
Chromatistá Series #1: Beyond the White Walls

to live beyond living

fxlogia · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Blinding lights flashing from different cameras; noises from people who are currently screaming and clapping with amusement; and warm greetings from people I barely know, were like the welcoming events for this day while here I am, smiling genuinely at them—holding the most precious treasure in my entire life, never wanting to lose a grip on it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasant morning to all of you. As you can see, beside me is a gorgeous woman who wrote one of the best-selling books in our time—a book that gave inspiration to each and every one. Let us welcome, the author of Manipulated Walls, Ms. Thalamia Fortezano." The host of the show I was guesting in started up—giving me the signal to stand up and smile at everyone.

"It surely is a pleasant morning! It's an honour to be here." I bowed down.

It had been years, but it seems like I can never be used to this kind of crowd—how they look at me feels so…different.

After all the formality, the host decided to sit down. She flooded me with questions regarding the book I wrote and I can't deny that it's still extremely difficult for me to talk about the past. Answering each of those scripted questions was like pulling me back to those hard-molded days.

"For the final question; everyone was intrigued and was filled with curiosity after this book was released and it even made people jump into conclusions as to how this happened. So in this show, let us hear the seeds of this harvest only from you Ms. Fortezano! What pushed you to make this heart-warming book?" A question that turned the raging waves of people into a calm sea—proving their thirst for information.

I heaved out a deep breath—supplying my body the strength I need to say the words I need to say, to feed them and to release myself from being imprisoned.

"Once in my life, I manipulated reality instead of the other way around. Well, I know for you, it's barely possible and it's crazy but, I did. For more than 365 days, I did. It was fun," I paused for a while and breathed again, telling myself 'I can do this' before I continued, "it was fun but scary. I lived inside a room—my life was revolving inside a four-cornered room. It was sad and as I've said, I controlled the reality I was living back then, instead. I saw colours—colours I've created and by then, my own reality was made, the reality I've painted using my mind. Because I knew...I knew there's something more than what I see so I dived beyond the white walls."