoves, where stone benches invited visitors to sit and soak in the serenity. Vibrant flowers of every hue bloomed in carefully arranged beds, creating a tapestry of colors that danced in the gentle breeze. The air was fragrant with the mingling scents of roses, jasmine, and lavender, and the sound of a trickling fountain added a soothing melody to the ambiance.

As he walked, a particular flower caught his attention. It stood out amidst the other blooms, not because of its size or color, but because of its understated elegance. The flower had delicate, pale petals with a subtle sheen, almost as if they were dusted with morning dew. The stem was slender yet strong, and the leaves were a deep, rich green. It seemed to thrive in a shaded corner of the garden, where the sunlight barely reached.

"Do you like it?" a sweet voice beside him asked. It was his mother, Seraphina Aurelius, her tone curious and affectionate.

Lysander turned to her, a soft smile forming on his lips. "It's soft and beautiful," he replied. "I like the fact that this flower can grow beautifully despite the lack of sunlight in this area. It seems to thrive against the odds."

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with pride and warmth. "Indeed, it is a special flower. It's a unique bloom that can grow anywhere in this world, no matter the climate—whether in cold or hot areas, it still flourishes beautifully. Usually, only resilient trees have this characteristic. That's what makes this my favorite flower."

Lysander studied the flower more closely, his curiosity piqued. "How interesting. It's indeed a fascinating flower. I've never been particularly fond of flowers, but I feel a certain connection to this one. Perhaps it's something spiritual, or maybe it's just a whimsical feeling. But my interest is certainly piqued. What is this flower's name?"

Seraphina smiled, her expression gentle and knowing. She reached out and touched the flower delicately, her fingers brushing against the soft petals. "Lysander, this flower's name is Lysander," she said, her voice almost a whisper.

Lysander looked at his mother, surprise mingling with a deep sense of connection. "Lysander? Like my name?"

"Yes," Seraphina replied, her eyes meeting his with a soft intensity. "This flower has always been special to our family. It symbolizes resilience and beauty in adversity, much like what I see in you. That's why we named you Lysander."

Seraphina continued, her hand resting gently on his shoulder. "You've always had a strong spirit, Lysander. Just like this flower, you've shown resilience and grace, even in difficult times. It's a quality I admire deeply in you."

Lysander felt a warmth spread through him at his mother's words. "Thank you, Mother. It means a lot to hear you say that. I hope I can live up to the name and the qualities it represents."

"I have no doubt you will," Seraphina said, her voice filled with conviction. "You've already shown such strength and determination. Remember, no matter what challenges you face, you have the spirit of Lysander within you."

They stood together in the garden, the flower gently swaying in the breeze, a symbol of resilience and beauty that now held even deeper meaning for Lysander. 

As they continued to walk through the garden, Seraphina shared more stories about the estate and the significance of various plants and flowers. Lysander listened intently, absorbing the history and the love his mother had for their home. Each step through the garden felt like a journey into his past and his heritage, grounding him in his new identity while honoring the memory of who he had been.

After their leisurely stroll through the garden, Lysander lay down on the plush cushions in his room, his mind teeming with an array of thoughts. The room was a sanctuary of comfort, filled with soft furnishings and the faint scent of lavender. As he sank into the cushions, the events of the day replayed in his mind, mingling with the influx of memories that now felt both foreign and familiar.

Having fully absorbed the memories of this body, Lysander felt an unsettling certainty: this world mirrored the setting of a novel he had read in his previous life. The realization was absurd, almost laughable, yet the evidence was undeniable. He could recall the intricate details of the novel's plot, the characters, and the twists that now seemed to unfold before him in real life. If not for the overwhelming proof, he might have questioned his sanity.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm the whirlwind of his thoughts. There were many possibilities to consider. Was he truly living inside a novel? What if he had fallen into a coma in his previous world and this was merely an elaborate dream? No, everything here was too vivid, too real to be a mere figment of his imagination.

If this world was indeed a creation of someone's imagination, did that make the author a god? Or was it possible that the author was someone who had also transmigrated into this world, and then managed to return and write about their experiences? The notion seemed far-fetched, but so did his current situation.

Another chilling thought crossed his mind. What if this was the real world, and someone had forcibly implanted fake memories of a previous life into his mind? What if they wanted to convince him that this world was fictional to manipulate him for their own purposes? The idea was terrifying. He was a member of the powerful Aurelius family; if someone could manipulate his memories, they must be close to him—his father, his mother, or perhaps even his sister. The implications were disturbing.

The questions seemed endless. If this world was indeed a novel, how had it become a reality? And why was he, of all people, aware of it? The more he pondered, the more questions arose, each one branching into further complexities without offering any answers. Everything seemed possible, yet nothing felt certain.

As he lay there, the room around him began to feel like both a refuge and a prison. The luxury and comfort contrasted sharply with the tumultuous thoughts in his mind. The walls, adorned with exquisite tapestries and paintings, now seemed to close in on him, adding to his sense of unease.

Lysander sat up, running a hand through his hair. He needed to approach this logically. If this world followed the plot of the novel, then understanding its storyline could offer him a strategic advantage. He needed to recall as many details as possible. The plot, the characters, the key events—these could provide clues on how to navigate this reality, and perhaps even offer insights into his own role within it.

He recalled that the novel revolved around power struggles within the kingdom, with various noble families vying for influence. The Aurelius family, to which he now belonged, played a significant role in these machinations. His character, Lysander, had been a minor but pivotal figure, someone whose actions had unforeseen consequences on the larger narrative.

Determined to understand his new reality, Lysander decided to act with caution. He would observe, gather information, and avoid making any rash decisions. If someone was manipulating him, he needed to be vigilant. If this was truly a novel's world, he needed to anticipate the twists and turns that might lie ahead.

Taking a deep breath, he resolved to embrace his new identity. He was no longer just Oliver, a reader of novels. He was Lysander Aurelius, a young noble in a world filled with intrigue and danger. With this realization, a sense of purpose began to form. He would navigate this world carefully, using his knowledge of the novel as a guide, while also remaining alert to the potential threats around him.

The uncertainty still loomed large, but for now, he had a plan. Lysander leaned back into the cushions, his mind still restless but with a newfound determination. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but he was ready to face them. This world, whether real or fictional, was now his reality, and he would navigate it with all the wit and resolve he could muster.